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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

The amount of shit going on in Control during fights is next level compared to anything else ive seen.   I also started playing Witcher 3 again. Damn this game is fucking awesome. It still l

since we are on the subject of boobs and a tiny waist, i found this lovely gif

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Guys...in TW2....decided to go with Iorveth.

Just seemed right. Always for equality in deez games.

bros before hoes bro, roche saved you and

he is so much of a bro that he will help you again even if you go with that filthy elf

I'm still playing TW2. Still in chapter 1. Got busy the past couple of days and wasn't able to play. Goddamn, this shit is just great. I think I've almost finished all the sidequests in this chapter though. Been avoiding the main storyline although i really want to press on lol.

And BTW, this is so far one of my favorite games of this gen. I'm talking top 3. It is such an awesome fantasy world. Very mature, and everything seems to have consequences right now or coming up. Its gonna be interesting to see.

BTW, just did the Troll mission. Killed the guys for the bandit. Totally gonna go back and kill that fucker now. See if I can get the rewards from Merse still :bena:


See Mike, I could never let you down http://systemwars.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Smileys/cool.gif

Fuck you

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I got home earlier than expected and played an hour of the witcher 2. I like the vibe so far. However, the 360 version's visuals are really overrated. The characters look meh and the draw distance has been compromised. The pc version demolishes it at high settings. Still, at least I can finally play it. The combat seems solid so far. I can tell the story and decision-making will be the driving factors.

Edited by -GD-
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Guys...in TW2....decided to go with Iorveth.

Just seemed right. Always for equality in deez games.

bros before hoes bro, roche saved you and

he is so much of a bro that he will help you again even if you go with that filthy elf

I'm still playing TW2. Still in chapter 1. Got busy the past couple of days and wasn't able to play. Goddamn, this shit is just great. I think I've almost finished all the sidequests in this chapter though. Been avoiding the main storyline although i really want to press on lol.

And BTW, this is so far one of my favorite games of this gen. I'm talking top 3. It is such an awesome fantasy world. Very mature, and everything seems to have consequences right now or coming up. Its gonna be interesting to see.

BTW, just did the Troll mission. Killed the guys for the bandit. Totally gonna go back and kill that fucker now. See if I can get the rewards from Merse still :bena:


See Mike, I could never let you down http://systemwars.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Smileys/cool.gif

Fuck you

You...you're right. and it gives me a chance to choose one of them for real for real. Gonna go over to Roche. Thought it over. He did kinda sorta save my fucking life. Scoia'tael ARE pretty shady.

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I got home earlier than expected and played an hour of the witcher 2. I like the vibe so far. However, the 360 version's visuals are really overrated. The characters look meh and the draw distance has been compromised. The pc version demolishes it at high settings. Still, at least I can finally play it. The combat seems solid so far. I can tell the story and decision-making will be the driving factors.

