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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

There are cheaper ways to torture yourself. Im pretty sure razor blades go for $1-$2.

The amount of shit going on in Control during fights is next level compared to anything else ive seen.   I also started playing Witcher 3 again. Damn this game is fucking awesome. It still l

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Arghh. I've been reading your guys impressions on Fire emblem and I've been resisting the urge to buy it. I don't want to add another game to my list but it sounds like it's dope and fire emblem is my jam. I was hoping I could wait till after asteral chain but I'm not going to make it



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24 minutes ago, Delita said:

Arghh. I've been reading your guys impressions on Fire emblem and I've been resisting the urge to buy it. I don't want to add another game to my list but it sounds like it's dope and fire emblem is my jam. I was hoping I could wait till after asteral chain but I'm not going to make it



I’ve never been into this franchise, and I’m legit 110 hours in (almost done with my second campaign). In a few weeks, I’ll begin my third, so I can see how it differs with the last house. 

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Beat my second playthrough of fire emblem. I need a break before my third lol. Though, that was an epic final battle. My MC was overpowered enough that I singlehandedly beat the final boss with him. I was level 53, the highest class possible, and I was rocking 2 defensive rings. I was like god lol. Oh, and I wifed Dorothea this time. Great choice :smoke: 


10/10 goty/top 5 gotg

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20 minutes ago, -GD- said:

Beat my second playthrough of fire emblem. I need a break before my third lol. Though, that was an epic final battle. My MC was overpowered enough that I singlehandedly beat the final boss with him. I was level 53, the highest class possible, and I was rocking 2 defensive rings. I was like god lol. Oh, and I wifed Dorothea this time. Great choice :smoke: 


10/10 goty/top 5 gotg

Your description, and my enjoyment of it on the DS makes me want to pick up a Switch. :face:

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9 hours ago, -GD- said:

Beat my second playthrough of fire emblem. I need a break before my third lol. Though, that was an epic final battle. My MC was overpowered enough that I singlehandedly beat the final boss with him. I was level 53, the highest class possible, and I was rocking 2 defensive rings. I was like god lol. Oh, and I wifed Dorothea this time. Great choice :smoke: 


10/10 goty/top 5 gotg

You've absolutely smashed this game. 


I'm at Chapter 13 lol

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A chapter or two away from being done with Astral Chain and I've had a great time with it. The combat is a ton of fun once you get your Legion and start putting points into it, the story is cheesy but it's over the top anime-esque delivery lands with me, and the music is fantastic. My gripes mostly lie with the presentation, the IQ really suffers here and you don't even get a locked 30 out of it which can get really annoying during the more intense moments. I also don't think the investigation stuff works, sure it's optional but you get so much resources out of it you're kinda hamstringing yourself if you don't at least engage with them which kinda just destroys the pacing. So much of the late game is "SHIT IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN RIGHT NOW HURRY" followed by "Hey, I have a stack of boxes I want to move so balance them using the gyro on your Pro controller. Thanks. ^_^" It's annoying/kinda bad but not too difficult to overlook. A game worth playing for Platinum fans and Switch owners for sure.

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That's kinda how I feel about it. I like everything a lot except the whole investigation stuff. Like you said it's easy to overlook but I just wish it didn't have it to begin with.


it reminds me of Nier automata. I liked the game a lot but the whole open world just dragged the game down for me. 


They need to stop with this this extra padding and filler nonsense and just stick to what they're good at. 

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I get the whole "you're a cop tho" take on it but it's just not fun like 90% of the time. Some of them are just combat encounters so that's fine but shit like balancing ice creme or tracking things is just boring. 


Oh yeah, another thing I forgot to mention is that they reuse assets so much. I feel like they created 2 zones for the game and that's it, heck by the end there you fight the same boss 3 times lol. It's still fun because the combat carries it but yeah.

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Played through and finished Control. This game could have been something special, but they definitely botched it towards the end. The story starts off interesting but the more of the mystery they revealed the less invested I become in it, and they fail to really explain anything besides just playing the ‘it’s teh supernatural!1’ card. The side characters could also be more interesting. The problem Is that they don’t do anything besides stay in the same position for the entire game and it feels like they exist just to dump exposition on you, and don’t involve themselves at all in the events of the story besides pointing you in the direction of the next objective. The environments are cool even if they can be confusing to navigate at times (I skipped a bunch of side missions because I didn’t have the patience to find the rooms they were set in). The combat is also really fun for at least 80% of the game until the climatic encounters that really just highlight some of the issues with the design. It feels like you have everything under control (no pun intended) and then in the blink of an eye you lose all of your health or fall off a ledge and have to restart from a checkpoint on the other side of the area you’re in. It feel like there’s a unnecessary amount of backtracking and time wasted because of that. 


Overall, I definitely think it’s better than Quantum Break but with tighter design and better writing it could have been amazing


7.5-8.0 is my verdict.


Edited by Twinblade
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1 hour ago, Twinblade said:

Played through and finished Control. This game could have been something special, but they definitely botched it towards the end. The story starts off interesting but the more of the mystery they revealed the less invested I become in it, and they fail to really explain anything besides just playing the ‘it’s teh supernatural!1’ card. The side characters could also be more interesting. The problem Is that they don’t do anything besides stay in the same position for the entire game and it feels like they exist just to dump exposition on you, and don’t involve themselves at all in the events of the story besides pointing you in the direction of the next objective. The environments are cool even if they can be confusing to navigate at times (I skipped a bunch of side missions because I didn’t have the patience to find the rooms they were set in). The combat is also really fun for at least 80% of the game until the climatic encounters that really just highlight some of the issues with the design. It feels like you have everything under control (no pun intended) and then in the blink of an eye you lose all of your health or fall off a ledge and have to restart from a checkpoint on the other side of the area you’re in. It feel like there’s a unnecessary amount of backtracking and time wasted because of that. 


Overall, I definitely think it’s better than Quantum Break but with tighter design and better writing it could have been amazing


7.5-8.0 is my verdict.


A lot of the story is told through the collectibles such as the files and recordings and tapes you find along the way. Not my preferred method of story telling but it's there. 

Totally agree regarding the checkpointing system. Imo by far the games biggest flaw. Dying in a boss fight and having to go back to the last control point is archaic design. 

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Gears 5 - so far so good. It is just more Gears but it is more good Gears........not Gears 4 shit. Environments are jaw droppingly gorgeous. Gunplay is nearly identical, which is good but at the same time it isn't the king of 3rd person cover shooters anymore imo. Only minor annoying thing so far is the forced old style tutorials prior to starting the campaign and even in the campaign. 

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