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2 hours ago, JonB1 said:

Yes but most people that play this will not learn the mechanics . It's a DragonBall game that sold a lot . 

Majority won't be fighting game players . They will mash 


If the game ever works online I'll bet you'll see that 


Casual matches work fine. It's Ranked matches that don't work. Ring matches are a bitch to get going but once you get them working they're pretty stable.


Mashing on auto-combos is not an effective strategy at all. A player who knows what they're doing is going to win every time. I'm merely pointing out to you that relying on auto-combos to get Dragon Balls is not a winning strategy. You will lose before you even get close to gathering all 7 Dragon Balls.


Besides, I've played like 50 matches at this point and have spectated about the same. I have yet to see Shenron get summoned in a match. You need 7 Dragon Balls AND you need to have 7 bars of meter in order to summon Shenron, the practicality of having both of these requirements is actually very unlikely. If you do have both it's most likely because you're completely dominating your opponent and at that point you don't even need to summon Shenron, it's just done to rub salt in the wound.


Edited by Sabo
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I never said it will be a winning stategy but considering the tutorial explains how to get the DragonBalls by mashing the X combo ....there will be a large number of people doing that 

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Except there's not. Majority of players are doing L-L-M-M-H-H variations (which is as basic as it gets but it still gets you far more damage than a straight up auto-combo). Only time you really see players doing auto-combos is for the first sequence, some characters first chunk of an auto-combo is actually legit, ex-Trunks. Beerus has a very hard to deal with auto-combo sequence that gets abused a lot online (he does a cross-up overhead that can be very hard to react to). After the first sequence of the auto-combo is done everybody free styles from that point.


You haven't played the game so you should really stop telling me how the online is.

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I've played a lot more than 40 matches. It's probably over 100 by now. Besides, even if it was only 40 matches, that would still be 40 matches more than you.


You haven't played the game at all, YOU are the one who should shut the fuck up. 


The game is not complicated or even hard to learn. You're severely overestimating how difficult this game is for a casual player. Of course you wouldn't be doing this if you actually, you know, played the damn game.

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You get all prissy when it comes to fighting games . Casuals are casuals .


When I played persona there were tons of people that just used to auto combos .


Killer instinct people STILL just use medium attacks 


Not sure what world you live in where people learn mechanics in fighting games . They don't .


But If you want to say nobody will just mash buttons ( like people do in every fighting game ) , feel free .

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Not getting prissy at all, just annoyed. You're arguing over something you're completely ignorant about.


DBZ, unlike every other fighting game, has an extremely LOW execution barrier. It is by far one of the easiest fighting games for a casual to just jump in and play.


There are no DP inputs, you want to do a DP, just push Down+Heavy Attack. It's the same for every character. The only inputs in this game are Quarter Circle Forward and Quarter Circle back. It's the same for every character. Even every character's combo routes are the same. You learn the basic combo routes for one character and you can jump to any other character and already know how to perform a basic combo.


Do people mash? Yes. But nowhere near the amount you think it happens. This is what your dumbass doesn't seem to be getting. You have it stuck in your head that DBZ is playing out like every other fighting game. It's not. The game is not hard to learn or control therefore casuals are actually playing the game at a semi-competent level at a much faster rate than they would be in other fighting games.


You. Don't. Know. What. You're. Talking. About.



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Looks like you have your mr dicky fgc hat on . 

If you wanna believe that most of the people playing , even the casuals (which this game has more probably than any fighter ) are getting competent at the game because it doesn't have uppercut motions ..lol ok .


This game still has a lot of shit packed into it like most other fighting games .


Everyone will be a pro tho .


You . Give. Too. Much. Credit. Too. The. Masses.

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I swear you only read a few words and are completely oblivious to main message... JFC, do I need to use pictures and smaller words for you to get the point?


You know what, nevermind... It's just easier to call you a fuckin' idiot and be done with this pointless conversation.

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Then stop replying you bitter fuck :D


I think its dumb to be rewarded for mashing .


If you want  to pretend that doesn't exist and be all Mr Hardcore DipShit like you always are.....go right ahead



Edited by JonB1
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When the fuck did I say mashing doesn't exist? I already said mashing does exist. What you seem to be missing is this very important detail- it doesn't happen to the extent in this game that you seem to think it does. In other words, since you're a fuckin' idiot and need me to dumb it down for you, the majority of players AREN'T mashing.


I even explained WHY mashing isn't a common occurance. The game is easy to learn. The execution barrier is very low. The characters all control the same. These factors and many more contribute to the game being easy to PLAY. Therefore, casual players are able to reach a semi-competent level at a faster rate than they would in any other fighting game and they don't rely on mashing. They're actually trying to play the game properly.


Do you understand yet? This is not complicated. 

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58 minutes ago, SheepKilla said:

damn this game really does look ugly as fuck


original dota graphics you can see everything clearly. 


here you just see bright colored pixels. 



It's an old doto 2 version. but you have some issues if you hate the current doto build. game improved a lot over the years. icefrog :aitch:

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Just now, SheepKilla said:

Original DotA is infinitely better. :pffft:


you are a noob. don't talk to me or any doto player ever again. I played doto since the very first version back in the day when it was just a warcraft 3 mod. 


you suck and have no idea nor skill. gtfo. :pffft::pffft:

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Just now, kazie's dick :) said:

you are a noob. don't talk to me or any doto player ever again. I played doto since the very first version back in the day when it was just a warcraft 3 mod. 


you suck and have no idea nor skill. gtfo. :pffft::pffft:

I would destroy you in the original DotA, scrub. :pffft:

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Just now, SheepKilla said:

I would destroy you in the original DotA, scrub. :pffft:

I started playing that shit around that time it was still a wc3 mod, I played that shit since 2002 and never stopped. you are a noob. Get on my level. :pffft:

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