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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

I finally finished Aegis Rim     I want my fucking 40 hours back. I can't believe how absolutely SHIT that ending was. I couldn't be more disappointed right now.   I was

There's this one scene in Days Gone that is a perfect example of what the game is and everything wrong with it.   

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Far Cry 3 is terrible. I couldn't even finish that game

it's really not. Sorry you had a bad experience but its one of the best shooters of the gen.

You know a terrible game? Luigis mansion. How you enjoyed that shit then bash goty 2012 is beyond me.

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the game is fun but it feels pretty limited. Money is useless since you can unlock weapons by just climbing radio towers. I managed to get every weapon i wanted within the first few hours, and the sidequests since then have become pretty pointless.


the world doesn't feel as dense either. Its mostly just small villages. FC2 had urban towns and other more detailed structures (i didn't play much but i remember one of the earlier missions took place in a large castle/fort-like structure which was pretty cool).


the bow was hyped up a lot by the developers but its made redundant by the sniper rifles, which offer the same stealth benefits without the bullet travel/drop and ammo limitations.


all in all its a solid game but design wise it feels rushed.

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The game feels limited? wtf? It's one of the most sandbox'y fps ever. The sidequests get you all kinds of carrying pouches and shit, they're worth doing. It's been a while but the sniper isn't silenced until later right? And I thought the story missions of FC3 were actually really well done, as was the layout and spacing of all the radio towers and enemy camps. I got hooked in the flow of doing radio tower, clearing out the camps, repeat.


To each his own i guess.

Edited by C.M.
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Numerous times in fc3 I just walked around doing nothing for extended periods of time. Jumped off a cliff and had to swim for ten minutes to get where I was going. The hunting and crafting was boring and climbing radio towers over and over was just boring.

The gunplay on console was also just average , and the mp was junk. I'm not big on open world shooters.

Luigis mansion was great.

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The game feels limited? wtf? It's one of the most sandbox'y fps ever. The sidequests get you all kinds of carrying pouches and shit, they're worth doing. It's been a while but the sniper isn't silenced until later right? And I thought the story missions of FC3 were actually really well done, as was the layout and spacing of all the radio towers and enemy camps. I got hooked in the flow of doing radio tower, clearing out the camps, repeat.


To each his own i guess.


you can buy both a sniper rifle and a silencer within the first 2-3 hours....if anything its even easier to get than the bow.


the hunting missions are useful, but they're the only ones i feel are rewarding to do. Theres no incentive to do anything else (except supply runs) because they only reward you with money which quickly losses its value because of the radio towers.


right now i have


highest rated sniper rifle (silenced)

grenade launcher

highest rated assault rifle

highest rated shotgun


this has been my loadout since the first few hours and i've had no reason to change it. in fact its so good that i've been breezing through the main story missions. The only times i've died are when i tried to experiment with different weapons.


i still have a long way to go but i already feel like i've got the best stuff the game offers persistence wise. Then again this is a problem with the majority of open world games this gen, eventually you just become a walking tank and have no reason to dabble in any of the game's other systems or content. The world is just there to get you from point A to point B.


STALKER is still the premiere open world series because it manages to avoid these pitfalls. you're constantly messing with different weapons, equipment, and spending your limited amount of money up to and including the very end of the game. Exploring and discovering new things is never discouraged.

Edited by Twinblade
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The game feels limited? wtf? It's one of the most sandbox'y fps ever. The sidequests get you all kinds of carrying pouches and shit, they're worth doing. It's been a while but the sniper isn't silenced until later right? And I thought the story missions of FC3 were actually really well done, as was the layout and spacing of all the radio towers and enemy camps. I got hooked in the flow of doing radio tower, clearing out the camps, repeat.


To each his own i guess.

These dudes know nothing. FC3 might be SOTG

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ok that explains a few things. will there be new upgrades as well, cause i've already maxed out most of the current ones.

You have half the guns.

I played on hard and still found the game pretty easy once you're upgraded, it's the player freedom and amount of things to do that keep the replayability high and the linearity low.

Everyone knows the sniper is more effective than the bow, the bow is just more badass. Do the hunting missions they aren't always easy.

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How is State of Decay on PC?


Fun for the first few hours...But after that its pretty average.

So...is AC4 worth say...40 bucks? I wanna know. Thinking about getting it. Buying X Com now tho


I'd say wait a bit if you got X Com


already having the better game might satisfy you enough till AC is a bit lower.

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How is State of Decay on PC?


Fun for the first few hours...But after that its pretty average.

So...is AC4 worth say...40 bucks? I wanna know. Thinking about getting it. Buying X Com now tho


I'd say wait a bit if you got X Com


already having the better game might satisfy you enough till AC is a bit lower.


Yeah, that's what I'm deciding on. Not to mention I currently have a game rotation going on of KOTOR, BF4, and Hector. Not mentioning Xcom. Shit will probably be 20 bucks somewhere next weekend.

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