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FF has had some pretty stupid and annoying mini-games in the past but XIII-2 takes the cake with this bullshit slot machine. The guy who designed this mini-game needs to have a sledgehammer introduced to his shins. :rage:

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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

There are cheaper ways to torture yourself. Im pretty sure razor blades go for $1-$2.

The amount of shit going on in Control during fights is next level compared to anything else ive seen.   I also started playing Witcher 3 again. Damn this game is fucking awesome. It still l

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Is it safe to say TW2 is the best looking game this gen? The combat seems so much more fluid now and runs much better for me as well.

technically yeah, but I think UC3's animation/lighting makes it my favorite.
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Is it safe to say TW2 is the best looking game this gen? The combat seems so much more fluid now and runs much better for me as well.

For pc perhaps. I'm not impressed with the 360 version's visuals at all.
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Is it safe to say TW2 is the best looking game this gen? The combat seems so much more fluid now and runs much better for me as well.

Definitely, I think they improved some of the graphics as well. Combat is actually functional now too, game is mad fun. It's running at 45-60 FPS for me on Ultra (no uber or AA) on a single 5850. Though the walking and running feels a little choppy to me, I might just cap the game at 30 FPS with all the goodies. How's it running for you?

Running it on high with 50-60 FPS. Everything is great but yeah the animations are kinda clunky

Is it safe to say TW2 is the best looking game this gen? The combat seems so much more fluid now and runs much better for me as well.

technically yeah, but I think UC3's animation/lighting makes it my favorite.

Lighting is easily better in TW2 but I'll give you animation.

Is it safe to say TW2 is the best looking game this gen? The combat seems so much more fluid now and runs much better for me as well.

For pc perhaps. I'm not impressed with the 360 version's visuals at all.

I hear the 360 version is on medium settings, you gotta see the game on high-ultra. It's breathtaking
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Guest Golem

Played House of the Dead III with the Playstation Sharpshooter yesterday. Game is typical arcade fun, and I can never get enough of old school on rail shooters, but some features bother me, as they always do with this Move enabled conversions; 1. On-screen crosshair is enabled by default, I tend to turn these off if given the chance so it feels more like the original. The game actually has the option to turn them off, but when I selected it, nothing changed, weird... 2. HOTDIII is primarily played with a shotgun, which is great for the Sharpshooter, since it can double as one pretty well. The game even uses the sharpshooter's pump-action as a means of reload. PROBLEM IS unlike traditional shooters where running out of bullets will cause the screen to shout at you to reload, the game just automatically does it for you with your next shot. And it reloads fast. Which makes that super cool use of the pump action, sort of useless. I've yet to find a sharpshooter game that fully utilises the controller in the right way, but it's still a fun game.

Edited by Trun0-Jay
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Some of the character textures from the 360 version look like 2004 shit. Also... flickering, pixelated shadows when in the forests :puke: if you see the pc version on ultra, mike, it's like a night and day difference. I understand the game has a larger scale than something like uncharted 3, so it won't come close to image quality and detail. However, even the scale feels compromised. The draw distance isn't as breathtaking as the pc version. I'm personally more impressed, on a technical level, with the newer ass creed games ( regarding consoles).

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My MMO binge continues. Played the Tera beta with a friend and that was alright, game really doesn't get any fun til the high teens/20's. This weekend is the Guild Wars 2 beta and well WoW. :juggle:

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Guest Golem

Downloaded and played House of the Dead 4 today, and it is far better. It's actually BETTER than when I played it in the arcades. No auto-reload, so the sharpshooter's pump action actually feels like it has a purpose. But you still get to shake off enemies, which thanks to the sensitivity of the game, means you don't have to injure yourself trying to do so. But it still feels natural. If you happen to have a sharpshooter, I think Aza did, then you should look into this. I hope SEGA keep porting their old arcade shooters, because I'll happily buy them. By the way, turning crosshairs off does work, don't know why it didn't before.

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I've come to the conclusion that TW2 has great combat. However, it is true that it does a pretty bad job at telling you how to get the most out of it. For example, it never really takes the time to explain to you how you hit much less when you have less vigor. You have to look at the damage being done to find out. So, if you rely to much on quen you will end up fighting at 50% of your capacity. It's much better balanced and its fun. It's truly satisfying playing at the hardest difficulty settings and taking on fights with the right amount of equipment, potions, items and skills. On the other hand, it does get a bit repetitive and lacks what's initially entertaining when you get to chapter 3 and you can basically face-rape everything after getting the right skills. But it's also really fun to replay in this sense since you have 3 clear ways to play, and all are fun yet require different strategies and approaches. Magic, alchemy and sword builds differ greatly, but they are all fun in their own way. Unlike Skyrim where being a mage and warrior is fucking boring, with only stealth being slightly interesting.

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hey kitad, i'm more into sword combat than magic stuff. will i be able to complete the witcher 2 focusing on that? i'm not too big on mixing shit and playing with spells. i'm mainly playing the game for the cinematic element, decision making, and solid combat.

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hey kitad, i'm more into sword combat than magic stuff. will i be able to complete the witcher 2 focusing on that? i'm not too big on mixing shit and playing with spells. i'm mainly playing the game for the cinematic element, decision making, and solid combat.

just play on normal or easy if you don't care for the combat

But if you want still want to do good, then a good newbie-friendly build is a few points in magic just for Quen (magic shield) and only Sword (perhaps with potion buffs for great effectiveness).

You can go pure sword which is fun but it's harder since you have to rely on blocking, positioning and riposte for defense.

Edited by GG™ Kitad
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hey kitad, i'm more into sword combat than magic stuff. will i be able to complete the witcher 2 focusing on that? i'm not too big on mixing shit and playing with spells. i'm mainly playing the game for the cinematic element, decision making, and solid combat.

just play on normal or easy if you don't care for the combat

But if you want still want to do good, then a good newbie-friendly build is a few points in magic just for Quen (magic shield) and only Sword (perhaps with potion buffs for great effectiveness).

You can go pure sword which is fun but it's harder since you have to rely on blocking, positioning and riposte for defense.

cool. thanks for the info. i plan on spending a good amount of time on it this weekend.
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