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The Official "What Are You Playing?" Thread (Post Screens)

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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

There are cheaper ways to torture yourself. Im pretty sure razor blades go for $1-$2.

The amount of shit going on in Control during fights is next level compared to anything else ive seen.   I also started playing Witcher 3 again. Damn this game is fucking awesome. It still l

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I love ass creed odyssey. However, why do they keep mixing up how dis nikka says “mother...

sometimes it’s “mater”...other times it’s “mother”...Strange. 


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1 hour ago, Remij_ said:

What do you think of QB so far man?

Yeah I think it's pretty good. Fairly straightforward mechanically, very linear and simple but at the same time the style and setting are a little different than the norm. I do think it would've been far more impressive back when it launched though. It is super blurry at times too which has this strange effect of sometimes looking excellent and other times looking like a mess. TV show wise, it's painfully bad, ain't watching anymore. Atm I'd say its a solid 7.5-8 game. 

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On 2019-03-06 at 7:38 PM, Saucer said:


Pourquoi? Personal life?

Yeah. I started dating this woman who likes going out a lot, I quickly realized I can only find time to game when I'm single (it was the same thing with my ex). I have no idea how people with kids does it. Plus I have a lot of projects underway, bout time I started kicking my ass. I need a new career prospect, going back to school, getting back into shape, and I want to travel and see the world a bit more.


I'm probably never playing a game again. What a colossal waste of time.

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3 hours ago, Ramza said:

Yeah. I started dating this woman who likes going out a lot, I quickly realized I can only find time to game when I'm single (it was the same thing with my ex). I have no idea how people with kids does it. Plus I have a lot of projects underway, bout time I started kicking my ass. I need a new career prospect, going back to school, getting back into shape, and I want to travel and see the world a bit more.


I'm probably never playing a game again. What a colossal waste of time.

Good for you dude. Enjoy. You will start gaming again once you reached some of your goals. 

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3 hours ago, Ramza said:

Yeah. I started dating this woman who likes going out a lot, I quickly realized I can only find time to game when I'm single (it was the same thing with my ex). I have no idea how people with kids does it. Plus I have a lot of projects underway, bout time I started kicking my ass. I need a new career prospect, going back to school, getting back into shape, and I want to travel and see the world a bit more.


I'm probably never playing a game again. What a colossal waste of time.



see you in a couple months man. 

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4 hours ago, Ramza said:

Yeah. I started dating this woman who likes going out a lot, I quickly realized I can only find time to game when I'm single (it was the same thing with my ex). I have no idea how people with kids does it. Plus I have a lot of projects underway, bout time I started kicking my ass. I need a new career prospect, going back to school, getting back into shape, and I want to travel and see the world a bit more.


I'm probably never playing a game again. What a colossal waste of time.

good luck bro. i've actually put dating on hold (except for this cute asian girl i see twice a week), so i can have more time for myself (walking on the beach/relaxing/gaming/tv/etc). i too was going out a lot, for a while there, and barely game'd for like 3 or 4 months (september- january), because i was too busy (and burnt out). it was fun, at first, but then that life got old (and expensive af). i actually game'd the most when i was married, since marriage life is pretty much boring lol. however, most of my gamer friends with kids barely play now...or wait until the kids are asleep (so they game significantly less). it's good to see you are restructuring your priorities. once you feel "established", and have accomplished your goals, you may end up revisiting gaming...or not. regardless, i hope you stick with the nuts and bolts of your plan :smoke: 

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9 hours ago, Ramza said:

Yeah. I started dating this woman who likes going out a lot, I quickly realized I can only find time to game when I'm single (it was the same thing with my ex). I have no idea how people with kids does it. Plus I have a lot of projects underway, bout time I started kicking my ass. I need a new career prospect, going back to school, getting back into shape, and I want to travel and see the world a bit more.


I'm probably never playing a game again. What a colossal waste of time.

Good shit breh.  I'm happy for you. 

