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Just started Lolipop Chainsaw... :ben:

learn that one combo - i think it's X, O, O, O - ASAP.  the one where you spin around in circles.  it's not just the only combo you'll ever need but the only one you should ever use

Edited by REDE
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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

There are cheaper ways to torture yourself. Im pretty sure razor blades go for $1-$2.

There's this one scene in Days Gone that is a perfect example of what the game is and everything wrong with it.   

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So what exactly is it that people think gets worse about Far Cry 3 near the end?  I just finished it and the game seems solid the whole way through to me.  Unless you really liked Vaas for some reason and got put out by how stupid is death was, I don't really understand how you would like the game before that but find it noticably worse after.

Also I gotta add that these are the longest credits I've ever seen

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So what exactly is it that people think gets worse about Far Cry 3 near the end?  I just finished it and the game seems solid the whole way through to me.  Unless you really liked Vaas for some reason and got put out by how stupid is death was, I don't really understand how you would like the game before that but find it noticably worse after.

Also I gotta add that these are the longest credits I've ever seen

Well Vaas was by far the most interesting character, so at least to me, the campaign wasn't as good after his death. I also started radiant historia, the combat system is a little odd but it's decent for now.

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So what exactly is it that people think gets worse about Far Cry 3 near the end?  I just finished it and the game seems solid the whole way through to me.  Unless you really liked Vaas for some reason and got put out by how stupid is death was, I don't really understand how you would like the game before that but find it noticably worse after.

Also I gotta add that these are the longest credits I've ever seen

Well Vaas was by far the most interesting character, so at least to me, the campaign wasn't as good after his death. I also started radiant historia, the combat system is a little odd but it's decent for now.

He probably was the most interesting, I don't know about by far.  But I thought the story itself stayed about the same level of quality even without him, and I liked the story missions more towards the end.  Honestly if I was going to nominate a part of the game where the quality dropped I would have said the missions where you get the knife for Buck or whatever his name was.  That part was stupid

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So what exactly is it that people think gets worse about Far Cry 3 near the end? I just finished it and the game seems solid the whole way through to me. Unless you really liked Vaas for some reason and got put out by how stupid is death was, I don't really understand how you would like the game before that but find it noticably worse after. Also I gotta add that these are the longest credits I've ever seen

Man I don't even know. I haven't finished the game yet, but I'm still not tired of it. It's like a FPS skyrim.
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So what exactly is it that people think gets worse about Far Cry 3 near the end?  I just finished it and the game seems solid the whole way through to me.  Unless you really liked Vaas for some reason and got put out by how stupid is death was, I don't really understand how you would like the game before that but find it noticably worse after.

Also I gotta add that these are the longest credits I've ever seen

Well Vaas was by far the most interesting character, so at least to me, the campaign wasn't as good after his death. I also started radiant historia, the combat system is a little odd but it's decent for now.


The combat gets really fun as you progress and learn new skills and get more party members. The combat can be as simple or as deep as you want it to be. The real draw of the game though is the time traveling, this game uses it so well. Radiant Historia is, IMO, the closest we'll ever get to a true Chrono Trigger sequel.

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Yup, I didn't think FC3 went way downhill either. Vaas really isn't even in the game much anyway. Unfortunately. What they should have done with him is


Have him kill Hoyt half away through and take over the island. Hoyt was brutal but his operation was well organized and professional. Imagine if Vaas took over and everything went to shit. .Would have been awesome lol.
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Yup, I didn't think FC3 went way downhill either. Vaas really isn't even in the game much anyway. Unfortunately. What they should have done with him is


Have him kill Hoyt half away through and take over the island. Hoyt was brutal but his operation was well organized and professional. Imagine if Vaas took over and everything went to shit. .Would have been awesome lol.

I'm putting this in hide tags, don't know if I really need to but whatevs

Yeah that would have been pretty cool, as long as you were involved in Hoyt's death somehow.  But I would have been happy with how they actually did it if Vaas' actual death scene or whatever actually made sense to me.  I don't know if I missed something but it seemed like he stabs you, you like black out and have some hallucination and then you wake up somehwere else entirely with people congratulating you for killing him.  I didn't really get it
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Yup, I didn't think FC3 went way downhill either. Vaas really isn't even in the game much anyway. Unfortunately. What they should have done with him is


Have him kill Hoyt half away through and take over the island. Hoyt was brutal but his operation was well organized and professional. Imagine if Vaas took over and everything went to shit. .Would have been awesome lol.

