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On 2020-01-23 at 4:41 PM, Twinblade said:

Im not sure its your type of game but I do hope you end up enjoying Death Stranding. It truly is something special as long as you dedicate enough patience to learning its ins and outs.

Bro, the game is amazing so far. It feels different and unique, and the science fiction world building and lore are great. Its good stuff but Im still early so I wont say much more than that.

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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

There's this one scene in Days Gone that is a perfect example of what the game is and everything wrong with it.   

There are cheaper ways to torture yourself. Im pretty sure razor blades go for $1-$2.

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1 hour ago, Ramza said:

Bro, the game is amazing so far. It feels different and unique, and the science fiction world building and lore are great. Its good stuff but Im still early so I wont say much more than that.

Nice. The earlier parts are universally considered to be the weakest, so if you're already liking it then thats a good sign.

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Dragon Quest 11 S is truly an accomplishment on the Nintendo Switch. 


Its the full Console Experience on the go and the updates to Unreal Engine 4 specifically for Switch paid off in spades...... 


Great Job Square-Enix for waiting for the update and not rushing the game and Epic for optimizing Unreal 4 for Switch.   


The next batch for Unreal 4 games on Switch should be marvelous :aitch:

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I've finally assembled my parties in DQ11. Got the g-paa, and the hot boob chic with the great eyes that I'm going to do.


(and the boat),

so, how long is this game now?  100  more hours? or is it really that short?  I won't say how many hours I took to get to this spot.  :D  

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tho this has a much thicker linear foundation and actual game, FFXV just seemed a lot more immediate and fun, the graphics wre suueeet, the combat cool, the dialogue (well it's voiced too with REAL CHARACTERS), a much better Japanese experience. But I suppose it's really cool getting to read DQ11 all the time.  Slightly  more fun than reading Harry Potter book 2. Which by the way, I should finish at some point. On page 370 or something.  

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So I felt like playing a COD game so I bought it. Its.....its....163GB, What The Fuck


Guess ill be playing some Indivisible in the mean time, this game is pretty fun. Also gonna try Gris or whatever its called.

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FFXV is pew pew fun. I wanna boot it up now. :D to listen the dozens of hours of barely hacked and strung together dialogue. But really tho, humbling into some broken rock "buildinig" or outpost, to slash a thing, and pick up a thing, but then you have single-player campaign top tier graphics and story, the fucking thing made no sense. :D  There will never be a nother game like FFXV.  The dungeons all sucked ass. there's no "story" hour 10-50, except for an 13 minute train scene from sci-fi die hard inspirations, and the last 3 hours is a giaant handjob/tear jerk attempt.  


Well, at least you have 150 hunts to do. I did like that.  FUCK DQ11. I WANT TO BE TRAUMATIZED AGAIN XV..

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12 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

Play it with japanese voices. You'll make sex to ignis suggestions and promoto's prompto. 


Dq11 is still a humbling drag. I haven't even used the skill panel yet lol. Got abiut 40 points per character. I don't see how guard + 5% is that much of a rush. I somehow think it has to happen more than 5%. 1/20?? Sounds like garbage to me... I can spend 40 skill points one way to get strenght plus 20? Cool.. 20 is not a lot at this point. 

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5 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

Not cheap enough yet haha . I played quite a bit on xbox . 

:| its not a bargain title. That is cheap. I saw rdr2 for 38 bucks and I know that's cheap. I'd be cheap, to say otherwise.  Hahahahaha you're broke. 

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2 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

It's old.  Lmao I'm not broke 

It's fucking awesome. And special. And the graphics are good. And square spent hundreds of millions for your cheap ass. Don't insult my game. 



If I wasnt cheap, or more of a gamer, I actually almost bought death stranding and red dead 2 the other week. 


Tho tbh been wasting moola lots lately. And if those games weren't English time sinks I would have picked em up. 

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Seeing Dark Fate put me in the mood for more terminator so I pulled the trigger on Terminator: Resistance. Its really not that bad of a game, im digging their depiction of the future and the characters are likable enough so far. Its kind of rough gameplay and production wise, but not enough to put me off of it.

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