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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

I finally finished Aegis Rim     I want my fucking 40 hours back. I can't believe how absolutely SHIT that ending was. I couldn't be more disappointed right now.   I was

since we are on the subject of boobs and a tiny waist, i found this lovely gif

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Playing GoW Ascension. Game isn't that good looking. Some noticeable visual struggling. This series needs the next gen to start. And why'd they have to have those bugs come out of that chicks nasty boob holes. Disgusting

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Is it me, or do they go overboard with the fight scenes in tr, towards the end? Fuck, it's getting mind numbing.

Didn't bother me. They could have done a better job with the final boss battle though. I loved the big battle with the explosives (you'll know when you get there, if you didn't already)

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Guest Golem

Played the Unleashed Project mod for Sonic Generations yesterday. These levels are pretty hard. At least, they're harder than the Generations levels, and they're all around 5 or so minutes long. I love this game and I especially love the mod community's work on stuff like this.

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So there was this moment I had while playing Hitman:A where the game crashed. Little did I know that the crash happened while autosaving. After restarting it, game says no save game found.


So yeah, my save file got corrupted and I gotta start from the beginning (progress was 14/20 before the crash). :|



Normally I'd be really fucking pissed at this. But this game owns, so I took like a bitch and hit new game :9::ben:

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Guest Golem

Are there not just save file creators for that kind of thing? 14 missions in is far too much to go through just to get back to where you were.

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GoW: Ascension is kinda really boring and somewhat predictable

gow 2 was the best game in the franchise. they should have delayed 3, and then spent the time and resources of its ascension sequel, on making gow 3 godly. oh well. 

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