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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

since we are on the subject of boobs and a tiny waist, i found this lovely gif

I finally finished Aegis Rim     I want my fucking 40 hours back. I can't believe how absolutely SHIT that ending was. I couldn't be more disappointed right now.   I was

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Now I'm glad I didn't get kh3d :ben:

It's actually pretty good.

Really? I thought the demo was junk

I'm guessing you haven't played BBS, that game was pretty bad. But hey if you want to listen to fags who play Tales garbage then by all means :sword: And dildo crying about the Drop system is hilarious, such disgusting taste (and being the trash lover he is). Edited by -SK-
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Notice how this faggot has not even tried to argue anything i said or justify why the game is "good"? Hey guys it's good, it's true. I suck the cock of Nintendo and enjoy it, he just says its not good because it's on 3DS, he wasted all that money on a 3DS and the collectors edition of KH and hyped it just so he can lie on an internet forum! That must be it! Kid just likes hop on bandwagons more than anyone i;ve ever seen. Phony ass faggot. Get the fawk out of my face.

I mean,m it's not like the game has awful level design with big empty enviornments that offer no incentive to explore them. A camera that poses problems by not giving you a good field of view of your surroundings and inable to see ledges you can reach. A moronic character switching mechanic that adds nothing to the game and arbitraily decides to switch characters on you even if you're in the middle of the boss battle.

A watered down decked system from birth by sleep that results in abilities remaining stagnant and unable to be leveld up complete with the removal of finishers - removing the strategy of deck building entirely.

A garbage forced Dive mini-game in between worlds that's worse the Gummi ships from KH1.

A monster collection system who are your party members and have to pet with the touch pad to fucking level up. Are you fucking kidding me? Likely aimed at the Nintnedogs faggots.

I think this excerpt from Metro GameCentral perfectly sums up my feelings:

"The problem with the latest Kingdom Hearts is not a lack of new ideas but that almost all of them are awful, and that's before you even consider the script."

I will say I love the music though, but every KH has great music.

Edited by Dili
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Notice how this faggot has not even tried to argue anything i said or justify why the game is "good"? Hey guys it's good, it's true. I suck the cock of Nintendo and enjoy it, he just says its not good because it's on 3DS, he wasted all that money on a 3DS and the collectors edition of KH and hyped it just so he can lie on an internet forum! That must be it! Kid just likes hop on bandwagons more than anyone i;ve ever seen. Phony ass faggot. Get the fawk out of my face.

Notice how you haven't even justified your opinions beyond using SW-level arguments and fallicious ad-hominen attacks. :smug: I thought a VIDEO GAME expert like yourself was better than that, and your level of argumentative discourse was so well-reasoned and justified. :lul:
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Notice how this faggot has not even tried to argue anything i said or justify why the game is "good"? Hey guys it's good, it's true. I suck the cock of Nintendo and enjoy it, he just says its not good because it's on 3DS, he wasted all that money on a 3DS and the collectors edition of KH and hyped it just so he can lie on an internet forum! That must be it! Kid just likes hop on bandwagons more than anyone i;ve ever seen. Phony ass faggot. Get the fawk out of my face.

I mean,m it's not like the game has awful level design with big empty enviornments that offer no incentive to explore them. A camera that poses problems by not giving you a good field of view of your surroundings and inable to see ledges you can reach. A moronic character switching mechanic that adds nothing to the game and arbitraily decides to switch characters on you even if you're in the middle of the boss battle.

A watered down decked system from birth by sleep that results in abilities remaining stagnant and unable to be leveld up complete with the removal of finishers - removing the strategy of deck building entirely.

A garbage forced Dive mini-game in between worlds that's worse the Gummi ships from KH1.

A monster collection system who are your party members and have to pet with the touch pad to fucking level up. Are you fucking kidding me? Likely aimed at the Nintnedogs faggots.

I think this excerpt from Metro GameCentral perfectly sums up my feelings:

"The problem with the latest Kingdom Hearts is not a lack of new ideas but that almost all of them are awful, and that's before you even consider the script."

I will say I love the music though, but every KH has great music.

The biggest bandwagoner on this forum is trying to say call me a bandwagoner? One day this kid is riding Atlus like nothing and as soon as every jumps on it this faggot runs off to dick riding Square Enix, as well as changing his retarded opinions like a woman constantly :roff: At least i try to be as open as possible, you always have a stick up your ass 24/7. As for calling me a poser, aren;t you some Mexican kid trying to learn Japanese? :lul: Get the fuck outta my face bitch, you're one of the biggest hypocrites I've ever seen on this forum. I also bet it pisses you off that I've actually been to Japan, that;s probably another reason why you're a bitter fag most of the time especially to Sage. Honestly you're just a messed up fanboy slob, not even worth replying to either since it's either a) complaining about supposed bandwagoning (you seem to be pretty defensive about that too) B) calling someone a poser because they have different opinions then you c) start PMS'ing like a little bitch as usual, grow up kid you're older then me ffs, jesus it's been more than 4 years and you still have beef with me. Sorry but not everyone likes to cock gobble the same bullshit as you :geese: Edited by -SK-
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Guest Golem

Up to Chapter 10 of Lords of Shadow. Been dragging this out, but I hope to finish it off in the next day or so and start on something new. The bosses are pretty underwhelming. Almost every one of them comes down to the played out tactic of dodging and chipping off health. It's more endurance than anything. The standard enemies are more interesting to fight, namely because certain attacks work better and it's fun to figure out. But yeah, these bosses, if they're not cheap they're dull. And vice versa. After the big journey through the castle, the fight with the vampire lord was the easiest and lamest yet. Otherwise I'm enjoying the game. It helps that it's so beautiful to look at.

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Why are you even bothering arguing with someone who prefers posting in environments where everyone conforms to his opinions? it's pretty much the only reason he liked smoothands, because she was a petite woman that conformed to his oppressive will and never ever attempted to challenge it. :smug: inb4 dili sez OH BUT YOU ARE WRONG WE ALWAYS DISAGREED ABOUT STUFF AND NEVER SHARED THE SAME OPINIONS!!

Edited by Lafiel
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