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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

There's this one scene in Days Gone that is a perfect example of what the game is and everything wrong with it.   

I finally finished Aegis Rim     I want my fucking 40 hours back. I can't believe how absolutely SHIT that ending was. I couldn't be more disappointed right now.   I was

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13 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

Im a hour into Ni No Kuni 2. Solid game so far.

I'm 2h in and it's definitely solid.. but there's a few things nagging at it.


When they decide to voice act vs not voice acting is weird as fuck in some places.  Like half way through a cut scene of just text boxes... then all of a sudden a character will say something... not even that particularly important... and it will be voice acted.. and then go back to text again after. :D  The voices for the characters are great, and sorely missed when not in use.   But the one problem with them is that since seemingly random lines are dialogued, the voice acting some times seems a bit too acted and it doesn't flow quite as well as it should with the rest of the conversation.  Not every scene is like that though, and others are done extremely well.. but yea it is what it is.


What they should have done was either fully voiced everything, or just used the grunts and single word responses.. but for everything.  That way it would be consistent and be more involved than just pure text and no voice whatsoever.


Aside from that, the only other issue I have is that when you're playing and the characters dialogue with each other, the text boxes are fairly small and go by way too fast before you can read them all.


The game is certainly gorgeous though.  It's actually crazy how well this artstyle takes advantage of gsync imo.. it's so freaking smooth. 

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3 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

I'm 2h in and it's definitely solid.. but there's a few things nagging at it.


When they decide to voice act vs not voice acting is weird as fuck in some places.  Like half way through a cut scene of just text boxes... then all of a sudden a character will say something... not even that particularly important... and it will be voice acted.. and then go back to text again after. :D  The voices for the characters are great, and sorely missed when not in use.   But the one problem with them is that since seemingly random lines are dialogued, the voice acting some times seems a bit too acted and it doesn't flow quite as well as it should with the rest of the conversation.  Not every scene is like that though, and others are done extremely well.. but yea it is what it is.


What they should have done was either fully voiced everything, or just used the grunts and single word responses.. but for everything.  That way it would be consistent and be more involved than just pure text and no voice whatsoever.


Aside from that, the only other issue I have is that when you're playing and the characters dialogue with each other, the text boxes are fairly small and go by way too fast before you can read them all.


The game is certainly gorgeous though.  It's actually crazy how well this artstyle takes advantage of gsync imo.. it's so freaking smooth. 

fuck I forgot the game was on steam. I got the PS4 version :D


but yeah what you mentioned is one of my nitpicks as well. The game gives off this epic, large scale RPG vibe but then it cuts to the scenes where characters are standing around just conversing with each other via voice-less textboxes. It just seems a bit jarring.

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Taking a break from MHW and have been playing The Evil Within 2. Currently on Chapter 8 (Nightmare mode) and so far difficulty hasn't really been an issue. I think the stealth in this game is piss easy, the AI is like PS1 levels of bad. Resources are all over the place so I don't even find the resource management to be strict. I don't think I've seen my Gunpowder supply drop below 100 now that I think about it. 


The only problem I've been running into is the game crashing. This game has crashed on me 4 times now, the last time it happened I was forced to replay a significant chunk of gameplay over again since the game didn't auto-save for over an hour for some damn reason. Looked online and apparently game crashes has been a problem since the game has launched.


Why the hell hasn't this shit been fixed yet?


I fuckin' hate Bethesda... They have no understanding of what proper QA is.

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Finished up A Way Out. Was pretty much the best coop game of all time. Every set piece is completely unique with fresh gameplay mechanics with a storyline i found really engaging and a conclusion that felt like a gut punch of emotion. It feels like what would happen if you took the concept and structure for one of GTA5's heists and made it into a full fledged, alebit short game.


and although certain conversations can seem out of place for that specific moment in the game, most of the the conversations are written in  a way that come off as very realistic and genuine.

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I do hope Ni No Kuni 2 picks up a bit. So far its been almost all combat and dungeon crawling. There hasn't been much in the way of variety or cool set pieces. The lack of voice acting also continues to be jarring. In a time where even a budget european RPG like Kingdom Come Deliverance can have thousands of lines of voiced dialogue,  its kind of disappointing to see the majority of the exposition here being delivered through silent text boxes.

