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I finished Mass Effect 3 the other day, and even though the plot has major problems I liked it the best out of the three Mass Effect games, and I just ordered a new copy off Amazon (I GFed the one I played) for some reason.

1) Why do you feel it's the best compared to 2?

2) What platform did you get it on?

3) Will you be going into the multiplayer?

Which one did you like the best?

Ironically I like ME3 better than ME2 because of its story. ME2's story was inconsequential. Collect teammates, fight a giant Terminator, and that's it. I never got into it. ME3's story has major problems that go beyond plot holes (I groaned when I realized the bulk of the story was going to be based around yet another big fetch quest--this time I'd be collecting military support instead of teammates--and it felt inane given the magnitude of the threat everyone was facing), and it took me awhile to get into the story as a result, but I ultimately did because big events and big moral choices started happening. Like when I had to choose between Tali's people and the geth, my inner Kissinger was going, "Why are you hesitating? Are you kidding me? The geth have a much bigger fleet!" I liked that it sucked me in that much.

And I played all of them on the 360, and I haven't played ME3's multiplayer and probably won't because I don't want to pay for XBL.

I think I'm going to replay all of them right now. Maybe I'll look at them differently afterwards.

I personally think 2 struck the right balance.

You have the biggest, most diverse squad, which led to a lot of character development in loyalty missions. And while there was the main arc throughout, ME2 had some nice worlds to explore and additional missions, Omega being a great example.

I loved ME3 as well, but it has the handicap of being the final installment of the trilogy, thus it spends most of it's time building to the conclusion and tying up loose ends. There's so much going on, but it almost always has to do with the bigger picture of stopping the Reapers. If I were to compare ME2 and ME3 in regards to their story pacing format; Mass Effect 2 is more like a tv serial, while Mass Effect 3 is more of a blockbuster movie.

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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

There are cheaper ways to torture yourself. Im pretty sure razor blades go for $1-$2.

There's this one scene in Days Gone that is a perfect example of what the game is and everything wrong with it.   

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Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs attack is so much fun. best $2 i've ever spent still have to finish a couple of more indies including hotline miami and giana sisters. I also have yet to start mark of the ninja. taking a break from skyrim since i played it for like 24 hours in the first 4 days after getting it. i kinda burned myself out on that game.

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Bought a 3DS XL and about three or four games for it (took advantage of the Toys R' Us "buy one, get one 40% off" deal). Bought a few used games from Gamestop as well.

Thoughts about the system:

  • Manuevering with the circle pad doesn't feel all that precise, the shoulder buttons feel stiff, and the A/B/Y/X buttons feel too small. I played through the first stage of one of my all-time favorite Nintendo games, Star Fox 64 3D, and was having a hard time doing even basic movements. My hands were starting to cramp up.
  • Tried using the 3D feature for a few games, but ultimately got tired of trying to hold the device at just the right angle to view anything properly, so I no longer use this feature.
  • Sound volume is a bit low. You can barely hear some games even with the volume turned all the way up. I now use headphones for all games.
The system has some awesome games though!
  • Super Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart 7 owns! :bow:
  • Theatrhythm Final Fantasy ranks among my favorite rhythm games. Basic and Expert levels are simple enough, but the level about that is ridiculously difficult. :|
  • Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance and Tales of the Abyss are also fun (although I wish Tales had voice-overs during animated conversations :meh:).
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Chris' campaign is so bad... lol. The terrible cover mechanics do not blend well with the gameplay they're trying to go for in this campaign. Which is a shame too because the enemies you fight are interesting. The enemies use your past experiences with the last two RE games against you. I've gotten use to going for arms/legs to slow down an enemy and of course the good ol' headshot to deep stun them but with these guys that could spell bad news as you'll end up making them transform into an even stronger foe.

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