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11 hours ago, Ramza said:

Yeah. I started dating this woman who likes going out a lot, I quickly realized I can only find time to game when I'm single (it was the same thing with my ex). I have no idea how people with kids does it. Plus I have a lot of projects underway, bout time I started kicking my ass. I need a new career prospect, going back to school, getting back into shape, and I want to travel and see the world a bit more.


I'm probably never playing a game again. What a colossal waste of time.


lol you'll probably come back to it but it's great to hear. Nothing against cooking but you're smart and you shouldn't be slaving away in a kitchen. 

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I still haven't opened Bayo 2 so I'm passing on DMC5 for now. Instead I just bought...the Yomawari collection? I may even open this one.


I have no idea what I'm doing with gaming anymore. 

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I got suspended for 14 days from literally the only one game I play; league of legends, for obvious humor but forgot we live in victim-hood society now :shake:


Game 1

Shiromisha: too poopoo
Shiromisha: fuking ward
Shiromisha: leave bot, they suck
Shiromisha: learn map awareness, you were right there
Shiromisha: i can heal you
Shiromisha: fuk it
Shiromisha: o now you need MY help
Shiromisha: IDIOT
Shiromisha: learn to fight ffs

Shiromisha: heim you suckkkk
Shiromisha: can we surrender, this heim is too heavy
Shiromisha: you are 1/7
Shiromisha: 1/7/7
Shiromisha: cant hear you
Shiromisha: your kda speaks for itself

Game 2

Shiromisha: that is dumb
Shiromisha: run to the champ who heals dumass
Shiromisha: estupido azir
Shiromisha: so busy typing he's getting his stupidass killed
Shiromisha: look at zed
Shiromisha: exactly, you dont see him
Shiromisha: goes to show, dont call people retards
Shiromisha: if you cant handle it
Shiromisha: capish

Shiromisha: congrats your top is also as fed as you are you careless prick
Shiromisha: 'thanks zxayah for doing what spiderwoman couldnt
Shiromisha: oh but look at dumass going in now, someone give me bug spray
Shiromisha: noone cares Azir, if anyone's getting banned for toxic, its me


^ wow that actually happened :bena: so hope my mini pc can handle dota for 14 days

Edited by zwarior
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Just finished DMC5. Solid 8/10 for me, was expecting more though. Theres a distinct lack of standout moments, outside of some of the boss fights. What stuck out to me the most though is just how bland the environments are. That was one of my main concerns when I watched the trailers, and the full game confirmed them. The 2nd half in particular has so many samey looking levels that I was starting to think they were being randomly generated.


If I were to rank the last 3 games in the series


1. DMC4

2. DmC

3. DMC5

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4 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

Just finished DMC5. Solid 8/10 for me, was expecting more though. Theres a distinct lack of standout moments, outside of some of the boss fights. What stuck out to me the most though is just how bland the environments are. That was one of my main concerns when I watched the trailers, and the full game confirmed them. The 2nd half in particular has so many samey looking levels that I was starting to think they were being randomly generated.


If I were to rank the last 3 games in the series


1. DMC4

2. DmC

3. DMC5

Yea.  It's definitely an issue with the later half of the game.  I'm on Mission 12 and it's all the same shit.


Dante makes up for it though with some crazy ass shit you can do... and during fights the particles and shit that can be happening still looks glorious.

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I’m at level 30 in ass creed odyssey. I can safely say I’ve put 30 + hours into it, and there’s still a lot to do. It’s pretty impressive that it’s holding my interest. This is a better RPG than many actual RPGs. The amount of freedom, in terms of quests, is pretty awesome. There are still areas I have to explore which is nuts!  

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1 hour ago, Remij_ said:

Yea.  It's definitely an issue with the later half of the game.  I'm on Mission 12 and it's all the same shit.


Dante makes up for it though with some crazy ass shit you can do... and during fights the particles and shit that can be happening still looks glorious.

You still have a ways to go and the environments won't change much so prepare yourself :]

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