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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

There are cheaper ways to torture yourself. Im pretty sure razor blades go for $1-$2.

There's this one scene in Days Gone that is a perfect example of what the game is and everything wrong with it.   

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I played the 360 version of Crysis 1 over the weekend, and I actually like Crysis 2 a lot better. I don't know what changes were made to the 360 version of Crysis 1, but in the 360 version, its open world is basically meaningless in practice because there aren't any unique locales or upgrades to find so there's no incentive to explore. The island also has very little character. It's pretty much just palm trees, non-descript buildings, and constant KPA patrols. Then going into the nuts and bolts of the game: You character moves too slow at its default speed (which along with the constant KPA patrols further discourages going off the beaten path), the jumping physics are off (you float down like a kite), the vehicle physics are wonky and the vehicles are prone to getting stuck on environmental objects, the enemy variety is light, and the final boss is the only boss in the game that I can remember. I was still fun, but I was kind of surprised at how unambitious the environments actually are after hearing its graphics hyped up for years, and how linear it is in actual practice. I also tried Fez, but I quickly realized it was a puzzle-platformer that was going to require actual work to solve the puzzles, so I stopped. It's too bad I don't like puzzle games in general because I really liked the game's vibe otherwise.

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Currently playing FF XIII-2 and to quote HurricaneMike, "WTF is going on in this game?" I even played the first game and I'm just like "Wait... what? I don't even- You know what, fuck it. I'm not even trying to figure this shit out". :ben:

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Currently playing FF XIII-2 and to quote HurricaneMike, "WTF is going on in this game?"

I even played the first game and I'm just like "Wait... what? I don't even- You know what, fuck it. I'm not even trying to figure this shit out". :ben:

lmao. its like they don't even want you to try and follow the story. lol oh well

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Currently playing FF XIII-2 and to quote HurricaneMike, "WTF is going on in this game?"

I even played the first game and I'm just like "Wait... what? I don't even- You know what, fuck it. I'm not even trying to figure this shit out". :ben:

Makes sense the more you play it. Not much of a spoiler since its revealed pretty early in the game, but the timeline has changed and has been rewritten. Serah exists in a timeline where everyone thinks Lightning actually died at the end of FFXIII and only Serah and Noel know the truth because Lightning exists in the future which is where Noel is from, and she sent Noel back in time to stop Pulse from crashing down in which when they did in the original,it was only temporarily and it happens after several centuries.

Fucking Terminator type shit. :smoke:

its actually a lot more easier to follow than XIII. The story was alright, but the cast was probaly the best part of it.

Edited by Dili
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I played the 360 version of Crysis 1 over the weekend, and I actually like Crysis 2 a lot better. I don't know what changes were made to the 360 version of Crysis 1, but in the 360 version, its open world is basically meaningless in practice because there aren't any unique locales or upgrades to find so there's no incentive to explore. The island also has very little character. It's pretty much just palm trees, non-descript buildings, and constant KPA patrols. Then going into the nuts and bolts of the game: You character moves too slow at its default speed (which along with the constant KPA patrols further discourages going off the beaten path), the jumping physics are off (you float down like a kite), the vehicle physics are wonky and the vehicles are prone to getting stuck on environmental objects, the enemy variety is light, and the final boss is the only boss in the game that I can remember.

Not exactly, the strength of Crysis and it's level design is in it's mechanics - seriously look at this shit http-~~-//youtu.be/-y5KiJt9oxg?t=1m31s it's a good example of why Crysis is one of the best FPS ever made, and why I've replayed it over 4 times.:)

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I played the 360 version of Crysis 1 over the weekend, and I actually like Crysis 2 a lot better. I don't know what changes were made to the 360 version of Crysis 1, but in the 360 version, its open world is basically meaningless in practice because there aren't any unique locales or upgrades to find so there's no incentive to explore. The island also has very little character. It's pretty much just palm trees, non-descript buildings, and constant KPA patrols. Then going into the nuts and bolts of the game: You character moves too slow at its default speed (which along with the constant KPA patrols further discourages going off the beaten path), the jumping physics are off (you float down like a kite), the vehicle physics are wonky and the vehicles are prone to getting stuck on environmental objects, the enemy variety is light, and the final boss is the only boss in the game that I can remember.

Not exactly, the strength of Crysis and it's level design is in it's mechanics - seriously look at this shit http-~~-//youtu.be/-y5KiJt9oxg?t=1m31s it's a good example of why Crysis is one of the best FPS ever made, and why I've replayed it over 4 times. :)

But "Invisibility and Plastic Explosives" has nothing to do with the question of whether Crysis' open world is or isn't meaningful in practice. But beyond that, I like "Invisibility and Plastic Explosives", but it's old hat.

