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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

There are cheaper ways to torture yourself. Im pretty sure razor blades go for $1-$2.

There's this one scene in Days Gone that is a perfect example of what the game is and everything wrong with it.   

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Traded in Mario Party 8 and Wario Ware for FFXIII :ben: (360 version, never actually played it. EveryoneHBR :killzone: )


I'm gonna borrow it off my buddy when he finishes it. B)

Why the hell did you get it on 360? Achievements?

Killed my PS3 by accident :killzone: Honestly though, it doesn't look that bad on 360. CGI cutscenes quality isn't great, pretty washed out compared to the PS3's CGI. Still looks great and I like having multiple discs for some reason, makes me anticipate the game more :ben: I don't really care about achievements tbh.you know the motto. III times the discs, III times the value, III times the Xperience. B)
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The battle system is so simple yet feels so fresh and fun. I'm liking everything so far and my only complaint is that they NEED TO STOP SAYING HERO LIKE EVERY 5 MIN. Still, only 2 hours in and yes the game is pretty linear like a straight line. :ben: still already this is turning out to be the best traditional JRPG this gen, the presentation, animations, music, graphics, gameplay, story, and characters all seem top-notch. You Shoud definitely get it Cleo and even for those that don't like JRPGs imo

Edited by -SK-
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Lmao sazh is fucking awesome: lightening: sazh cover your ears :| sazh: oh shit u gunna blow the door?!? *runs for cover, hands on ears* lightening *to the door*: will you please let me in :happysad: I like how lightening tries to cover her girliness, some good humor

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Yeah, I've heard a lot of good about it so I'm going to pick it up regardless. Got like 5 hours left of Grandia and I'm hoping to get through both Metro 2033 and GoWIII next week so I can pick up XIII the following week. Gotta schedule dis shit. B)

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Yeah, I've heard a lot of good about it so I'm going to pick it up regardless. Got like 5 hours left of Grandia and I'm hoping to get through both Metro 2033 and GoWIII next week so I can pick up XIII the following week.

Gotta schedule dis shit. B)

I'm hooked to this :smug: don't really for GOW3 until I beat this B

honestly the game deserves a 9, this is not on the same level as shit like Tales or Valkyrie

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The battle system is so simple yet feels so fresh and fun. I'm liking everything so far and my only complaint is that they NEED TO STOP SAYING HERO LIKE EVERY 5 MIN. Still, only 2 hours in and yes the game is pretty linear like a straight line. :ben: still already this is turning out to be the best traditional JRPG this gen, the presentation, animations, music, graphics, gameplay, story, and characters all seem top-notch. You Shoud definitely get it Cleo and even for those that don't like JRPGs imo

:| ToV and SO4 demolish this game

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It really does, in the beginning it's a bit button mashy because you don't have many abilities. Once you get more bars you can chain a bunch of attacks for massive damage B) It's nice, fluid, and quick. :jerkit:Best I've seen so far this gen though inferior to FFXII's combat system.

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