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Just got ps+ :)

Should I "purchase" the vita games even though I don't have one?

If you think you might get one, I don't see why not. You don't have to download them or anything so there's no real loss.
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Just got ps+ :)

Should I "purchase" the vita games even though I don't have one?

If you think you might get one, I don't see why not. You don't have to download them or anything so there's no real loss.

speaking of ps+, i just got ng sigma. i think i have dl'd like $200 worth of vita games already. it pretty much makes up for the subscription and 32 gig memory card.

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Just got ps+ :)

Should I "purchase" the vita games even though I don't have one?

If you think you might get one, I don't see why not. You don't have to download them or anything so there's no real loss.

speaking of ps+, i just got ng sigma. i think i have dl'd like $200 worth of vita games already. it pretty much makes up for the subscription and 32 gig memory card.

I'm actually thinking of picking up a Vita once I've accumulated enough Vita games through PS+ to offset the cost of the hardware.

Sony. :dreamy:

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Just got ps+ :)

Should I "purchase" the vita games even though I don't have one?

If you think you might get one, I don't see why not. You don't have to download them or anything so there's no real loss.

speaking of ps+, i just got ng sigma. i think i have dl'd like $200 worth of vita games already. it pretty much makes up for the subscription and 32 gig memory card.

I'm actually thinking of picking up a Vita once I've accumulated enough Vita games through PS+ to offset the cost of the hardware.

Sony. :dreamy:

nice! at the rate they are going, that will be soon. :smoke: i pretty much sold all the hard copies of the games i owned, available through ps+. also, they keep getting ones i don't own (ng for example).
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So after playing Ni No Kuni this weekend, I'm not really sure how I feel about it. It looks nice, the missions I've done so far are reasonably varied and engaging enough. I don't really connect with the game though. Story seems OK but all of the characters bore me and Oliver's voice actor fucking sucks imo. And the battle system is generally just an excercise in frustration since your partner will always just piss away their mp (even when I set it on "don't use abilities" or whatever it's called the dumb bitch still can't use them fast enough), as well as all the shit hot sauce mentioned. I'm only up to the bit where you stop the volcano erupting so hopefully it gets better, at the moment it's just OK.

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not feeling uc3 at all. LMAO every weapon is DLC

UC3 sucks, I think I was at chapter 5 or 6 and stopped playing out of boredom.

im taking it back and getting spiderman or something.
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I was going to make a thread, but I'll post it here. Guys I think I have serious problem. I'm a digital hoarder, I have folders, and folders of porn on my PC. I got porn going all the way back to 2003 on my PC, and that must have been when I last did a great clearing when deleted everything prior. Now that I've gotten older, I don't want to let it go. What should I do? :wonder:

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