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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

since we are on the subject of boobs and a tiny waist, i found this lovely gif

I finally finished Aegis Rim     I want my fucking 40 hours back. I can't believe how absolutely SHIT that ending was. I couldn't be more disappointed right now.   I was

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1 hour ago, -GD- said:

the b sides seem to be the cream of the crop. i can't wait to try them! 


They're so good.


There's one level in the B-side for chapter 6 that is just so fucking incredibly well designed and rewarding I didn't want to complete it. I thought Remij was nuts with the praise after I finished up the campaign and figured I'd just give the B-sides a shot, but oh fucking man I think he might even be underselling it at this point. :D

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1 hour ago, Hot Sauce said:


They're so good.


There's one level in the B-side for chapter 6 that is just so fucking incredibly well designed and rewarding I didn't want to complete it. I thought Remij was nuts with the praise after I finished up the campaign and figured I'd just give the B-sides a shot, but oh fucking man I think he might even be underselling it at this point. :D

:D Godly :bow:

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I think I'm done with MHW. The constant grind with nothing to show for it thanks to the terrible RNG has killed my interest in the game. There was only a couple trophies left that I would've needed for the Platinum (the Large/Mini Crowns for every monster) but those are also RNG related so it really kills the motivation to chase that Platinum.

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7 hours ago, Sabo said:

I think I'm done with MHW. The constant grind with nothing to show for it thanks to the terrible RNG has killed my interest in the game. There was only a couple trophies left that I would've needed for the Platinum (the Large/Mini Crowns for every monster) but those are also RNG related so it really kills the motivation to chase that Platinum.

started feeling this way at HR 29 after the shitty Xeno boss

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Alphabet Soup

Fucking Sand People




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Posted 1 hour ago

Oh boy where do I even begin with this one.  If I choose the reviewers path I have to painstakingly talk about every difference between the original and this new port.  If I go the Gamer path then all I have to do is swoon my way through all my experience.  Good thing I can time travel both paths to write the Perfect Chronology Review


OK now that I've provided those who have played the game before with a sensible chuckle on my take on the Time Travel System in Radiant Historia, I'm free to gush as much as I want on this fantastic title is.  To begin I never played the original.  I know it had several issues (unskippable repeated scenes for one) but all that is tossed out the window into the trash as part of the bad history that Atlas Games has completed crushed with this remake.  They added a casual friendly mode that is perfect for those who played this game before.  In that mode you can first strike to instantly defeat enemies on the map gaining items, gold and exp.  This eliminates the grindy boredom most find in the RPG genre and can be turned on and off at any time.  So if you are like me and you are repeating an event for the 5th or 6th time just to because you picked up a silly new skill that unlocked a chest you saw previously, the mode makes getting to that section a breeze.  You can then switch back to the normal mode and get back into the traditional grind enjoying each part of the unique battle system.   the battle system is so sweet my dudes.  Rather then waste words describing in painstaking detail how it works just watch this badass shit in action for yourself:




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Posted 1 hour ago

Oh boy where do I even begin with this one.  If I choose the reviewers path I have to painstakingly talk about every difference between the original and this new port.  If I go the Gamer path then all I have to do is swoon my way through all my experience.  Good thing I can time travel both paths to write the Perfect Chronology Review


OK now that I've provided those who have played the game before with a sensible chuckle on my take on the Time Travel System in Radiant Historia, I'm free to gush as much as I want on this fantastic title is.  To begin I never played the original.  I know it had several issues (unskippable repeated scenes for one) but all that is tossed out the window into the trash as part of the bad history that Atlas Games has completed crushed with this remake.  They added a casual friendly mode that is perfect for those who played this game before.  In that mode you can first strike to instantly defeat enemies on the map gaining items, gold and exp.  This eliminates the grindy boredom most find in the RPG genre and can be turned on and off at any time.  So if you are like me and you are repeating an event for the 5th or 6th time just to because you picked up a silly new skill that unlocked a chest you saw previously, the mode makes getting to that section a breeze.  You can then switch back to the normal mode and get back into the traditional grind enjoying each part of the unique battle system.   the battle system is so sweet my dudes.  Rather then waste words describing in painstaking detail how it works just watch this badass shit in action for yourself:



So.  Fucking.  Good.


Now all of this is just two elements of what makes this game a grand slam.  The games story itself is absolutely spectacular.  The Main Character, Stocke, is actually compelling.  He cares about his soldiers and allies, he's intelligent and reasonably skilled and it's not just because of his power to change time.  I have to say, I haven't liked a main character this much since Zidane in FFIX.  I want to win the game for him and not in spite of him or for my own achievement record. 


On top of all that Perfect Chronology also adds in two new sub-stories in the form of  "Vault of Time" (a bonus challenge dungeon crawl with very rewarding items) as well as "The Dunamis"  ("set in a time-traveling vessel captained by a mysterious woman named Nemesia, allows players to explore interesting tangents from the canonical storyline") so basically pure bonus content that actually adds to the story.  Neither of these take away from the game and for once are bonus content that you don't have to buy via DLC. 


Speaking of DLC, this game does have a bit including some that is appeasing to old fans who want the artwork to match the original game as well as additional voice and work.  All of them sold for reasonable prices ($3 to $4)


These additions, the combat (both traditional and friendly mode) as well as the compelling cast and reasonable DLC that services old fans and new are why I called this game Atlas' Finest Moment. 


10/10 would buy again


And for the record Chrono and Historia are the only good ways to handle Time Travel. 

Edited by PhantomABS
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10 hours ago, Angel Jim said:

About to take down Adria and kill the reaper of souls.

after that you have nothing to do. game is dead

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For March 10, Best Buy was selling 3DS downloads at a discounted price.


I had been thinking about buying a GBAsp so that I could buy a handful of original GameBoy's best games, and alot of those games are the Mario Lane games, and Wario Land, and maybe a couple of Kirby games, and the first Pokemon game.


I decided against that. if I really want to play those games, then I can buy them as virtual console games for 3DS. 


The games I bought were SMB3, Mario Lane 1, and Mario Land 2.  And then , because of a Giant Beastcast I was listening to, they brought up the idea that they never played through SMB1 without using level skips, and therefore had never played through all levels of the game.  So I felt like doing that before I played through SMB3.


So I am playing SMB1 on the 3DS, and because there are rarely any power ups, the only way I can get more lives is by trying to make an effort to find the coins to get 100 for another life. And they do not give out alot of coins.  So I am cheating by creating restore points at the beginning of almost every single level. How many worlds are there? 9?  I just played through the first 2 within 20 minutes late last night.


Play that, definitely skip SMB2, and then start casually start SMB3.  That D-pad on the 3DS.? Not ideal, way too low. And from what I can tell, they can't let you re-configure the face buttons, either. I wanted "Y" to be the button I hold down to make Mario run faster, and the lowest button "B" to be the jump button. But B is for running fast, and A is for jumping, and X and Y don't seem configurable.

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