Shut up faggy. Game looks great
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Beat FF XIII-2 and I honestly didn't care for it. Toriyama is a fuckin joke. The story is just straight up nonsense and the ending is disgusting because it made everything up to it pointless. I'm shocked they actually managed to make the story worse than FF XIII's story. The game uses the whole time travel thing as an excuse to have the most stupidest shit going on and the game insults your intelligence because it expects you to not notice how none of it makes sense and instead just go "TIME PARADOX". To give you an idea of how stupid it can get there was a point in the game were a boss had an "artefact" (an object that allows time travel) in it's stomach which was allowing it to suck in other monsters. These monsters that were getting sucked in would then join with another monster in a completely different place and time era. I'm not making this up, this literally happens in the game and I wish I could say this was the only retarded thing that happens in the game but this shit is everywhere. Oh, I got another one: "If you change the future, you change the past". :| I wasn't expecting much out of the story but really? REALLY?! As for the gameplay, I actually think there's a lot of step backs from FF XIII particularly when it comes to the combat system. Say what you want about the linearity of the level design during the first 2/3 of FF XIII but I honestly think the combat system was at it's BEST during that time. For one, you had limited paradigms role per character. Secondly, there was a level cap for each area that prevented you from being over leveled. Thirdly, you were constantly switching between different characters who would in turn have their own limited paradigm roles to work with. Finally, the game rarely gave you a full party- the majority of the time you only had access to two characters. All of this had the effect of making the battles interesting because you were limited in what you could do so you had to really think during battles and set up your paradigms accordingly. Once you got to Pulse the game stopped placing restrictions on you which caused the combat system to get stale quickly IMO because it became too easy from that point on. There was no more thinking required, with the way this combat system is designed I honestly think it plays better when there are restrictions on what you can and can't do. Now in XIII-2 you get a limited amount of roles at the start of the game but you quickly learn new roles within a couple hours. I learned the majority of the skills for each role for both characters well before I even hit the halfway point of the game. The combat is just really easy in this game from start to finish and requires very little thinking, you can just autopilot straight through the game. As for the level design, it's better but I actually don't think it's that much better than XIII's. Sure, in XIII you were always on a linear path but you were going places in that game. The world felt huge but you were unfortunately stuck on a thin path just begging to go out and explore it. The one thing the linearity did give you though was a sense of progression in XIII. A slow and tedious sense of progression but progression nonetheless. You were going to all kinds of different places and seeing different things in that game. In XIII-2 they removed the straight line and instead give you like 10 areas (small areas too might I add) to explore. Bresha Ruins, Yascha Massif, Oerba, Augusta Tower, Academia, Archylte Steppes and Sunleth Waterscape are the main areas you're going to go to. There are a couple other minor areas but the bulk of the game is spent in the areas mentioned. You'll visit these areas during different time eras but the layouts of the places don't really change much. To top it off there just isn't anything interesting to do in these areas. Yea, there are side quests but they're just standard shit you'd expect to see and have done in other games several times before. They had a chance to do something really cool and interesting with the time travel mechanic (like Chrono Trigger) but don't even come close to tapping into that potential. So ultimately the world in XIII-2 just feels really small with nothing really fun to do in it. I can go into other areas but this post is long enough. So just to wrap things up: Is the game good? No. Is the game bad? No. It's just average.

Edited by Sabotage
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yeah bro. game sucks. paid 60 for it. i almost killed myself because of that. and omfg at TW2 lmao. Im at the end of chapter 1 (im assuming)

HOLY SHIT, Geralt just fucking took Loredo's mom's fucking head clean off. :bow:
Edited by hurricaneMIKE
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I got home earlier than expected and played an hour of the witcher 2. I like the vibe so far. However, the 360 version's visuals are really overrated. The characters look meh and the draw distance has been compromised. The pc version demolishes it at high settings. Still, at least I can finally play it. The combat seems solid so far. I can tell the story and decision-making will be the driving factors.

Shut up faggy. Game looks great

the design is still good. However, I can't help but feel this version is visually gimped. It really is like playing at low settings and sub hd. However, at least the game is still intriguing. Though lol at the reviews stating that this is one of the best looking 360 games. I guess my expectations for the visuals were higher. Edited by -GD-
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yeah bro. game sucks. paid 60 for it. i almost killed myself because of that.

and omfg at TW2 lmao. Im at the end of chapter 1 (im assuming)

HOLY SHIT, Geralt just fucking took Loredo's mom's fucking head clean off. :bow:

yo mike, did you do the haunted madhouse side-quest

Loredo's mom is the one referenced in the backstory of that quest
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Is it safe to say TW2 is the best looking game this gen? The combat seems so much more fluid now and runs much better for me as well.

Definitely, I think they improved some of the graphics as well. Combat is actually functional now too, game is mad fun. It's running at 45-60 FPS for me on Ultra (no uber or AA) on a single 5850. Though the walking and running feels a little choppy to me, I might just cap the game at 30 FPS with all the goodies. How's it running for you?
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