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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

since we are on the subject of boobs and a tiny waist, i found this lovely gif

I finally finished Aegis Rim     I want my fucking 40 hours back. I can't believe how absolutely SHIT that ending was. I couldn't be more disappointed right now.   I was

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I agree with the scale of the war, it would have been nice to see what the other races were doing. Of course the main problem was the game has always been a corridor shooter with sparse numbers of combatants at any time, so the scale has never and was never going to be huge.


To be honest, I felt weird about the ending at first, but what I otherwise expected was a schlocky generic ending anyway. The bigger missions preceding the end were what brought the most closure to me.

Same, but that was more so because I was invested in the characters rather than the overall story.  Closing out parts of the story with the characters was much better than the ending. That's part of the reason I hated 3 though, the squad selection was truly abysmal and they reduced quite a few characters to simple cameos.

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the scale is the reason why ME1 is still my favorite in the series. That game had some massive levels that just made the story feel way bigger.

Yeah but they were all barren and cookie cutter. Scaling back led to better quality in the worlds in 2 and 3, arguably.



maybe the empty planets, but the worlds with the main story missions were interesting enough.


one of my favorite moments was that world with the long highway and the tower at the end of it. Traveling along that entire thing in the mako and then getting to the tower and making your way to the top felt so damn epic. I never got that same feeling from either ME2 or ME3.





the scale is the reason why ME1 is still my favorite in the series. That game had some massive levels that just made the story feel way bigger.

Yeah but they were all barren and cookie cutter. Scaling back led to better quality in the worlds in 2 and 3, arguably.



maybe the empty planets, but the worlds with the main story missions were interesting enough.


one of my favorite moments was that world with the long highway and the tower at the end of it. Traveling along that entire thing in the mako and then getting to the tower and making your way to the top felt so damn epic. I never got that same feeling from either ME2 or ME3.



Yea thats what ive been saying and everyone is disagreeing 


ME2-3 will never rekindle that great feeling 1 evoked, no matter how "better" it is on papers

I always play assisan Creeds a year behind, so I jist started ac3... and I was super excited being that its story line involes american Revolution. .. but I just cant seem to get into it and its boring me :(


its not you, the game is shitty despite the awesome era :)

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Beat Golden Abyss. Alright little game, rather Sony Bend had done something else. It's more or less a straight to DVD Uncharted. Everything Bend added to the franchise only detracted from it IMO but I guess that's the growing pains of a launch game on a handheld with a ton of throw away features.

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working on completing gta 5 100%


playing lone survivor (awesome game)



i wish i had more time to play games. it's like i'm lucky if i can get 5 hours a week. all will be better once my home improvements are completed. :glad:

my gaming pc should be back up and running this week :smoke:

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Got bf4 and ac4 this weekend. Ac4 is great. Gonna pay bf4 tonight

If I'm not mistaken you mentioned not being a fan of the AC series.  Me either, never really understood the appeal but this AC4 theme intrigues me.  I guess if I can get it for free I'll pick it up.  I'm about to try a few locations for anything.  I have an hour for lunch but ill take 2 lol.

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I'll let you borrow it after bro. But yeah, its still an ac game just with more depth, freedom, variety, content, scope... everything that ac was always just shy of achieving.

damn sounds good. i like the premise too.

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Mindwash, would you say Black Flag is accessible to newcomers who haven't followed most of the lore so far?


Got a friend who really digs the pirate aspect, but doesn't want to plow through 5 other games just to understand what's going on.

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