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I tried playing Planescape: Torment but I was having problems with the graphics because the resolution is 640X480 naturally but my monitor is widescreen so doesn't even support that resolution.. Downloaded a mod for widescreen monitors but it wouldn't work. Ended not bothering even playing the game which I am very depressed about because I was excited for the game. Meh.


something wrong with your drivers or your gfx card, planescape played fine on my new pc with widescreen mod


I think I'll just deliver my computer to the mortuary in pieces from smashing it to bits with my bat. :mad:

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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

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Finished GTAV a week or so ago, fun game. Started played XIV and it's alright though I don't think I'll be paying once my free month ends.

Is State of Decay worth it after V? Obviously different types of games but yah.

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Finished GTAV a week or so ago, fun game. Started played XIV and it's alright though I don't think I'll be paying once my free month ends.

Is State of Decay worth it after V? Obviously different types of games but yah.


i've only played the 360 version but i don't see why it wouldn't be. GTA5's release changes nothing. Hell even the weak gunplay in SoD is a generation better than GTA5's.

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I am playing Final Fantasy Nine on ePSXe. As Vivi I sneaked into the play hosted by the Tantalus party. While the Tantalus arrives on their ship to do the show they kidnap Princess Garnet. While everyone is trying to escape on the ship with the princess from Burmecia Castle they get into a firefight and crash land into an evil forest outside of Burmecia Castle. Barely escaping from the forest with their lives they travel to Ice Cavern where they run into the first of the three Black Waltz mages. The whole party falls asleep from his magic except Zidane who defeats him and rescues his party. Onward they arrive at the village Dali where they hop aboard a cargo ship heading back toward Burmecia; but before they could get on the cargo ship they battle Black Waltz 2 and defeat him. The party then boards the cargo ship and hijacks it and goes to Lindblum instead of back to Burmecia. While on the way to Lindblum they encounter Black Walts 3 and they narrowly get through the gate cutting off Black Waltz 3 through the mountains. This is how far I am. 



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Finished GTAV a week or so ago, fun game. Started played XIV and it's alright though I don't think I'll be paying once my free month ends.

Is State of Decay worth it after V? Obviously different types of games but yah.


Played some state of decay, its fun running around in that open world with zombies


but the mechanics are tiring, you have to search for supplies, protect your safehouses, people die all the time because you are not an omnipresent being etc.


it pretty much boils down to whether you want a slow pace zombie game or a somewhat fast zombie game...not that its L4D or something.


oh also the voice acting, writing and story is mediocre as hell.


i feel im dissing the game too much though writing all this , cause its a whole lotta fun :( 

the pacing complaint is very subjective , i just couldnt run around all the time doing stuff lol

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they didn't bother with MP because they're working on a full fledged zombie survival MMO that will use many of State of Decay's mechanics as its foundation. As much as i hate the genre i think it might have the potential to be something pretty groundbreaking if they can pull it off.

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My new dick thing to do in Diablo III is to break off from the party and race to the exits using my fast Demon Hunter with its dash move that allows it to dart past monster hoards. The other thing I do is trigger large monster hoards and lure them back to the party and then dash away. I don't know why I find being a subtle douchebag funny. 


lol that is funny

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Really enjoying Pikmin 3 right now.  This is my first time plaything a game in this franchise.  Pretty good so far.


Also just bought Wonderful 101 and will probably play a bit of it tonight.  Everything I have read about W101 on neogaf has been pretty stellar and I loved the demo.  Looking forward to playing this after it downloads.


When I get done with those two titles will pick up GTA5 for my XFLOP360.

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God damn TLOU fucking owns. I'm at the part where I left Joel's brother and head out to the medical research facility. Am I almost done?

Got about 1/3rd maybe a little more.

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God damn TLOU fucking owns. I'm at the part where I left Joel's brother and head out to the medical research facility. Am I almost done?

Got about 1/3rd maybe a little more. Oh wow this game is pretty long.

God damn TLOU fucking owns. I'm at the part where I left Joel's brother and head out to the medical research facility. Am I almost done?

Winter is coming :bow: I envy your first time through. This game is amazing. I took everyone's advice and playing it on hard and no listening mode. Best advice ever.
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