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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

There's this one scene in Days Gone that is a perfect example of what the game is and everything wrong with it.   

I finally finished Aegis Rim     I want my fucking 40 hours back. I can't believe how absolutely SHIT that ending was. I couldn't be more disappointed right now.   I was

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Four hours into Darksiders 2 and I'm really enjoying myself. Apocalyptic difficulty is pretty brutal, before picking up a decent amount of defense/resistance almost everything one shot me. Even the most basic and easily dispatched enemies were able to two shot me. Hasn't gotten much easier with gear, the combat arenas can get pretty nuts and bosses don't give a fuck what kind of equipment I'm wearing. RPG elements are weaker than I was expecting; most loot is useless so opening chests stops being exciting pretty quickly. More excited for health potions at this point than items, heh. Talent trees are alright, too many modifiers and not enough abilities though. Load times are pretty nuts for the uninstalled 360 version, looking at 10-15 seconds after each death and a 2-3 second pause in-between areas. Completely forgot I could install games until somebody mentioned doing it in a NeoGAF thread, hopefully that makes it more manageable. There was a secret boss I found pretty early on that was just shitting on me, but if you can hit it you can kill it so I would have no problem putting in 50+ deaths to kill the guy if it weren't for that 10-15 second loading screen. Skipped him and found out he's a side mission boss for a much higher level quest, really wanna kill him when I'm under-powered. :meh:

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i wish the side quests in darksiders 2 were more clear when it comes to what you have to do. I hit a wall in a mini dungeon and assumed that the quest i was on couldn't be completed until later in the game when i got the right ability/piece of gear.

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i wish the side quests in darksiders 2 were more clear when it comes to what you have to do. I hit a wall in a mini dungeon and assumed that the quest i was on couldn't be completed until later in the game when i got the right ability/piece of gear.

What's the name of the dungeon?

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i wish the side quests in darksiders 2 were more clear when it comes to what you have to do. I hit a wall in a mini dungeon and assumed that the quest i was on couldn't be completed until later in the game when i got the right ability/piece of gear.

What's the name of the dungeon?

shattered forge

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i wish the side quests in darksiders 2 were more clear when it comes to what you have to do. I hit a wall in a mini dungeon and assumed that the quest i was on couldn't be completed until later in the game when i got the right ability/piece of gear.

What's the name of the dungeon?

shattered forge

I've cleared it and the only unlock I have is the pistol, I don't recall needing it to clear it so you should be good to go.

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Gorewood down. :jerkit: Mace he dropped is pretty beast, I'd lose a lot of crit chance/crit damage but I'd gain a 200% strength modifer and like 50 damage. I wonder if I'd get the strength modifier on my Scythes if I sacrificed it. :wonder:

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i wish the side quests in darksiders 2 were more clear when it comes to what you have to do. I hit a wall in a mini dungeon and assumed that the quest i was on couldn't be completed until later in the game when i got the right ability/piece of gear.

What's the name of the dungeon?

shattered forge

I've cleared it and the only unlock I have is the pistol, I don't recall needing it to clear it so you should be good to go.

what do you do when you get to the part where theres corruption crystals on those ledges in that big room? i see a bomb on the other side but theres no way to reach it.

btw whats your economic strategy? im not sure if thats better to upgrade a possessed weapon with a bunch of inferior ones and sell it, or just sell all of them separately.

Edited by Twinblade
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Darksiders 2 is pretty awesome so far. I'm really digging the combat and movement in the game. Just so fluid. Real early in the game so far but I love the attack attack -> jump -> attack attack heavy attack move. Looks so godly :jerkit: Anyone know if there is a chest in the game where I can store items? I'm picking up everything that drops :killzone:

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i wish the side quests in darksiders 2 were more clear when it comes to what you have to do. I hit a wall in a mini dungeon and assumed that the quest i was on couldn't be completed until later in the game when i got the right ability/piece of gear.

What's the name of the dungeon?

shattered forge

I've cleared it and the only unlock I have is the pistol, I don't recall needing it to clear it so you should be good to go.

what do you do when you get to the part where theres corruption crystals on those ledges in that big room? i see a bomb on the other side but theres no way to reach it.

btw whats your economic strategy? im not sure if thats better to upgrade a possessed weapon with a bunch of inferior ones and sell it, or just sell all of them separately.

Dive into the water in the room you're in, you should see a little tunnel that will take you to the bomb.

I've just been sacrificing every item I have that I don't want, haven't sold anything.

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damn i was actually in that tunnel but i turned back since it appeared to lead to a dead end on my mini map :ben: @ GD so far the puzzles have been way too easy, but im only 5 hours in and supposedly the game is 20+ so hopefully they'll get harder soon.

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