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Yeah I noticed the lighting was fucked up (especially on the grass) and there's a ton of texture pop-in that I didn't notice before. You get used to it but it does hurt the immersion.

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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

There are cheaper ways to torture yourself. Im pretty sure razor blades go for $1-$2.

There's this one scene in Days Gone that is a perfect example of what the game is and everything wrong with it.   

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Yeah I noticed the lighting was fucked up (especially on the grass) and there's a ton of texture pop-in that I didn't notice before. You get used to it but it does hurt the immersion.

wow i thought i was the only one getting that. the grass pop in is ridiculous.

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Just don't remember it being this harsh in vanilla but it seems like a minor sacrifice

I guess when they said an increase in performance they actually meant fucking up the engine :killzone:
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it's crazy how far console graphics have come. i'm surprised by the scale of this game and how well it looks/runs (most of the time). when i look back at oblivion, it looks like a last gen game in comparison.

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So the Letho fight was fucking awful. :|

the bosses in this game are honestly terrible imo. just a small step above deus ex hr's in quality.

Agreed. Good thing I'm not playing this for the bosses

worst part of the game along with stealth sections

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I've been playing Darksiders and I've made it all the way past the first guardian in the Dark Throne dungeon (which I'm assuming is the last dungeon), and this game now feels like plain work with all the maze-based puzzles. I just don't like that type of puzzle at all. I start to get bored, stop paying close attention, and then everything becomes me randomly doing things until I luck out and find the way forward. The God of War combat against damage sponges isn't helping matters either. I think I'm done. I haven't quit game a game this deep into it in a long time.

It's too bad because I like the game's presentation a lot, which I didn't expect because I've never been a fan of that chunky, over-designed comicbook look that War has in this game.

You should play more. The puzzles get better and there's more interesting items than say... Skyward Sword.
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I've been playing Darksiders and I've made it all the way past the first guardian in the Dark Throne dungeon (which I'm assuming is the last dungeon), and this game now feels like plain work with all the maze-based puzzles. I just don't like that type of puzzle at all. I start to get bored, stop paying close attention, and then everything becomes me randomly doing things until I luck out and find the way forward. The God of War combat against damage sponges isn't helping matters either. I think I'm done. I haven't quit game a game this deep into it in a long time.

It's too bad because I like the game's presentation a lot, which I didn't expect because I've never been a fan of that chunky, over-designed comicbook look that War has in this game.

You should play more. The puzzles get better and there's more interesting items than say... Skyward Sword.

I'm pretty close to the end, I have almost all the equipment, and I think you're crazy if you think it has better equipment and puzzles than Skyward Sword. But it's academic because I deleted all my saves last night to stop myself from playing it more. :jonb:

Edited by Saucer
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