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got Binary domain in the mail saturday :ben: 


been busy with dat NNK, I love that game :juggle: 


I have been taking my sweet time with it so far, I am running into the same issues I have with Pokemon games, I want to level every fucking thing I get :ben:

The difficulty spikes in NNK are so random, you'll be raping enemies then when you get into a new area you'll get 2 shotted.

happenned to me yesterday, I wish there was a visual indicator before running into enemies

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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

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got Binary domain in the mail saturday :ben:


been busy with dat NNK, I love that game :juggle:


I have been taking my sweet time with it so far, I am running into the same issues I have with Pokemon games, I want to level every fucking thing I get :ben:

The difficulty spikes in NNK are so random, you'll be raping enemies then when you get into a new area you'll get 2 shotted.

happenned to me yesterday, I wish there was a visual indicator before running into enemies


hope you like it. game's awesome  :happysad:

Edited by Twinblade
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Playing knytt underground on vita. The controls take a little time to get used to, but it's a clever, gorgeous puzzle platformer.

I think I'm sold on a vita :meh: The games are all a couple gigs for the most part?Ya. Most games are pretty small.
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Playing Dark Souls before Demon's Souls was definitely not the right way to play these games; Demon's Souls has been pretty disappointing. :(


I'm really surprised Dark Souls didn't get a whole lot of criticism for how much a rehash it is: enemies are just straight up copy+pasted from Demon's Souls, animations for anything remotely similar looking get the same treatment, and the theming of a few levels and set pieces is largely the same. Even with all that copying they don't bother to copy Tower of Latria? :| 3-1 makes the Ruins of New Londo look like a Scooby-Doo cartoon. :meh:


Leaves ruin a lot of the intensity of moving between "checkpoints" since you can just dump points into vitality and be mostly unkillable, provided you're careful around ledges. The bosses are largely a joke as well, aside from Flamelurker and the dual Man Eaters, there wasn't a single boss that I died more than once on. I didn't cheese them and I finished 80% of the game before I even realized there was a magic trainer hiding behind a pillar in the Nexus. Some of the bosses are interesting enough that they're still enjoyable without any real difficulty, but why the hell do Leechmonger, Penetrator, and the dirty colossus exist? 5-x was just ass in general, fuck that world.


I would have probably appreciated Demon's Souls a lot more had I played it first, it would have made for a pretty great difficulty curve going from Demon's to Dark. As is it's just a less satisfying Dark Souls with a retarded inventory system.

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So I finally got around to checking out the Metal Gear Rising demo and after playing through it a couple times my thoughts are...




First, some of my problems with the game. Parry window is way too lenient, the only skill involved is the small execution barrier the command input requires in order to trigger the parry. Calling this a parry is an over-exaggeration BTW.  A parry is defending the exact moment before an attack hits you, it requires very specific timing. In this game you can throw out a parry as soon as you see an enemy attacking. And believe me, you WILL see them attacking because their attacks are telegraphed by an obnoxious "LOOK, I'M ATTACKING YOU NOW!" orange glow. A super generous parry window combined with easily telegraphed attacks lead to me just standing completely still a lot of the time in combat and countering enemies one after another. Yea, it's as boring as it sounds. 


Fighting while ignoring the parrying was alright, the combat is nothing we haven't seen or experienced before though. The Blade Time or whatever it's called feels tacked on and after playing the demo I think the mechanic was done better in Afro Samurai. Having Toward, Toward + Attack commands is pretty silly but at least you can buffer those commands from other attacks so it's not that awkward. 


Taking the stealthy approach on another playthrough was a bit more entertaining but not by much due to inconsistent AI behavior. Sometimes enemies will have eyes of a hawk and spot me from far away and then other times enemies will suffer from some pretty terrible tunnel vision. I had guys literally be inches away from me and not even notice. Maybe this will be balanced properly in the final game but I'm not counting on it.


The boss fight was fun, I'll give the demo that. I liked the music that plays during this fight as well. Really catchy beat.


Umm... not really much else to talk about. The demo was pretty short but even with this small taste I'd have to say I am disappointed. I wasn't expecting this to be on the level of DMC or NG but I was expecting it to be better than this. Perhaps Hard mode will address the problems I have with the game but I'll be renting the game to find that out. 

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The Rising demo was pretty damn disappointing, and it's no surprise to me that Kojima effectively washed his hands of it, offloaded to PG, and went back to making real games.


The slicing mechanic is the worst thing because the slice physics could have been used in so many ways.

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Should have waited for the new model.

Only things I'm hearing about it are 4g and an hdmi port, neither of which I care about on a handheldi added a new sound shapes level, btw :face: if you are ever down for some wipeout multiplayer, hit me up! The same with lbp. Both are free for vita via ps+
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