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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

There are cheaper ways to torture yourself. Im pretty sure razor blades go for $1-$2.

There's this one scene in Days Gone that is a perfect example of what the game is and everything wrong with it.   

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When you complete the desert area and keep heading south where that boat icon is. There's a perk you can buy which makes you run slightly faster but you don't get it until later in the game :tard:

I should complete this game, I got so caught up with shit when it came out I completely forgot, time to take out that shadar nigga :salute:

Edited by -SK4-
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And it stacks with the stamp card buff? After how grim TLoU is this bright and colorful game is welcomed lol.

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Oh yeah, I played the Puppeteer demo, it was pretty awesome. The biggest fear I had going off trailers was that it would suffer from LBP floatyness (mainly because the games do look somewhat similar) but thats not the case at all. Can't wait to see the final product,



P.S. I dont even know why the demo exists, the unskippable intro is longer then the segment you get to play.

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And it stacks with the stamp card buff? After how grim TLoU is this bright and colorful game is welcomed lol.

Wait I think it is the stamp card :ben: Been a while. Game gets pretty godly once you get the boat though.
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Found it :mono:


The only hard part is those mushroom looking creatures are fucking fast so you have to kill quickly :ben:

Once you get the dragon (which isn't that long after the boat), the bit below and slightly to the left of the purple ghost face area is much better for grinding.  tokotoko's give 8k exp to the regular toko's 2k.

When you complete the desert area and keep heading south where that boat icon is. There's a perk you can buy which makes you run slightly faster but you don't get it until later in the game :tard:

I should complete this game, I got so caught up with shit when it came out I completely forgot, time to take out that shadar nigga :salute:

The part where you go to take out Shadar is really cool, easily the best part of the game.  I shed some manly tears at that shit

Also later on when you start finding evolved familiars in the wild, they start at lvl. 10 or higher depending on the evolution level iirc

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I'll have to do that later and try and remind myself to float you Lone Survivor like I said I would months ago lol.


You should check out Iconoclasts, it's just a demo but I can't help but recommend it. :happysad:

I hope Konjak finishes it. ;(










And SK, you should check out his Noitu and Noitu Love 2 games, theyre very Gunstar-esque.


why is this so beautiful? :O

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Enjoying last light. I'm mainly playing it for the visuals (fucking incredible). The gameplay is just solid and the story is meh. Tlou is a lot better (will go back to once I finish last light).

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Guest Golem

Had a spin on Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus for Vita (Euro PS+ :love:) and as the first proper time I've given this game a chance, it kicks ass! 


Specifically my ass, it kicks my ass :(


But I like it, doing a lot of dodging, and trying to get my blocks timed right, but yeah, hell of a game. Hopefully I can become a little more fluent in the use of combos.

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Reinstalled Diablo 3, its still average with nonexistant loot and the most generic maps ever made in rpgs the last few years.


Downloaded RIFT f2p (is this even good?)


Played some GW2 after some months of break, its still an above average fun way to pass the time...just completely uninteresting ways to level up IMO (as with all mmos)


And the rest of my time was between Airland Battle, Planetside 2, Chivalry, Professor Layton, Pokemon White :ben: 


jesus fuck i play too many games

i finished layton so im starting GHost Trick :smoke: fucking ownage of a game in the first 10 minutes (im sure it gets even better from what you guys told me)

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Reinstalled Diablo 3, its still average with nonexistant loot and the most generic maps ever made in rpgs the last few years.

Downloaded RIFT f2p (is this even good?)

Played some GW2 after some months of break, its still an above average fun way to pass the time...just completely uninteresting ways to level up IMO (as with all mmos)

And the rest of my time was between Airland Battle, Planetside 2, Chivalry, Professor Layton, Pokemon White :ben:

jesus fuck i play too many games

i finished layton so im starting GHost Trick :smoke: fucking ownage of a game in the first 10 minutes (im sure it gets even better from what you guys told me)

Ghost trick was brilliant!
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Started Saints Row 3. Game is alright, the only way I can possibly enjoy this game is if I was high.

Lol probably gonna start playing it sometime today or tomorrow. Playing Ratchet and Clank right now. Liking this shiiiit

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