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6 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

Oh also some other games I got through before starting all these 3d platformers:


- Finished Hades (as in got to the credits). What a game. Legit  10/10

- Platinumed Wreckfast. Prob the most fun I've had with an arcade racer outside of Forza Horizon. 9/10

- Finished The Ascent (coop). One of the most frustrating and annoying games I've ever played, but coop options were limited lol 5/10

Hades is godly!!! Glad you enjoyed it! I was so surprised by how much I loved it, considering I don’t like challenging games. 

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On 2021-09-02 at 7:46 PM, madmaltese said:

Gave Splitgate a go with a couple friends and holy shit is it awesome. It is pure Halo 2/3 with the added amazing feature of Portals. 100% rip off but it feels perfecccct. 100% would fill the Halo PvP void for anyone wanting that. Was very very impressed. 

Yeah, my PS crew has been playing it the past 2 weeks, and while I haven't yet had the chance to hop on it yet, I've seen gameplay from my homie's twitch and yeah, it's 100% a Halo rip off and I'm all for it! Can't wait to give it a go

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PS4 generation I didn't really get to game much, just the way life was going, but I've been catching up on that gen's games lately and damn I've missed some great games.


Most recent ones I beat were God of War and Alien: Isolation...wow, honestly no words, I don't like throwing around the word masterpiece around, but in their respective genres, I'd say they're damn near close.


I didn't pay attention to GoW when it released, thought it was a soft reboot but Norse mythology instead of Greek, had no idea it's a sequel to GoW 3 and was absolutely blown away by it all. During 2020, I had PS Now and downloaded PS4's Remaster of GoW 3 because I loved it back in 2010, probably played all of 20 minutes of it before I shut it off, the camera angle, especially, but also just the combat just wasn't fun anymore. Everything Santa Monica changed in GoW, I loved every step of the way, the combat actually felt satisfying, free camera, being able to explore and the detail of the world, even the small QoL changes of taking away mashing X just to open chests and doors was much welcomed, hell, even the story and the growth of Kratos and the interaction between him son were actually great. My only complaints were enemy variety was definitely lacking and the boss fights were also lacking. However that first fight with Baldur at their home was definitely one of the most epic fights I've ever seen. 

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As for Alien Isolation, god damn, the fucking atmosphere and the amount of detail they put into that game was un-fucking-real. Like you felt you were on the fucking Nostromo from the original Alien movie. I read the developers were given 3 terabytes of data / files from the first movie by Fox and it showed. I was a scared lil bitch my first playthrough, not to mention how great and advanced the Alien AI was, it all made it just terrifying. Obviously you learn that you just gotta always be moving and that makes it easier, but still no matter how confident you think you are, when you hear that Alien drop down, you immediately feel that tingle all the way down your spine. I'm still doing my second playthrough on Hard and then I'll do the Nightmare run, which I can't wait for. 


There are minor complaints, like after your first playthrough every time you have to go in space or play as Marlow on LV-426 is kinda unnecessary. There are some others but Georgia just beat Clemson and I can't think of them now lmao!



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Just now, Snowman said:

As for Alien Isolation, god damn, the fucking atmosphere and the amount of detail they put into that game was un-fucking-real. Like you felt you were on the fucking Nostromo from the original Alien movie. I read the developers were given 3 terabytes of data / files from the first movie by Fox and it showed. I was a scared lil bitch my first playthrough, not to mention how great and advanced the Alien AI was, it all made it just terrifying. Obviously you learn that you just gotta always be moving and that makes it easier, but still no matter how confident you think you are, when you hear that Alien drop down, you immediately feel that tingle all the way down your spine. I'm still doing my second playthrough on Hard and then I'll do the Nightmare run, which I can't wait for. 


There are minor complaints, like after your first playthrough every time you have to go in space or play as Marlow on LV-426 is kinda unnecessary. There are some others but Georgia just beat Clemson and I can't think of them now lmao!




Awesome game. One of the best horror experiences of its gen :smoke: 

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8 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


Awesome game. One of the best horror experiences of its gen :smoke: 


I haven't yet played RE2make, but how is it both as a remake but also how is it from a survival horror aspect?  

