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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

since we are on the subject of boobs and a tiny waist, i found this lovely gif

The amount of shit going on in Control during fights is next level compared to anything else ive seen.   I also started playing Witcher 3 again. Damn this game is fucking awesome. It still l

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ill write something more in depth since ill be the first to finish it but the way the story is wrapping up is very unsatisfying. Maybe its cause of the choices i made.

I read that there is four ending. Lawful, Neutral, Chaos and the bad one;


Yeah I heard the lawful path sucked. I'm locked into that one too

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just  finished it. Lot of good things, lot of not so good things. Took 42 hours and thats having skipped at least half of the side quests.


good stuff


+ the battle system is conventional but fun. The sound/visual effects for attacks are pretty satisfying compared to past SMT games.

+ lots of skills/demon customization.

+ the story is (for the most part) interesting and well paced. its elevated by some surprisingly good voice acting.

+ the HUB areas where you have small communities of people mixed together with regular areas filled with demons are really cool, and exploring them was definitely the highlight of the game for me.

+ solid OST


now the bad stuff (complete with my signature nitpicking)


- the overworld map is just awful. It doesn't help that the game sometimes doesn't tell you where to go, so you end up wandering around aimlessly. This is made worse by the fact that enemies on the map are faster than you, and can even chase you straight through solid structures.

- character development is nearly non existent. this one is a real bummer if you're a Persona fan.

- The difficulty is all over the place. The beginning is hard as shit, but later on encounters become pathetically easy. But then theres moments where you get ambushed and your party is killed in a single turn even during these piss easy dungeons. I've lost 15-20 minutes of progress numerous times because i wasn't expecting to die so i didn't bother saving. I know its all a part of the RNG but stuff like this is still frustrating.

- Most of the sidequests are fetch quests and even those that aren't still involve you infiltrating a "domain" (essentially a mini dungeon) to kill a demon. This is a real missed opportunity because they could have come up with some real interesting stuff given the setting.

-Now onto the game's biggest flaw: The climatic story choices. Without spoiling anything, the game presents you with two choices yet if you're the "good guy" in these type of games they're going to piss you off since they're both evil. Theres a good path which is apparently way more involved (has more story and cutscenes and everything) yet you need to follow some deliberate steps in order to trigger it. If i had known it would be hidden this well i would have looked up a guide before starting the game.


like imagine if you were a paragon player throughout all of ME and then you reach the end choice that will decide the fate of the story and characters...yet you're presented with only 2 choices and both are of the renegade type? You don't get a paragon option because you didn't follow some arbitrary steps beforehand? Im guessing that would anger quite a bit of people. I didn't enjoy the last few hours of this game at all because it directly contradicted my intentions and usual play style.



all in all, its a good game but just kinda flawed. I was actually surprised that i was able to finish it because i usually give up on most traditional JRPGs, so it definitely has that going for it


my score: 7/10

Edited by Twinblade
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Nice review. Im kinda getting interested in getting a 3DS (partly because of a series ima gonna mention in a sec), and would probably check out SMT4. Though I've never played one before so I dunno.


But yeah yesterday I started the Ghost Trick (finished the room where the sniper dude breaks into the main chick's apartment) 


Also started Phoenix Wright again. I had gotten up to the wrestler case but I've restarted. Playing the HD version of iPad. 


And yeah, I think the new PW game on 3DS looks awesome, def want a 3DS for that.

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its great to see more people getting in on ghost trick. game is truly something special :love:

yeah. I never owned a DS or 3DS, so its awesome that they're on iPad. It's a perfect fit for the platform really.

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Keep that dumb shit out of this thread, Jonny. This is a sacred place, and any fanboy stupidity sends your ass on vacation.

And I don't care how much the original is on SNES. That's just because its a rare ass game. I'm not a collector though. I'm just a gamer. And a goddamn 20 yr old SNES game shouldn't be 10 bucks.

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