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Hell, the Monster Hunter does combat way better than Dragon's Dogma. The feel of the characters and moves are way more tight, they have a certain momentum to them that feels just right. Sure, the combat itself is simple due to a limited movesets but at least the bosses have patterns and required a more strategic approach to take them down with some good, well timed blows. You can also play with actual human players instead of half wit AI companions. DD is a mess in comparison.


I hate this game even more than the first time I played it now. They tried something ambitious and they failed at it.

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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

since we are on the subject of boobs and a tiny waist, i found this lovely gif

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 Downplay harder, it's not obvious enough. I could go in-depth with all the things the combat does right but to be honest it'd be a waste of my time because you've obviously already wrote the game off and can't be told otherwise.


The game is still very much an RPG, don't know why you're comparing it to an Action game but hey if that's what you have to compare it to in order to give your argument some weight then go right ahead. Don't mind me as I laugh at that though.


 Pawns are great by the way. You just have to know what to look for. Most players don't know how to set up a good Pawn build so there's a lot of terrible ones out there. Seeing as how you're referencing dumb AI companions I already know you must've had a group with the Guardian behavior on which is the worst behavior to assign your Pawn because it makes them useless.

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I disagree with ramza and agree with sab right here. Dd is an action rpg with tight combat and some actual mechanical depth. depth. Leagues beyond most games of its type and on par with most gow clones. If you want flashy shallow combat play KoA.

The game has flaws but you're not talking about them.

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 Downplay harder, it's not obvious enough. I could go in-depth with all the things the combat does right but to be honest it'd be a waste of my time because you've obviously already wrote the game off and can't be told otherwise.


The game is still very much an RPG, don't know why you're comparing it to an Action game but hey if that's what you have to compare it to in order to give your argument some weight then go right ahead. Don't mind me as I laugh at that though.


 Pawns are great by the way. You just have to know what to look for. Most players don't know how to set up a good Pawn build so there's a lot of terrible ones out there. Seeing as how you're referencing dumb AI companions I already know you must've had a group with the Guardian behavior on which is the worst behavior to assign your Pawn because it makes them useless.

You're the one who compared to an action game in the first place saying.


''DD straight up puts other RPGs combat to shame in comparison because it feels more in line with an Action game than an RPG."


Lol downplay. It's calling having an opinion. It's too easy to say it's above other action RPGs, one of the shittiest sub genre of RPGs. What are we comparing it to here, Tales of series and Nier? Geez, no wonder you put the game on a pedestal with such a high standard to beat.


I'll admit one thing though, I never got too far in DD. I reached the capital the first time I played it and I'm really early in Dark Arisen, which feels exactly the same as the original release so far though.

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When did ramza start to piss and moan about everything? You dig these niche titles all year but have nothing but hate for higher profile games that have some flaws. I've noticed a correlation with you giving up on these games early yet having quite a bit to say about them.

If you don't like the game stop playing, but don't try to review the game based on the surface experience.

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When did ramza start to piss and moan about everything? You dig these niche titles all year but have nothing but hate for higher profile games that have some flaws. I've noticed a correlation with you giving up on these games early yet having quite a bit to say about them.

If you don't like the game stop playing, but don't try to review the game based on the surface experience.

I haven't stopped playing it just yet. I didn't like the game when I played it at first, I was kind of expecting Dark Arisen to have some kind of improvement right off the gate but I didn't notice any, so here I am: 'pissing and moaning'.

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Dragons Dogma plays it's strengths pretty early on, the combat doesn't really change all too much and the encounters just get painfully easy as you progress. No sense in mentioning anything else because it's all pretty shitty.

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Hmm, combat changed a lot for me but then again I wasn't sticking with just one class for the whole game. Once I unlocked new vocations and unlocked the later skills in each vocations skill list the combat opened up a lot as I had a lot more options to play with. One thing I really loved about the game was how great the vocations all were, each vocation had their own unique feel and strengths. I never stuck with one vocation for too long and was always switching them up which in turn helped the combat stay fun and interesting.

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I thought i was sick of roguelikes but Desktop Dungeons does some neat stuff. It feels more like a puzzle game than your typical dungeon crawler. Theres also a bunch of persistence in the form of a simple city building element outside of the dungeons. You can build new structures using gold you find to unlock new races/classes and upgrades for those classes. 


Its the perfect "pick up and play for 10 minutes" type of game but unlike others of this type when you're done you actually feel like you accomplished something and made progress. I think roguelikes as a whole could learn a lot from this game.


The Super Meat Boy composer did the soundtrack so thats also a plus.

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Started and beat Burial at Sea, some great sights to be seen but it all felt pretty nonsensical in the end. When the game shifts gears and starts to become more combat focused the world of Rapture felt empty, when enemies popped up it just didn't have that same vibe as the original Bioshock, they felt planted if that makes sense.

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Guest AGS-101

Started and beat Burial at Sea, some great sights to be seen but it all felt pretty nonsensical in the end. When the game shifts gears and starts to become more combat focused the world of Rapture felt empty, when enemies popped up it just didn't have that same vibe as the original Bioshock, they felt planted if that makes sense.

So you're going back to the same Rapture as before? Any sights from the first game you revisit?

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It's primarily new stuff with familiar faces and voices. Been so long since I played the original but I don't think you retread any old steps.

It takes place before Raptures decline.

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