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Just now, Snowman said:


I haven't yet played RE2make, but how is it both as a remake but also how is it from a survival horror aspect?  


Its great on both aspects, but the ammo can be pretty abundant so that does lessen the tension a bit. If you play it on hard its definitely more intense tho.

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I've also been playing Genshin Impact since it came out last September and I'll admit, at its core, it's an incredibly fun game. I mean, besides the fact that it's a Gacha game, which I'll get to, but ignoring that for just a second, there's a pretty great game underneath it the terrible Gacha aspects.

I doubt many care and have dropped this game looooooong ago, which I completely understand lmao..but I'm one of the few on my PS4/5 friendlist that kept up with it, even my irl friends dropped it, and I haven't posted on here in years really, so I figure I'll share my experience with it. It'll probably be pretty long and again I know most probably won't care, but whatever, I haven't talked video games or actually been active on here since 2012 and I feel like sharing lol.

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I'll type it later and send it, but first I gotta do my dallies and whatnot on Genshin :ben:


Sad to admit, but because I didn't game much at all last gen, I think Genshin is my most played game on PS4.. Well, Bloodborne is / or was it, think I had 1,100 - 1,300 hours on it, but I know Genshin is either knocking on that door or passed it now. I blame it on Covid and boredom :ben:


Edit: before y'all start roasting me, I'd like to say I've stayed essentially F2P (spent $10), i ain't no Gacha sucka or some weeb Waifu hunter :ben:

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I finished Psychnauts 2... wow what an absolutely crazy game!  I absolutely loved it.  It's so creative and inventive.  Some of the level design is absoultely top tier stuff.  I'm going to actually 100% this game, I enjoy it that much.  I checked online about whether it has any missable achievements or not, and there are 2 of them.. but luckily I had already got both of them naturally, so finishing up the rest shouldn't be too much of a problem.

So, I love the game..that's for sure.. but it's not perfect.  So here's a quick little breakdown of positives and negatives of each aspect of the game:


-Visuals (Game looks beautiful, has tons of different styles, crazy effects work, and a style which I love)
-Story (The story is actually quite involved and goes some deep places)
-Controls (For the most part this game controls quite well, I didn't have any problems with general platforming)
-Level Design (Some really spectacular level designs and set pieces. Can't be stressed enough about how inventive it is)
-Audio (The character voices are all superb.. absolultely colorful and well acted, the music is really awesome throughout)

-Visuals (Needs more budget, higher polygon counts would do wonders for rounded objects like eyes)
-Story (I feel the game could have utilized the interns a bit more throughout the game.. like joining Raz through the levels more often.  They're good support characters, but unfortunately underutilized)
-Controls (I'm not a fan of how you map powers to the shoulder buttons.  I always kept the same 3 powers on the same buttons when I could and then just quickly switched to the one I needed on the last button whenever I needed it.  I would prefer they streamline it in any future games.  Have a mappable button, and then have another button for contextual powers, for example)
-Level Design (The levels are great, but sometimes they drag on a little too much in certain areas.  One part in particular involves a ride which you can't speed up and are forced to just watch as it tells you its story..  It's great, but just goes on a bit too long.  They could have sped it up a bit)
-Audio (I don't really have much to add here.. there's only ONE instance where I thought a character sounded strangely flat during a small part.  I think maybe they had to rerecord those lines possibly from home or some other location than the studio, resulting in a different quality, but I'm not sure)

Anyway, the good stuff here EASILY outweighs the negative stuff I've point out.  If they can address some of those things for the next game, if/when they make one... it could push it to absolute greatness.

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22 hours ago, Snowman said:

Yeah, my PS crew has been playing it the past 2 weeks, and while I haven't yet had the chance to hop on it yet, I've seen gameplay from my homie's twitch and yeah, it's 100% a Halo rip off and I'm all for it! Can't wait to give it a go

So since that post it's basically been all my friends and I have been playing and we are hooked af!

