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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

The amount of shit going on in Control during fights is next level compared to anything else ive seen.   I also started playing Witcher 3 again. Damn this game is fucking awesome. It still l

since we are on the subject of boobs and a tiny waist, i found this lovely gif

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had some time this weekend,

- Played the first episode of the walking dead game, it was ok, nothing extraordinary but its worth the $5 imo. the graphics are kinda shitty.

- Started played Yggdra Union for PSP, so far I like it a lot. usually it takes me a bit to get going with Tactical RPGs but this one was different, very easy to pick up and go. then again its Sting <3

- Continued my long and ardous travels un Amalur, wtf happened to this game? so much potential

- Started Binary Domain, I like it more than what i expected. the shooting feels great imo, and the look of the game is interesting in a way it feels like an arcade game, something closer to Outrigger than Gears.

Great game. It really still has the best gameplay of all of Sting's games thus far. I still like Riviera more though
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had some time this weekend,

- Played the first episode of the walking dead game, it was ok, nothing extraordinary but its worth the $5 imo. the graphics are kinda shitty.

- Started played Yggdra Union for PSP, so far I like it a lot. usually it takes me a bit to get going with Tactical RPGs but this one was different, very easy to pick up and go. then again its Sting <3

- Continued my long and ardous travels un Amalur, wtf happened to this game? so much potential

- Started Binary Domain, I like it more than what i expected. the shooting feels great imo, and the look of the game is interesting in a way it feels like an arcade game, something closer to Outrigger than Gears.

Great game. It really still has the best gameplay of all of Sting's games thus far. I still like Riviera more though

are you planning on getting gungnir?

also wtf happenned to Grand Knights History, shit was supposed to be out last month :|

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Witcher 2 is so good. Tricked that spirit in the asylum and had to kill him, it's what a Witcher does. Was worried that would let those two idiots off the hook, super glad when it let me punish both parties. :bow:

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Make sure you guys invest 3 points in the alchemy skill tree (one in the bomb damage and 2 in the mutagen). It's the best way to get the "Greater" mutagens to put in the skill tree.

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Is there a way to increase your luggage capacity? 300 is way to small, I might just use a mod to increase it to 500, I'm always off loading things then all of a sudden they become important because they might be needed for a special armor or weapon :meh:

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Is there a way to increase your luggage capacity? 300 is way to small, I might just use a mod to increase it to 500, I'm always off loading things then all of a sudden they become important because they might be needed for a special armor or weapon :meh:

First thing I did was install a weight mod.

Fuck everything about the inventory system in this game. You make a great crafting system where a large amount of items are worthwhile, then ruin it with a low weight limit.

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Is there a way to increase your luggage capacity? 300 is way to small, I might just use a mod to increase it to 500, I'm always off loading things then all of a sudden they become important because they might be needed for a special armor or weapon :meh:

First thing I did was install a weight mod.

Fuck everything about the inventory system in this game. You make a great crafting system where a large amount of items are worthwhile, then ruin it with a low weight limit.

rimjobs biggest gameplay issue IMO... except for the horribly repetitive quests and battles.... and the shitty story. and the lack of immersion.
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are you planning on getting gungnir?

also wtf happenned to Grand Knights History, shit was supposed to be out last month :|


it's on hold right now because the developer is finishing up dragon's crown. i really want to play it ;(

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