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I played the 360 version of Crysis 1 over the weekend, and I actually like Crysis 2 a lot better. I don't know what changes were made to the 360 version of Crysis 1, but in the 360 version, its open world is basically meaningless in practice because there aren't any unique locales or upgrades to find so there's no incentive to explore. The island also has very little character. It's pretty much just palm trees, non-descript buildings, and constant KPA patrols. Then going into the nuts and bolts of the game: You character moves too slow at its default speed (which along with the constant KPA patrols further discourages going off the beaten path), the jumping physics are off (you float down like a kite), the vehicle physics are wonky and the vehicles are prone to getting stuck on environmental objects, the enemy variety is light, and the final boss is the only boss in the game that I can remember.

Not exactly, the strength of Crysis and it's level design is in it's mechanics - seriously look at this shit http-~~-//youtu.be/-y5KiJt9oxg?t=1m31s it's a good example of why Crysis is one of the best FPS ever made, and why I've replayed it over 4 times. :)

But "Invisibility and Plastic Explosives" has nothing to do with the question of whether Crysis' open world is or isn't meaningful in practice. But beyond that, I like "Invisibility and Plastic Explosives", but it's old hat.

Crysis's open world adds to the immersion and really gives you a sense of place. That said I think Crysis 2 is a more tightly designed and better game. Crysis 1 has cooler moments though and is more memorable. Edited by -CM-
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I played the 360 version of Crysis 1 over the weekend, and I actually like Crysis 2 a lot better. I don't know what changes were made to the 360 version of Crysis 1, but in the 360 version, its open world is basically meaningless in practice because there aren't any unique locales or upgrades to find so there's no incentive to explore. The island also has very little character. It's pretty much just palm trees, non-descript buildings, and constant KPA patrols. Then going into the nuts and bolts of the game: You character moves too slow at its default speed (which along with the constant KPA patrols further discourages going off the beaten path), the jumping physics are off (you float down like a kite), the vehicle physics are wonky and the vehicles are prone to getting stuck on environmental objects, the enemy variety is light, and the final boss is the only boss in the game that I can remember.

Not exactly, the strength of Crysis and it's level design is in it's mechanics - seriously look at this shit http-~~-//youtu.be/-y5KiJt9oxg?t=1m31s it's a good example of why Crysis is one of the best FPS ever made, and why I've replayed it over 4 times. :)

But "Invisibility and Plastic Explosives" has nothing to do with the question of whether Crysis' open world is or isn't meaningful in practice. But beyond that, I like "Invisibility and Plastic Explosives", but it's old hat.

Crysis's open world adds to the immersion and really gives you a sense of place. That said I think Crysis 2 is a more tightly designed and better game. Crysis 1 has cooler moments though and is more memorable.

It's not open in any meaningful sense though, and its sense of place is very generic: tropical island.

Did you ever go off an explore the island? If so, what did you find that made it interesting? All I found was more palm trees, unclimbable terrain (invisible walls), and more KPA patrols.

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Yeah but it's cool how you physically travel to each section in the game (for the most part). I like that seamless feeling, though it isn't quite HL2 in that regard. Nah I never explored, like you said, there's no reason to.

Edited by -CM-
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And what were Crysis 1's memorable moments? The part where you're stranded in the caves and you have to go through the base the Matrix machines built in them to get out? To me it was shamelessly derivative of the Matrix. And I'm not saying Crysis is a bad game, I had fun with it, but I don't get the high praise that it gets.

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And what were Crysis 1's memorable moments? The part where you're stranded in the caves and you have to go through the base the Matrix machines built in them to get out? To me it was shamelessly derivative of the Matrix. And I'm not saying Crysis is a bad game, I had fun with it, but I don't get the high praise that it gets.

I don't think it's that great either. The part where you are running down the snow covered mountain is my favorite moment in the series though. Can't really remember much from C2.
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And what were Crysis 1's memorable moments? The part where you're stranded in the caves and you have to go through the base the Matrix machines built in them to get out? To me it was shamelessly derivative of the Matrix. And I'm not saying Crysis is a bad game, I had fun with it, but I don't get the high praise that it gets.

I don't think it's that great either. The part where you are running down the snow covered mountain is my favorite moment in the series though. Can't really remember much from C2.

Wasn't the arctic tundra in games like Metroid Prime and Lost Planet a lot more memorable though?

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And what were Crysis 1's memorable moments? The part where you're stranded in the caves and you have to go through the base the Matrix machines built in them to get out? To me it was shamelessly derivative of the Matrix. And I'm not saying Crysis is a bad game, I had fun with it, but I don't get the high praise that it gets.

I don't think it's that great either. The part where you are running down the snow covered mountain is my favorite moment in the series though. Can't really remember much from C2.

Wasn't the arctic tundra in games like Metroid Prime and Lost Planet a lot more memorable though?

yeah sure I guess lol.
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Crysis 1 is just boring.

but you can take the jeep from the guys and you can put your C4 and you can drive in the jeep and then you go off the cliff and you crash through the hut roof and then you jump out before you crash through the hut roof and then you detonate boom its fun! Edited by -CM-
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