The game is absolutely superb. I'm not even sure Halo Infinite's MP is going to be this good lol

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I'm at the end of No More Heroes 3 and it is complete dog shit.


I liked the first, the 2nd was good but disappointing, Travis Strikes Again was alright for what it was although the call backs to previous Suda games had a lot to do with it. But this, wow, I can't believe how bad this shit is. It's a quick cash in with the NMH name



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Finished NEO TWEWY. Really solid game overall, the presentation was pretty slick throughout and the story was well paced with an entertaining cast of characters. The soundtrack has some weak tracks but the good ones are pretty killer, especially one that plays during one of the last boss battles. The one aspect that annoyed me a bit was the combat (mainly towards the end) There is just SO much shit happening on screen that it becomes hard to keep track of what’s going on. I even died a few times without realizing it because I’d get hit by strong attacks and have no clue due to the damage numbers/indicators getting obscured by everything else you’re trying to focus on.

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2 minutes ago, Delita said:

I'm at the end of No More Heroes 3 and it is complete dog shit.


I liked the first, the 2nd was good but disappointing, Travis Strikes Again was alright for what it was although the call backs to previous Suda games had a lot to do with it. But this, wow, I can't believe how bad this shit is. It's a quick cash in with the NMH name



damn, I was actually right about to buy it.

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6 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

damn, I was actually right about to buy it.

Don't. I was a fan of this series but this game has nothing going for it. I thought at least the story and characters and boss battles would be entertaining but not even that. The story is almost non existant, the bosses are bland as fuck except maybe 1 or 2, and even those are still weak. Right from the start i knew they had made a mistake when they introduce the 10 bosses at the beginning and they all shared a style. The fun in Suda games is not knowing what kind of rabbit the game is going to pull out of its hat for the next boss but here it's literally generic alien boss 1, generic alien boss 2, generic alien boss 3. Stupid.


There's no new memorable characters like a Shinobu, Henry, Bad Girl, Margaret in NMH3. I literally can't remember what any boss even looks like or their names or their theme song. Theyre just such throwaway and forgettable.


ever since they got rid of the OG composer from NMH1 (who also did killer7 as well as the Danganronpa games) the music has been getting worse and worse.

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On 2021-09-02 at 6:46 PM, madmaltese said:

Gave Splitgate a go with a couple friends and holy shit is it awesome. It is pure Halo 2/3 with the added amazing feature of Portals. 100% rip off but it feels perfecccct. 100% would fill the Halo PvP void for anyone wanting that. Was very very impressed. 


I just actually tried this for the first time today, and yea, it feels pretty good.  Complete rip-off as you said.. but the portals adds a new element to it, much like the hook-shot adds some flavor to Halo Infinite.


I really didn't have to fuck around with everything.  First time I played everything felt right, so that's pretty good right there haha.  

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16 minutes ago, Delita said:

Don't. I was a fan of this series but this game has nothing going for it. I thought at least the story and characters and boss battles would be entertaining but not even that. The story is almost non existant, the bosses are bland as fuck except maybe 1 or 2, and even those are still weak. Right from the start i knew they had made a mistake when they introduce the 10 bosses at the beginning and they all shared a style. The fun in Suda games is not knowing what kind of rabbit the game is going to pull out of its hat for the next boss but here it's literally generic alien boss 1, generic alien boss 2, generic alien boss 3. Stupid.


There's no new memorable characters like a Shinobu, Henry, Bad Girl, Margaret in NMH3. I literally can't remember what any boss even looks like or their names or their theme song. Theyre just such throwaway and forgettable.


ever since they got rid of the OG composer from NMH1 (who also did killer7 as well as the Danganronpa games) the music has been getting worse and worse.

Yes!  I watched a video of the beginning of the game and they essentially blow the entire load early!


And I agree as well that none of them seem particularly memorable... but I haven't played the game so I can't possibly know that yet.


Oh well... it's time they give this series a good rest anyway.  They're pretty much just phoning it in with this release.  We need some new Suda IP goodness, and something that they actually will own so he can be excited about it and the team can do the best work possible.

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