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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

I finally finished Aegis Rim     I want my fucking 40 hours back. I can't believe how absolutely SHIT that ending was. I couldn't be more disappointed right now.   I was

There's this one scene in Days Gone that is a perfect example of what the game is and everything wrong with it.   

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On 2019-12-05 at 7:41 AM, Ramza said:

I'm on the last quest of Byzantium in The Outer Worlds. How long do I have left before finishing the game? I'm assuming I'm getting pretty damn close.


Also, I just bought AI The Somnium Files on sale. Cam't wait to play that. Also planning on buying Deracine for PSVR, it's on sale for cheap and I always been curious to see what From Soft could do in VR, at least visually speaking.

Well, this is assuming you've done the majority of stuff in Monarch, then yeah, you're probably 2-4 hours away from finished.


If you still haven't finished alot of stuff in Monarch, then it could be more. At this point, I'm certain you're just trying to wrap things up and get it over with. The quests in Monarch just aren't very satisfying. In fact, no quest has ever felt as "dynamic" as the retrieve the medicine sidequest from Edgewater where I gave the medicine to 3 different people because I was able to pickpocket it and pass it to the next person.


I thought to myself "holy shit, if I can engineer outcomes like this, very early in the game, then the latter missions will be amazing."


Nah. It was nothing like that. The game's limits become very apparent after that.

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Played Jedi Fallen Order for a bit. Only did the first two Chapters.


See, I have no experience with any Souls game. None. Nada.


Some people have said that God of War PS4 is designed similar to recent Souls games, so that's as close as my experience gets.


So, I consider this a nice Souls-lite game. And I like it, I am starting to understand how you would play those games. You make a decision as to whether you recharge your health and healing containers in exchange for re-populating the level with enemies. I'm starting to get into the rhythm of what that entails.


I'm playing it on the second-hardest difficulty (third option out of the four they give you). And the hardest part is me not falling into bad button-mashing habits, and also the jump button isn't very helping in combat, so I'm trying to avoid doing that. Because in this game if enemies corner you into a wall, there's no clipping past them, you're just stuck there and shit goes south really quickly. So you need proper evasive maneuvers, but also you need to go in and immediately perform the attacks you planned on performing, and then back the fuck up so that you can prepare again. You also need to take care of lower-tier enemies very quickly and eliminate them because the worst thing about them is that they take away space that you need to move around in against the harder enemies.


Zeffo is a hell of a level. That's some really nice Metroid Prime level design, probably closer to Metroid Prime 3.


I don't like that all of the lightsaber upgrades are just purely cosmetic. I would've like to just get overpowered and come back to earlier levels and just annihilate the enemies that originally gave me trouble.


I probably won't play it again until next weekend, and since I can't help but to try and find every secret and explore everything, it might take me more than 30 hours, so I may not even finish it next weekend. There's an entire Ice Excavation area in Zeffo that seems completely optional to explore, but it was worth it because it had an elevator that took you straight back to your ship.

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I just finished After Party . This game was hilarious .

All the drinks you have are based on drunk stereotypes and change how you communicate with people .

They made your inner demons a character and the the cast was greatly acted and hilarious .

The social media posts on Hells SM "Bicker" were also funny .


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4 minutes ago, Ike said:

AI has been great. I get a sense I’m in for a pretty epic story. Cast of characters seem great and the production values are great especially for this type of game. 

You haven't seen anything yet, it just gets progressively crazier the further you get.

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10 hours ago, jehurey said:

Well, this is assuming you've done the majority of stuff in Monarch, then yeah, you're probably 2-4 hours away from finished.


If you still haven't finished alot of stuff in Monarch, then it could be more. At this point, I'm certain you're just trying to wrap things up and get it over with. The quests in Monarch just aren't very satisfying. In fact, no quest has ever felt as "dynamic" as the retrieve the medicine sidequest from Edgewater where I gave the medicine to 3 different people because I was able to pickpocket it and pass it to the next person.


I thought to myself "holy shit, if I can engineer outcomes like this, very early in the game, then the latter missions will be amazing."


Nah. It was nothing like that. The game's limits become very apparent after that.

*lite spoilers for The Outer Worlds*


Yeah. I finished it yesterday and I'm pretty disappointed with it. Besides a myriad of gameplay issues and some lame quests lines, my biggest gripe is that there's no moral choices conundrum like I had with New Vegas, where I had to choose between Mr House, the NCR, myself or Ceasar's Legion. Choosing between Welles or the Board was just too easy of a choice to make, the board is pictured as a lazy, corrupted, incompetent and evil organization from the start, I thought near the end they would reveal some grand plan that made more sense than Welles or show Welles being actually the bad choice forcing me to turn on him but nope, they shown their true colors as just that, an evil corporation.


New Vegas is a far better game. I enjoyed The Outer Worlds for the most part but near the end in overstayed it's welcome and I just started to rush through it. The level 30 cap which I got way before the end also didn't help.


I was planning a second playthourgh on Surpernova difficulty but I don't think I'll bother anymore. I even bumped up the difficulty to hard very early on and it was still a total piece of cake.


It's a good game but not a great one.

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4 hours ago, Ike said:

AI has been great. I get a sense I’m in for a pretty epic story. Cast of characters seem great and the production values are great especially for this type of game. 

Agreed. The voice acting is fantastic in this. And I love Aiba and Date so much, their constant back and forth bickering are so satisfying. It's really well written.

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Also, I'm on disc 3 of FF8 and this game is still a piece of shit. If it wasn't for the fast forward option I would have dropped it a long time ago. The characters are lame, the battle system is garbage, the sidequests are frustratingly atrocious.


I used to have some love for the game, despite being the weakest of the PS1 FF games, now I just think it's one of the worst FF game ever made period. It's up there with the likes of FFXIII and XV. Trash.

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I still like 8, it might be flawed but it does a lot of stuff right and I like the story, the funny parts with laguna, the music, some of the secret gf questlines, the timber train mission (:drake::bow: ), the funky alien monster on the space ship etc... :shrug: 


















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the desert prison beginning disc 2 was it? the stupid hairy tiger thingy and later when you infiltrate the galbania base dressed as them to disable their rocket attack on the garden. so good :wow2:  

Quality gaming. :glad:  the 90s were better times. :glad: 

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Finished Sekiro. One of the best action games I've played in a long time, definitely scratched that ninja gaiden itch. Prob my runner up GOTY, RE2 being #1.


Continuing my Indivisible playthrough now, which i had put on pause for Sekiro. I'm maybe 4 hours in.

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Played a couple hours of Darksiders Genesis last night. I like it, but man it really needs just a couple extra layers of polish. Dashing into and getting stuck on geometry is never fun and it happens way too often.

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8 hours ago, Hot Sauce said:

Played a couple hours of Darksiders Genesis last night. I like it, but man it really needs just a couple extra layers of polish. Dashing into and getting stuck on geometry is never fun and it happens way too often.

How is the pacing? Is It mostly just combat or is there a good amount of exploration/puzzle solving like the regular Darksider games?

Edited by Twinblade
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