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40 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

I do hope Ni No Kuni 2 picks up a bit. So far its been almost all combat and dungeon crawling. There hasn't been much in the way of variety or cool set pieces. The lack of voice acting also continues to be jarring. In a time where even a budget european RPG like Kingdom Come Deliverance can have thousands of lines of voiced dialogue,  its kind of disappointing to see the majority of the exposition here being delivered through silent text boxes.

For sure.


How many hours in are you now?  I'm about 7h and once you unlock Evermore it gets better... but there's definitely disappointing aspects to it.

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11 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

For sure.


How many hours in are you now?  I'm about 7h and once you unlock Evermore it gets better... but there's definitely disappointing aspects to it.

Just under 7 hours. Currently in Goldpaw which is definitely one of the game's highlights so far.


Im interested in seeing the whole kingdom building stuff. I hope its better than the skirmishes, not a fan of those.

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2 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

Just under 7 hours. Currently in Goldpaw which is definitely one of the game's highlights so far.


Im interested in seeing the whole kingdom building stuff. I hope its better than the skirmishes, not a fan of those.

Yea, I'm not a fan of the skirmishes either.  Suikoden >> NNK2 lol

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i've spent most of the day playing Ni No Kuni 2. It opens up a lot when you unlock the kingdom building, because of the gameplay loop that creates. You build buildings, upgrade existing ones and research a bunch of stuff. You also need personnel for all the building types, so you end up going around various parts of the world completing quests and other activities to recruit people. It becomes really addicting.


Unfortunately that also results in the pacing of the main story really taking a nosedive. Despite having played for hours theres been very little progression, or notable events in the story.


In fact this might be a controversial opinion but if I had to compare the game to something else, I'd say that its the japanese equivalent of Dragon Age Inquisition. Theres a very elaborate, well thought out meta game about building up your base and forces but as a result the main story takes a backseat to that stuff.

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The Ni No Kuni 2 impressions here giving me mixed feelings. The kingdom building sounds amazing and something I'd really be into but sounds disjointed af. Still have plenty to play atm and FCV coming also so I'll probably wait and pick it up some time later in the year. 


For now I'll stick with Kingdom Come, getting through Bayonetta 2 and Fortnite. 

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13 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

The Ni No Kuni 2 impressions here giving me mixed feelings. The kingdom building sounds amazing and something I'd really be into but sounds disjointed af. Still have plenty to play atm and FCV coming also so I'll probably wait and pick it up some time later in the year. 


For now I'll stick with Kingdom Come, getting through Bayonetta 2 and Fortnite. 

Fortnite is poo! not like Bayo 2 :blessed:

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4 minutes ago, Cookester15 said:

Fortnite is poo! not like Bayo 2 :blessed:

them rhymes :patrice:


Bayo 2's combat is near perfection, however the game still has some of the issues of the first where the pace is absolutely killed by long ass over done cutscenes when you just want to get back into the godly gameplay. 

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Just now, madmaltese said:

them rhymes :patrice:


Bayo 2's combat is near perfection, however the game still has some of the issues of the first where the pace is absolutely killed by long ass over done cutscenes when you just want to get back into the godly gameplay. 

yeah less cutscenes.  I hope its all action in bayo3

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Beat Bayonetta 2, solid game. I don't think it ever manages top or even catch up to the impressions I had of the Prologue but it was still a fun time.


Mech, snake, and Loki all suck.

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Finally got around to playing GTA V

Never played GTA IV so the jump from the last one I played (Vice City/Saints Row)  is pretty incredible :mjgrin:

The attention to detail is insane :dame:


Blocking highways and shooting pigs never felt so good :fatcruise:


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Ugh... I am hating TEW2 right now. This fuckin' game just crashed on me... I'm going to have to play through 3 whole Chapters all over again. The game crashed on me 7 times in my first playthrough and now it's crashed on me for the second time in my Classic playthrough.


Classic mode only lets you save 7 times total so I'm trying to space my saves out and use them strategically. But now it's starting to look like I might have to start saving at moments I don't want to just so I don't have to worry about losing progress if the game decides it wants to shit the bed again. 


I am never buying another Bethesda game ever again, such a piece of shit company. 

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