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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

I finally finished Aegis Rim     I want my fucking 40 hours back. I can't believe how absolutely SHIT that ending was. I couldn't be more disappointed right now.   I was

There's this one scene in Days Gone that is a perfect example of what the game is and everything wrong with it.   

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radvoid or w/e his name is gouges out phillipas eyes out in the prison, that was pretty fucked. Well I guess that happens before choosing to save triss or not :ben: Also all those mages getting tortured and beheaded


and now that i look back, i don't think phillipa appeared a single time on my playthrough :ben:

i wish saskia was a bigger focus, she's easily one of the most interesting new characters. oh and dat rack :dreamy:

Edited by Twinblade
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Damn chapter 2 was amazing. Is the third even better? Btw, I let the king live even though he was an asshole. It was a tough decision. I hope I chose wisely.

I felt the end of Chapter 2 was the best part of the game. Chapter 3 is still very good though, fuck the haters.
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Damn chapter 2 was amazing. Is the third even better? Btw, I let the king live even though he was an asshole. It was a tough decision. I hope I chose wisely.

I felt the end of Chapter 2 was the best part of the game. Chapter 3 is still very good though, fuck the haters.

i keep forgetting to play that.. i have it but i havent really tried it yet.
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Damn chapter 2 was amazing. Is the third even better? Btw, I let the king live even though he was an asshole. It was a tough decision. I hope I chose wisely.

I felt the end of Chapter 2 was the best part of the game. Chapter 3 is still very good though, fuck the haters.

chapter 3 is only "very good" in the EE. It was meh in the original.

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I'm a third of the way through Uncharted 2 and I'm disappointed. - The graphics are beautiful. It's the best looking console game I've played from a technical standpoint. I don't think Gears comes close to it. - You know you've designed your controller poorly when your first party studios won't let the player use its triggers to aim and shoot. It's going to take me awhile to retrain my brain to use the upper shoulder buttons to aim and shoot, and I don't know if it'll ever get comfortable with the ergonomics. - I don't understand the purpose of the platforming, and I'm not being facetious. There's no challenge to it, either physically or mentally. It's textbook busy work, but then why would Naughty Dog then put so much effort into designing the levels to accomodate it? - The shooting is barebones. You don't have any unique abilities. You get grenades and two standard guns and that's it. Then the enemy variety is poor so far, there haven't been any bosses, there isn't an upgrade system, and the level design relies too much on having Drake pinned down in a location and having to fend off wave after wave of basic grunts. - The characters are likable enough albeit very safe both in terms of personality and dialogue, but the Indiana Jones plot has been done so many times that it has no energy left in it for me. Or maybe it could but not with this safe writing. It's beautiful to look at but it's a hollow game. At least so far. But being beautiful to look at is sometimes enough for me, like Muramasa, so no worries.

Edited by Saucer
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Guest Golem

Spot on in regards to platforming, if it weren't for the great cinematic views the re would be nothing redeeming about uncharted's climbing sections.

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Guest C.M.

The platforming is obviously very forgiving and sticky but still ends up being fun (at least for me) because what you're doing on screen is so insane. If you had to be precise with your jumping, sequences like the jeep sequence would be nearly impossible to complete. Agree with you on the shooting though. I'm okay with combat in Uncharted games when is 2-3 enemies at a time but the "arena" battles in the game are a pain in the ass. As for me, finishing up Mirror's Edge. It's my third time playing the game and I'm noticing little game mechanic nuances I didn't really use the first two times through. Little things like jump kicking doors instead of opening them, and being to combine parkour moves with uzis and pistols (first playthrough I used no guns). Running in slow motion along a wall while firing an uzi and murking two guards is fucking badass. Player movement in this game is such a joy. Hot Sauce is right though in what he said before. Some of the ship level's sections suck, namely the vertical "puzzle platforming" part.

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Guest Golem

Yeah, still definitely play Uncharted. It's still plenty of fun. And it's story is typical, but entertaining summer blockbuster material. 1 was a great ride.

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Guest Golem

Finished the first chapter/act of Lords of Shadow yesterday. This is a lot of fun, it's still got a little bit of the Castlevania feel, but obviously the time period drastically alters the mythology and enemies. It's got a bit of everything, and that's fine, the first Titan battle was pretty cool. I also, strangely, like the linear aspect of the game, sure there are some split paths but I enjoy the straight forward maps because there's still plenty to explore and it all looks beautiful.

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Finished the first chapter/act of Lords of Shadow yesterday. This is a lot of fun, it's still got a little bit of the Castlevania feel, but obviously the time period drastically alters the mythology and enemies.

It's got a bit of everything, and that's fine, the first Titan battle was pretty cool.

I also, strangely, like the linear aspect of the game, sure there are some split paths but I enjoy the straight forward maps because there's still plenty to explore and it all looks beautiful.

Word. Its very linear, but I enjoyed it as well. Few games out there I actually enjoy that are that linear, but there are few games out there that linear that are good as well. Stick with it. It'll start to drag right near the middle, but shit goes hard towards the end.

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Guest Golem

Finished the first chapter/act of Lords of Shadow yesterday. This is a lot of fun, it's still got a little bit of the Castlevania feel, but obviously the time period drastically alters the mythology and enemies.

It's got a bit of everything, and that's fine, the first Titan battle was pretty cool.

I also, strangely, like the linear aspect of the game, sure there are some split paths but I enjoy the straight forward maps because there's still plenty to explore and it all looks beautiful.

Word. Its very linear, but I enjoyed it as well. Few games out there I actually enjoy that are that linear, but there are few games out there that linear that are good as well. Stick with it. It'll start to drag right near the middle, but shit goes hard towards the end.

yeah I'll pace myself. Like with LA Noire, I'll probably play it in act chunks.

I think the linear aspect works so well because the game doesn't lead you on thinking there are paths where there're not. It's logically linear if you get me.

Music is nice, reminds me of Lord of the Rings. Can't help but miss the more traditional themes of Castlevania, but again, I must remember - different time, different mythology, different feel.

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