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25 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

I didn’t know there was a demo but that seems like a game that’s more up my alley. I’ll give it a try.

You'll probably love it. I tried the demo last week and thought it was alright and this is coming from someone who doesn't like the older entries. So I'm not really sure what's changed since now and then because its pretty much the same game but a lot prettier. I'll probably end up picking it up TBH.

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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

There are cheaper ways to torture yourself. Im pretty sure razor blades go for $1-$2.

I finally finished Aegis Rim     I want my fucking 40 hours back. I can't believe how absolutely SHIT that ending was. I couldn't be more disappointed right now.   I was

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12 hours ago, Sabo said:

You'll probably love it. I tried the demo last week and thought it was alright and this is coming from someone who doesn't like the older entries. So I'm not really sure what's changed since now and then because its pretty much the same game but a lot prettier. I'll probably end up picking it up TBH.

I just tried it for a bit and I’m definitely impressed. The visuals are vibrant and surprisingly detailed, and the combat seems fast and fun. I might get this.

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lies of P OWNS!


pros: weapon customizing is insanely cool; i love using different arms in different areas, depending on enemies (the grapple one makes combat fast and frenetic); very linear, so this feels like it's going to be a tight campaign; neat "armor" upgrade system; super cool levels.


cons: parries require perfection (i feel like BB was more forgiving); too linear (a pro for me, but a con for those who love to explore); major deja vu if you've played BB; jarring difficulty spike between enemies in some areas and respective bosses. minor grinding required to get a good amount of certain items (throwing cell turned one boss into a joke lol). also, an excess of those items don't get sent to storage - smh.


on the fence: the skill tree. on paper, it's good. however, i'll have to see how many quartz i get to properly unlock all of the perks (some look amazing).


so far, it's the closest i'll get to a BB2 until BB2 drops.

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14 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

lies of P OWNS!


pros: weapon customizing is insanely cool; i love using different arms in different areas, depending on enemies (the grapple one makes combat fast and frenetic); very linear, so this feels like it's going to be a tight campaign; neat "armor" upgrade system; super cool levels.


cons: parries require perfection (i feel like BB was more forgiving); too linear (a pro for me, but a con for those who love to explore); major deja vu if you've played BB; jarring difficulty spike between enemies in some areas and respective bosses. minor grinding required to get a good amount of certain items (throwing cell turned one boss into a joke lol). also, an excess of those items don't get sent to storage - smh.


on the fence: the skill tree. on paper, it's good. however, i'll have to see how many quartz i get to properly unlock all of the perks (some look amazing).


so far, it's the closest i'll get to a BB2 until BB2 drops.

 Nice :wow2:will probably buy it tonight.

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Going wait a bit before I try Lies of P. Wasn't really impressed with the demo. 


Had to take a break from FF XVI, I'll clean up the Platinum later. I just can't be bothered right now. Even skipping all cutscenes and ignoring side quests the game is a slog. The problems with the game become really obvious on a 2nd playthrough.


So I'm playing Scars Above,  bought it months ago. This game is... kind of dookie. Apparently it's really short though and the story is supposedly pretty good so I'll soldier on through it.

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Dude, WTF is up with the hitboxes in this game?


Did they have an intern code all the collision boxes in this game or something? 


Some of the attacks in this game have the most bullshit hitboxes I've seen. I literally get hit by shit that's like 10 feet away from me LOL. I would be annoyed if it wasn't so damn comical.


I'm not dying or anything and I don't even think the game is hard but the amount of times I've been hit by something thats made me go:


 "WHAT? Are you serious?"




"HOW!? I'm 5 feet BEHIND you!"




"Where's my flag, ref? That's an illegal hit"


The collision in this game is just clownshoes nonsense.

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2 hours ago, Twinblade said:

Lies of P seems easier than the demo for some reason. I took out the first boss without breaking a sweat, but it took me several tries during the demo.

The controls were tweaked. Dodging is better, but not great (you can unlock improved dodging later into it). 

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I made some pretty good progress in Lies of P. I would have cleared out the 4th main area, but my damn xbox controller broke (right back button). I had just figured out which weapon and strategies to use on the boss too lol. 

I can’t express how much I love creating weapons. The handles have more impact on combat than just being faster or tankier. It’s pretty nice having the scaling/power of your favorite blade and using it with a handle that has the move set/speed you are looking for. 


I can’t say I’m a fan of the dodge upgrade being buried in a skill tree. Sometimes, an enemy will lock you in a long combo set and you can’t roll out of it, unless you upgrade (which won’t be available until later). Odd gameplay choice. 


