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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

since we are on the subject of boobs and a tiny waist, i found this lovely gif

I finally finished Aegis Rim     I want my fucking 40 hours back. I can't believe how absolutely SHIT that ending was. I couldn't be more disappointed right now.   I was

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Guest C.M.

I just beat Bowser in Galaxy 2. Mario burnout complete. I'm never buying another one again. :sword:

lmao. I've heard some people say they once they got 70 stars and beat the game they didn't care to go back to get the remaing ones.

And I started Braid. I'm almost done with World 3. There's one puzzle piece that has me.....puzzled. :hehe:

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Final Fantasy XIII. One of the worst games in the series, barely better than XII. -Story sucks. I don't even want to comment on it, it sucks that bad. -Characters suck. Lightning's a bitch. Snow's a damn tool, not to mention an idiot. No, seriously, he is literally an idiot. Need proof? He lives on the beach and he's walking around in pants, a trenchcoat and a beanie.:| I cringe everytime Vanille opens her fuckin mouth, just shut up. Please. Just. Shut. Up. Hope just left me hoping (ha!) he would just go or better yet, die. He had a chance to win some cool points but of course he didn't kill the aforementioned idiot. Fang is alright but her VA made her sound like an old woman and that bothered the hell out of me. Sazh is really the only tolerable character but it's not by much. And OMG, some of the dialogue in this game is just embarassing even for FF standards. I was SOOOO tempted to start skipping cutscenes and that's something I thought I would never do in a FF game. I was close though, so close. -Level design sucks. I don't mind linear level design, but this is beyond that. Note to SE- You can make a linear game and have it not feel repetitive. The majority of the Chapters in this game have you going through the same hallways and going through the same large room over and over again. Some of the Chapters that are the worst offenders are hours long. How long were you guys making this game? Like, 5 years? You didn't see a problem with this? Sheesh, no wonder you guys are a second tier developer now. Finally, combat sucks. Yea, I said it. The combat system sucks. Sure, it's flashy as hell but there's not much strategy to it. COM/RAV/RAV to a RAV/RAV/RAV setup is really all I needed to get through the game. Switched to a healing setup when needed. Maybe use SYN and SAB (although I never found either of these classes to be all that necessary to get through the game) for certain missions and bosses. SYN's become useless in the late game though because I had accessories that would give me the buffs I wanted. I also don't like how battles just drag on because the game is designed around this Stagger system and using it is the only way you're going to do any kind of serious damage. It's an interesting idea that would work for a game that would be less than half this game's length, but for a game of this length it doesn't work well because the concept doesn't have any longetivity to it, there's just not much depth to the entire system. By Chapter 6 (or 7?) I got to to the point to where I was just avoiding battles because I was bored of it all. This ended up biting me in the ass though because I had to do some serious grinding in Chapter 11, I was seriously underleveled. But I've been told everyone has to do a bit of grinding at this point anyways because there's a massive difficulty spike here. So yea, got good reviews off name alone IMO. If it didn't have FF on the label, this game would've been dragged through shit over and over again.

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Guest Golem

Finished Red Dead more or less. Time to move on to my next game, which should I play?; WET Mass Effect Ass Creed CoD:WAW Dead Rising Gears 2 GRAW 2 Hitman: Blood Money Reisdent Evil 5 Lego Batman Splinter Cell Double Agent/Conviction Stranglehold

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Finished Red Dead more or less. Time to move on to my next game, which should I play?;


Mass Effect

Ass Creed


Dead Rising

Gears 2


Hitman: Blood Money

Reisdent Evil 5

Lego Batman

Splinter Cell Double Agent/Conviction


Blood Money. Awesome game, everyone should play it.

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Guest Golem

Finished Red Dead more or less. Time to move on to my next game, which should I play?;


Mass Effect

Ass Creed


Dead Rising

Gears 2


Hitman: Blood Money

Reisdent Evil 5

Lego Batman

Splinter Cell Double Agent/Conviction


Blood Money. Awesome game, everyone should play it.

Demo was tight B) Haven't played a hitman game in time.
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I'll never understand why people absolutely can't put up with Vanille but for some reason Fang, who is much more of an annoying bitch with a far more grating accent, people are cool with.

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I'll never understand why people absolutely can't put up with Vanille but for some reason Fang, who is much more of an annoying bitch with a far more grating accent, people are cool with.

It's Vanille's voice acting along with her lines. She has some stupid lines. The kind of shit that makes you simply want to tell her "just STFU already, damn"

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I'll never understand why people absolutely can't put up with Vanille but for some reason Fang, who is much more of an annoying bitch with a far more grating accent, people are cool with.

It's Vanille's voice acting along with her lines. She has some stupid lines. The kind of shit that makes you simply want to tell her "just STFU already, damn"

Oh yeah I know she was annoying, but Fang was just so much worse. Like I actually wanted to climb into my TV and stab that bitch

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I'll never understand why people absolutely can't put up with Vanille but for some reason Fang, who is much more of an annoying bitch with a far more grating accent, people are cool with.

It's Vanille's voice acting along with her lines. She has some stupid lines. The kind of shit that makes you simply want to tell her "just STFU already, damn"

Oh yeah I know she was annoying, but Fang was just so much worse. Like I actually wanted to climb into my TV and stab that bitch

I couldn't stand Snow at all.
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Guest C.M.

Just beat Braid. Really cool ending.

world 5, the one with your shadow, was my favorite one.

explain what the ending was about :ben:I took it on face value. But apparently there's all this shit about it being about an atomic bomb. :ben:
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