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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

I finally finished Aegis Rim     I want my fucking 40 hours back. I can't believe how absolutely SHIT that ending was. I couldn't be more disappointed right now.   I was

since we are on the subject of boobs and a tiny waist, i found this lovely gif

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Played some Sonic Colours. Game is fun, but coming from Generations to this game, there's clearly a step back in places in terms of controls. 


Still, it's a lot of fun, and obviously one of the better 3D Sonic games. I think I just need to acclimatise. 



Looking forward to Lost World. Would have liked a follow up to Generations before it but they're probably saving that for next-gen consoles.

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I think I'm getting addicted to Injustice which is kind of weird because there's soooo much wrong with the game IMO.



For starters, jumping attacks are way too strong since anti-airs suck dick in this game, they rarely beat out jump attacks and 99% of the time they get flat out beat. The whole point of an anti-air attack is to beat air attacks, hence why it's called an ANTI-air. I don't know what the hell these things are but they sure as hell aren't anti-airs. Why they don't have any invulnerability frames is beyond me. Seriously, anti-airs having some kind of invulnerability frames is a basic fighting game standard for crying out loud... How do you not get this part right, NRS?


Zoning is just flat out broken and it has a lot to do with the way projectiles work and the games basic mechanics. Projectiles travel fast and the majority of projectile shots have very little recovery which allows for a constant stream of them. Furthermore, projectiles don't just come at you in one way, they can come from multiple angles and even MORE ways/angles when Meter Burned. So you're forced to wait, identify and advance if you can. Advancing is not that easy though, a huge problem with trying to get in is your own mobility- movement speed is, well, too damn slow. You can dash but that's not always a smart option because you can't cancel out of your dash to block. You can jump but jumping is too floaty because jumps have a high arc and cover little ground. It's far too easy to zone in this game just for the simple fact the mobility mechanics aren't as good as they need to be to in order to effectively deal with it on an even level.


And then there's the characters, I don't even want to begin to get started on this but I'll simply say all the strong characters are good simply because of their bullshit. If your character doesn't have any bullshit of their own to use then LOL, sucks to be you. Matches basically boil down to who can get their bullshit going first and keep it going. If you want to enjoy your time with the game, pick a bullshit character is my advice.


There's some other shit that bothers me like the lack of a real buffer system and also stuff like how there's no hit-confirming in this game, how retarded the clash system is, how flat-out gimmicky and unbalanced the game is with it's interactable and character trait nonsense, how absurdly stupid the match making system is, the terrible netcode, and so on and so on. I could seriously list more but you get the point. There's a lot wrong is the point I'm trying to get across here.


And yet... I have fun with the game. God help me but I have fun playing it. There's just something oddly entertaining when you turn the tables and get your character's bullshit going on your opponent. Well, assuming your character has bullshit to use of course.

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Played the first hour of Dead Space 2 and couldn't get into it at all. Turning it into a popcorn shooter wasn't a good move. 



I barely made it a little further than that. The game just isn't fun or interesting at all with it's uninspired gameplay.

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I bought injustice and couldn't get into it at all.


Yeah, if you come from other fighters then trying to jump into Injustice is jarring. It was especially rough for me because I've been playing BB and Persona before I jumped into Injustice. Transitioning from those games to Injustice was brutal, you can't rely on fundamentals that you've acquired from other fighters to help ease that transition either. This game has it's own rules that are different from the standard that is placed in other fighters so it was very much like learning how to play a fighting game for the first time again.

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Started State of Decay, game's alright but I probably won't finish it. Seems like it's extremely repetitive with no real narrative thread to make a compelling argument for me to get through it. Having coop would've alleviated that issue IMO.

Edited by -CM²-
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there is definitely a story and it has its moments (though they don't really come until later on in the game). i became attached to some of the characters because of how easy it is to lose of them (including some of the main characters who you'd normally think would be untouchable).

Edited by Twinblade
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I guess it's just not that interesting then. I'm not very far but I've cleared out multiple infestations with a single character since the zombies aren't all that threatening and their pathing is easily exploitable. I'll stick with it because the concept is cool especially since I'm not being sniped by strangers lol.

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Well, I must be getting pretty good at Injustice because I get consistent hatemail and rage quitters now lol... My Win Loss record is starting to balance out too, my first 100 games I only won like 20 matches. I was getting my ass stomped for awhile there, it didn't matter if it was against good or bad players, I was consistently losing either way. However, now that I'm more comfortable with my character, comfortable with the game, and have a good understanding of most matchups I've improved quite a bit. 400 matches later I got my Win Loss record close to 50% now. Not bad considering it was like 27% at one point. :ben:

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Well, I must be getting pretty good at Injustice because I get consistent hatemail and rage quitters now lol... My Win Loss record is starting to balance out too, my first 100 games I only won like 20 matches. I was getting my ass stomped for awhile there, it didn't matter if it was against good or bad players, I was consistently losing either way. However, now that I'm more comfortable with my character, comfortable with the game, and have a good understanding of most matchups I've improved quite a bit. 400 matches later I got my Win Loss record close to 50% now. Not bad considering it was like 27% at one point. :ben:

hows the net Kode.

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Well, I must be getting pretty good at Injustice because I get consistent hatemail and rage quitters now lol... My Win Loss record is starting to balance out too, my first 100 games I only won like 20 matches. I was getting my ass stomped for awhile there, it didn't matter if it was against good or bad players, I was consistently losing either way. However, now that I'm more comfortable with my character, comfortable with the game, and have a good understanding of most matchups I've improved quite a bit. 400 matches later I got my Win Loss record close to 50% now. Not bad considering it was like 27% at one point. :ben:

hows the net Kode.




Well, that's hard to answer. When you get a good connection with another player it feels like you're playing offline. Get a bad connection and the game becomes unplayable since simple combos become impossible to do. When you get a decent connection then it's playable, but you might want to keep your combos simple because anything that requires specific timing will have trouble connecting.


It's solid netcode for the most part, not the best but far from the worst.

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