The pacing is pretty great IF you aren’t using throwable items. If you are, you will have to grind. You can’t keep buying them from the shops. Maybe that will change, but it is a bit of a nuisance. However, the items do make boss battles easier, so maybe that’s the reasoning. 

All in all, I’m really enjoying this. It’s not perfect, but it’s consistently surprising me. 




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8 hours ago, -GD-X said:

I made some pretty good progress in Lies of P. I would have cleared out the 4th main area, but my damn xbox controller broke (right back button). I had just figured out which weapon and strategies to use on the boss too lol. 

I can’t express how much I love creating weapons. The handles have more impact on combat than just being faster or tankier. It’s pretty nice having the scaling/power of your favorite blade and using it with a handle that has the move set/speed you are looking for. 


I can’t say I’m a fan of the dodge upgrade being buried in a skill tree. Sometimes, an enemy will lock you in a long combo set and you can’t roll out of it, unless you upgrade (which won’t be available until later). Odd gameplay choice. 


The pacing is pretty great IF you aren’t using throwable items. If you are, you will have to grind. You can’t keep buying them from the shops. Maybe that will change, but it is a bit of a nuisance. However, the items do make boss battles easier, so maybe that’s the reasoning. 

All in all, I’m really enjoying this. It’s not perfect, but it’s consistently surprising me. 




that sounds really neat. I assumed the long demo had nearly all of the game’s mechanics in it but it sounds like there’s still a lot of stuff to discover and play around with after those initial areas.

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1 hour ago, Twinblade said:

that sounds really neat. I assumed the long demo had nearly all of the game’s mechanics in it but it sounds like there’s still a lot of stuff to discover and play around with after those initial areas.

Oh yeah, the game gets a lot more intricate. In addition to standard buffs like fire and electricity, the game gives a lot of incentives for hybrid builds, especially with the weapon customization. Slapping a big, heavy wrench onto a faster saber handle is amazing! It’s my current weapon of choice for farming and if I just want quick, but powerful, kills. 

edit: I feel like there’s way more incentive to dump points into Advance than in BB’s Bloodtinge. 

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Made it to world 5 in Lies of P. Only 4% unlocked it, according to the Xbox achievement :smoke: That 4th main boss gave me some challenge. I think I’m a bit underpowered and have to dump more in their version of strength. 

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25 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

Made it to world 5 in Lies of P. Only 4% unlocked it, according to the Xbox achievement :smoke: That 4th main boss gave me some challenge. I think I’m a bit underpowered and have to dump more in their version of strength. 

I’m getting my ass handed to me by the 3rd level boss.

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31 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

I’m getting my ass handed to me by the 3rd level boss.

Try using throwing cells. You can farm them at 2-3. Try to go into the fight with 5. Also, buy 5 electric blitz canisters. The merchant in 2-2 sells them. Weapons with electricity (like electric coil blade) kick ass. 

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8 hours ago, -GD-X said:

Try using throwing cells. You can farm them at 2-3. Try to go into the fight with 5. Also, buy 5 electric blitz canisters. The merchant in 2-2 sells them. Weapons with electricity (like electric coil blade) kick ass. 

Ahh, i didn’t know you could farm throwing cells. The merchants are all sold out of them so I only have a couple.

I’ll try to buy the electric weapon that’s one of the few im missing.

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2 hours ago, Twinblade said:

Ahh, i didn’t know you could farm throwing cells. The merchants are all sold out of them so I only have a couple.

I’ll try to buy the electric weapon that’s one of the few im missing.

I just found a vendor in the 5th area that sells unlimited of everything. You just 


Need the mark by the graves just before the 5th world’s first save point. 

I did an experiment with the throwables and totally nuked the 5th main boss without even using my sword. If you want to know the Items I used, let me know. 

edit: that vendor is in the red lobster inn lol 

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I played Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 on PS4 yesterday for the first time.


Honestly, it has some of the best graphics I ever seen. This game is gorgeous and I don't say this as a pun. It's a really good looking game, even years later. 

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4 hours ago, -GD-X said:

I just found a vendor in the 5th area that sells unlimited of everything. You just 

  Reveal hidden contents

Need the mark by the graves just before the 5th world’s first save point. 

I did an experiment with the throwables and totally nuked the 5th main boss without even using my sword. If you want to know the Items I used, let me know. 

edit: that vendor is in the red lobster inn lol 

I heard the game gets really unforgiving later on and basically forces you to master the block and dodge mechanics or you’re pretty much screwed. I’m not sure I’m looking forward to that.

tbh I’m not really in the mood for tough as nails games right now in general.

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