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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

since we are on the subject of boobs and a tiny waist, i found this lovely gif

I finally finished Aegis Rim     I want my fucking 40 hours back. I can't believe how absolutely SHIT that ending was. I couldn't be more disappointed right now.   I was

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i just played a little of the darksiders demo for ps3. i'm glad to see it doesn't have all the screen tearing and framerate issues found in the 360 version. though i'm not sure if i like it yet.

Didn't have any issues on 360.

i still gotta play the demo for darksiders.

it sucksPffft. The demo was awesome. Meh, I'll try it again. Only played it for like 20 min, wish you could save :happysad:

Yeah beat it! Dungeon might require a little bit of thought.

I played it twice, first time couldn't get into it. Second time I bought some upgrades and got more used to the combat/controls. The enemies get a little tougher and some of the environmental puzzles are fun. It's really just like a badass Zelda clone.

It's just harder to get into beacuse there's no context for the dungeon and the gameplay isn't exactly quick.

That giant shuriken thing reminded me of Link's boomerang :killzone: The combat isn't that great though :ben: I'm practically holding the X button and motherfucker does like 20 hit combo. Doesn't feel as satisfying as Zelda's combat IMO.
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I played the 360 version of Darksiders and don't seem to recall the problems being that bad with it. I noticed screen tearing but it wasn't anywhere near as bad as it seems to be for other people. Anyways, rented GoW3 today. Figured it'd take awhile for GameFly to send it out so I just went to my local BlockBuster and rented a copy. Will try it out later tonight.

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Darksiders: The combat is definitely very Zelda like with some slight (and I mean slight) DMC influence sprinkled in. There's only four dungeons in the game but only one of them is what I'd consider to be challenging (Black Throne). There really aren't that many puzzles in the dungeons either, out of all the puzzles that do exist in the game only two of them are what I would consider to be challenging. The majority of the time though they're really easy to figure out. If you've played Zelda or Tomb Raider (or even Portal) then the puzzles in this game really aren't going to show you anything you haven't experienced before. The game is also pretty short. You can beat it in around 10-15 hours if you ignore all the collecting and after I beat hard mode there wasn't any incentive to playthrough it again. There are barely any side quests to keep you occupied and the game really could've used more dungeons because two of the four that are in the game were over with before I even realize it. My biggest gripe with the game is the fact it never tries to be more than what it sets out to be- a well made Zelda clone but still just a Zelda clone. It even follows the Zelda formula to a tee: Enter dungeon, find key item, use key item to solve the puzzles and beat the boss, rinse and repeat. It's even a little heartbreaking because you can see the game had the potential to be much more than that. With all that said I still feel it was a solid game and definitely worth checking out. I wouldn't buy it though, rent it.

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I just finished God of War 2, my thoughts. I'll start off by saying this game is overall much better experience than God of War 1. The combat was easily the most improved aspect. The moves are pulled off faster, the enemies were more fun to fight and I preferred the magic and weapons they offered in this game. Some of the death animations were awesome too, especially the one in which Kratos plants both blades in the "giant soldier's" chest, jumps over him and pulls away, ripping his head off. Awesome. The golden fleece added so much to the game for me. I really enjoyed that mechanic and it came in handy for breaking up crowds of enemies. The Ganondorf "tennis" moments were pretty cool, loved shooting back projectiles at bosses. That being said, using it against the "medusas" was really retarded because after countering their beam, if you messed up the QTE, you died instantly (?) The puzzles for the most part were pretty good. Quite a few cool ones like the floating body puzzle. Though I felt there were quite a few instances where they just didn't make sense. For example, why does pulling a lever instantly pull me out of the "slow motion mode"? I actually enjoyed the platforming in this game. The Wings and the Grappling hook were fun to use and I never died from poor camera angles like I did in the first game. I have to say I enjoyed the first half of the game over the second half because I feel like the environments were more varied and the game had a faster pace. The game started to kinda drag for me once I got to the Temple of the Fates. But yeah, the level variety was awesome and there were no sections nearly as bad as the Hades one in GoW1. The game's levels were kinda Zelda-esque in their design (minus the towns and overworld), which is fresh in this gen full of shooters. The boss fights were waaaaaaaaaaay better and were some my favorite gameplay segments of the game. And killing Perseus was one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. :D Finally the story, cinematics and setting, which are I'm really playing this series for. Top notch. Loved the beginning, Sister of Fates moments and ending. But holy shit, Kratos has become a fucking dick lol. At times I almost feel like he's the bad guy. His revenge in GoW1 was justified, but bringing on war to Olympus and wanting to kill everyone? Shiet. Probably one of the angriest heroes I've ever seen in a game or movie. The ending was great though and the cliffhanger is cool with me since I can play GoW3 right away. Also, the jump in quality in the set pieces from GoW1 to 2 is huge. Can't wait to see GoW3's. That all being said, gonna take a small break from God of War to play Heavy Rain. I don't think I should play all three in a row because that's a lot of God of War lol. But when I get back to it, can't wait to see Kratos rip the gods to pieces B). If I had to score it, I'd give it a 4/5

Edited by -CM-
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