I'm putting this in hide tags, don't know if I really need to but whatevs

Yeah that would have been pretty cool, as long as you were involved in Hoyt's death somehow.  But I would have been happy with how they actually did it if Vaas' actual death scene or whatever actually made sense to me.  I don't know if I missed something but it seemed like he stabs you, you like black out and have some hallucination and then you wake up somehwere else entirely with people congratulating you for killing him.  I didn't really get it

yeah i dont know. Makes it seem like


They left it super ambiguous so they could possibly write him into a sequel
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So what exactly is it that people think gets worse about Far Cry 3 near the end? 

The second island sucked compared to first one. it was empty, had very few missions and activities and the time you've spend on it was pretty damn short compared to the first one. When I got there I thought - damn...I'm only halfway through the game? Awesome!" In reality the second island was like 15% of the whole game and that was pretty damn dissapointing.

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So what exactly is it that people think gets worse about Far Cry 3 near the end? 

The second island sucked compared to first one. it was empty, had very few missions and activities and the time you've spend on it was pretty damn short compared to the first one. When I got there I thought - damn...I'm only halfway through the game? Awesome!" In reality the second island was like 15% of the whole game and that was pretty damn dissapointing.

What sort of missions and activities are you talking about?  You had all the outposts to get, the trials to do, the bulletin board quests to do.  Medical whatever runs as well.  Are you talking about the poker and shit?  I can't remember if there was any of that sort of thing.  And I dunno, seemed pretty obvious to me that the game was coming to a head by that point.  I mean even if you weren't paying attention to the story or that the island is just smaller, if you had been looking at the handbook you would know that a lot of shit had been done by the time you got there.

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So what exactly is it that people think gets worse about Far Cry 3 near the end? 

The second island sucked compared to first one. it was empty, had very few missions and activities and the time you've spend on it was pretty damn short compared to the first one. When I got there I thought - damn...I'm only halfway through the game? Awesome!" In reality the second island was like 15% of the whole game and that was pretty damn dissapointing.

What sort of missions and activities are you talking about?  You had all the outposts to get, the trials to do, the bulletin board quests to do.  Medical whatever runs as well.  Are you talking about the poker and shit?  I can't remember if there was any of that sort of thing.  And I dunno, seemed pretty obvious to me that the game was coming to a head by that point.  I mean even if you weren't paying attention to the story or that the island is just smaller, if you had been looking at the handbook you would know that a lot of shit had been done by the time you got there.

I mean the main missions.  There just wasn't enough of them. I didn't mind establishing second main villain, but taking him down should have taken a lot longer than that. Bassicaly it felt like the first island was real game, while the second one was DLC

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So what exactly is it that people think gets worse about Far Cry 3 near the end? 

The second island sucked compared to first one. it was empty, had very few missions and activities and the time you've spend on it was pretty damn short compared to the first one. When I got there I thought - damn...I'm only halfway through the game? Awesome!" In reality the second island was like 15% of the whole game and that was pretty damn dissapointing.

What sort of missions and activities are you talking about?  You had all the outposts to get, the trials to do, the bulletin board quests to do.  Medical whatever runs as well.  Are you talking about the poker and shit?  I can't remember if there was any of that sort of thing.  And I dunno, seemed pretty obvious to me that the game was coming to a head by that point.  I mean even if you weren't paying attention to the story or that the island is just smaller, if you had been looking at the handbook you would know that a lot of shit had been done by the time you got there.

I mean the main missions.  There just wasn't enough of them. I didn't mind establishing second main villain, but taking him down should have taken a lot longer than that. Bassicaly it felt like the first island was real game, while the second one was DLC

Why "should" it have taken a lot longer?  It didn't really take the guy long to kill Vaas after he made up his mind to get revenge.  It's not even like you're only introduced to Hoyt after Vaas dies, they introduce him like a third into the game making those villagers re-enact that scene from the newest Rambo movie.  There's certainly no shortage of missions in the game, so you get a lot out of the gameplay and it hasn't outstayed it's welcome before the end, and the story amps up pretty nicely on the second island.  There was even plenty of side stuff you could do.  If anything I liked it better than the first island since they don't have that Buck filler BS.

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