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Dragon's Dogma's post-game content is ass, the game really took a nose dive 3/4 through. :shake:

Use my main pawn, he's good at healing and buffing up the party :sword:



Playing it on PS3. :(


I want more damage though, everything just takes forever to die and there's no changes in attack patterns or anything to spice up a 30-minute fight.




WTF? What level are you, like 40? I was steam rolling through bosses and other endgame enemies like they were nothing when I was level 60-70 and with average gear. Now I'm WAAAY overleveled and am looking for all kinds of ways to get some kind of a challenge back. I'm killing Cyclops with just three rounds of Fivefold Fury straight to the eye; killing Gorechimeras with just two Hundred Kisses; dropping drakes, wyrms and wyverns in like 2 minutes; even Ur-Dragon is a pushover now.



Level 44.


How the hell are you such a high level?



Messing around a lot with other vocations to level them up so I can get more Augments, while doing this you're getting general XP. Doing lot's of Quests, especially Ambush Quests. They don't show up on Notice Boards or anything, you basically have to go out and hunt monsters which give a lot of XP when killed. Always popping a Veteran's Periapt or a Pilgrim's Charm when I'm fighting enemies that give a lot of XP for the double XP bonus. And of course farming in Everfall which you're going to be doing anyways if you're going for loot.

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I have P4A and i think it's possibly the worst fighting game i've ever played.


Watch a video of high level tournament play in any other fighting game, now imagine if they were doing all those combos by just repeatedly pressing one button. That's P4A


It's fucking HORRIBLE

gonna have to call you out bro.  watching something right now and haven't seen any auto-combo mashing so far :[


although i did just see a dude with long hair with a nyan cat t-shirt tucked in to his checkered pants, so i guess that's embarrassing enough

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There is auto combo in p4a. Idk of u can turn it off. The game still owns tho

i know it's there lol, I meant at that point I hadn't really seen anyone using it lol.  The S. Lab who just won it used it a couple of times

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lol I just can't help it. God damn if this ain't the worst console ever made :D



and on topic, just finished half-life 2. Like 9 years too late :ben:

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Besides FIFA, I'm also playing the new metro. Such an amazing and atmospheric game. I also find this world a lot more alive and interesting than other post apocalyptic game worlds. Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2

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The gifting system in DD is garbage. Just tried to give a friend some gear I'm not going to be using anymore and all he got were rocks. So all of that gear I tried to give him is now gone, I didn't get it back and he didn't receive it, it's just straight up gone. The whole process of gifting is retarded in design as well, there are like a million ways they could've streamlined this process but it's like they went out of their way to find the most clunky and obnoxious way possible.

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I put more time into Gemini Rue. I like really like how the game is broken up into a noir-like setting and a sci-fi one. I'm about 3 hours in. I just found out that I may have to head to the weather center (based on Barry's journals). The puzzles are easy, but they are fun and logical.

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any advice before i start ds overclocked?

I put more time into Gemini Rue. I like really like how the game is broken up into a noir-like setting and a sci-fi one. I'm about 3 hours in. I just found out that I may have to head to the weather center (based on Barry's journals). The puzzles are easy, but they fun and logical.


i love the atmosphere of the environments

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