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I like it quite a bit, id say its an easy recommendation to anyone who enjoyed Pokemon games when they were younger but grew tired of them. It has its faults though, a lot of menus hopping (especially during side quests) that doesn't need to exist, partner AI can be a bit of a bummer, the taming system is so random that it can get tedious and frustrating, and some other nonsense. But overall I had/am having a fun time.

A lot of reviews seemed to focus on grinding and difficulty spikes but I did all the side missions and encounter neither of those things.

I never played pokemon, but the game's style is really what's making me interested in it.

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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

There are cheaper ways to torture yourself. Im pretty sure razor blades go for $1-$2.

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It's a great time to play a game like NNK since there's nothing else until September. It takes 3 or so hours to get going though which is pretty meh.

All depends on what you're looking into, the cut scenes are few and far between and the voice acting is just as absent. Ive read enough to complete 3 books. :ben:

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SMT4 is pretty godly so far :bow: Don't bother with it if you're expecting Persona lol

well what do you like about it? i gave persona a chance. i'd like to give this one too. 


For one it's fucking hard lol. The characters in the beginning didn't seem that interesting but that's mostly because the game starts off in like the year 1492 and not present day like Persona so there's a bit of cliche in the characters, but they're pretty unique for the most part just not as interesting nor captivating as one would expect. I'm not very far (about 4 hrs in) but the story seems alright too, it's pretty serious shit with tons of mysteries lol. The demon conversation system in midbattle is awesome though, it's a big gamble overall but very rewarding. Eaceh demon you face has a competely different personality and dialogue, some are assholes while some are funny as hell, like one demon wanted something sweet to eat so I gave him liquor and he got drunk so he joined my party :D The dungeon design is very good too, very atmospheric and the graphics are great too. I'll give a better opinion of it once I'm further in.


And damn the screenshots for this game look absolutely terrible, it looks way better on the 3DS.

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SMT4 is pretty godly so far :bow: Don't bother with it if you're expecting Persona lol

well what do you like about it? i gave persona a chance. i'd like to give this one too. 


For one it's fucking hard lol. The characters in the beginning didn't seem that interesting but that's mostly because the game starts off in like the year 1492 and not present day like Persona so there's a bit of cliche in the characters, but they're pretty unique for the most part just not as interesting nor captivating as one would expect. I'm not very far (about 4 hrs in) but the story seems alright too, it's pretty serious shit with tons of mysteries lol. The demon conversation system in midbattle is awesome though, it's a big gamble overall but very rewarding. Eaceh demon you face has a competely different personality and dialogue, some are assholes while some are funny as hell, like one demon wanted something sweet to eat so I gave him liquor and he got drunk so he joined my party :D The dungeon design is very good too, very atmospheric and the graphics are great too. I'll give a better opinion of it once I'm further in.


And damn the screenshots for this game look absolutely terrible, it looks way better on the 3DS.



sounds fucking amazing

in paper :ben:

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Sort of. Your party consists of you and 3 other demons you've recruited and you can switch them out whenever you want. Also if the main character dies you can still continue fighting. You gain abilities from your demons and by leveling up you choose what stats you want to upgrade and also get 10 points to unlock apps to use (like scanning, adding skill slots, bartering, etc.) Each battle is quick though, and there's a new twist called press turn. If you land a critical hit or exploit an enemies weakness you get an extra turn and you're also powered up, you can also skip one demon's attack to switch to another demons attack. The amor you buy increases your health/MP, changes your attributes strengths and weaknesses, increases stats, etc.

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Indeed, but I think you'll be disappointed with the characters and story for the first couple of hours it's nothing interesting nor captivating. The core game itself is awesome though.

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Indeed, but I think you'll be disappointed with the characters and story for the first couple of hours it's nothing interesting nor captivating. The core game itself is awesome though.

well, if the demons are cool as they sound, i'll probably dig it. 


one of my favorite things about persona, was creating them. trying to recruit different demons sounds like fun. 

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Oh you'll love the hell out of it then, it's so much fun. Demon fusing is a lot easier now too, and there's a recommended fusion option now and special demons that require specific ones. When you successfully recruit a demon it's so rewarding and satisfying.


The only that sucks is that killing bosses barely gives you any exp :rage:

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tomb raider, beginning sucks absolute dick with the QTEs but it got quite alright now

Oh yeah, the beginning is ass cheeks. But it opens up so beautifully later. Top 5 game of the gen for me.

And GD, stick with Far Cry 3! So much to do. So much amazingness. God, I love that fucking game.

I recently bought the ratchet games on PSN for cheap because why not. Never played them. So started off with the first. Game is seriously fun and, strangely, I find it fairly pretty to look at. Just a happy colorful little game.

Will be playing Shadow of the Colossus after this. Hope it lives up to the hype

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Smt 4 kinda blows. First of all the presentation is laughably cheap. 2d still portraits for cutscenes, menu selection for town navigation, and sprites for battles. I just can't Believe this is the latest game in this series when it does literally nothing better than 3 and in no way progresses the series, rather it regresses many aspects that 3 modernized

The game is also so casualized in ways that smt has never been before. .tutorials up the ass, Leader death no longer results in a game over, party being wiped out sends you to a location where you can pay macca to instantly revive like new where you left off :| and you can now save anywhere

Fuck atlus. Devil survivor 1 was the end of Altus golden age. Now there games are all Casualized middling junk.

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