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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

There are cheaper ways to torture yourself. Im pretty sure razor blades go for $1-$2.

There's this one scene in Days Gone that is a perfect example of what the game is and everything wrong with it.   

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Started a fresh new game of Demon's Souls because i am bored. I rolled with the Soldier class this time, seems like a decent class to start with, although it doesn't really matter in the end. I didn't expect the game to hook me again but it did.

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So I finished Divinity 2 Dragon Knight Saga (:ben:) earlier today and I don't know if it's just coming off as something as soul crushingly generic as Gothic 4 but I really liked Divinity 2. I heard the first time round it was a little rough but they've went back over the game and aside from clipping outside the scenery twice I didn't hit a bug. The turning into a Dragon thing never really loses it novelty, and it has a surprisingly fresh take on western fantasy. It's far more about demonic stuff like Diablo than orcs and elves and benefits from it greatly. The ending of just Divinity 2 would of been such a fucking shit/brave (depending on your outlook) ending if the expansion didn't pick right up from it, but the expansion adds to the story nicely with a bit more of exploration of an area you only touch on in the main game. The combat is your usual 3rd person ARPG fair, but you've got a nice classless leveling system with plenty of scope to play how you want, there's a lot of customisation and exploration, it's just very, very european, so flat characters and fetch quests are the order of the day mostly, but you get enough breaks from that to smooth it over. But fuck me is it long, it must be at least 60 hours if you do even a portion of the side stuff, I finished it with stuff to do at any rate and I'm easily over 60 hours. Going to move on to AC:B tomorrow for a change of pace, I'm getting a bit RPGed out, and I've still got Two Worlds II and The River of Time to try. I might use Gray Matter as a buffer somewhere in there or I'll probably go mad. :scared:

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I got murdered by a black phantom in Demon's Souls, he was way too strong for my soul level. Taking down the tower knight in coop was great though, it made me laugh how easier it is with other people, i beat the game offline before and he was a bitch.

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I got murdered by a black phantom in Demon's Souls, he was way too strong for my soul level.

Taking down the tower knight in coop was great though, it made me laugh how easier it is with other people, i beat the game offline before and he was a bitch.

lmao i remember a black phantom with a big fucking sword attacked me in world 1 really early in the game so I ran the fuck down the stairs and the nikka fell down to the bottom floor, shit was hilarious :kaz:
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I got murdered by a black phantom in Demon's Souls, he was way too strong for my soul level.

Taking down the tower knight in coop was great though, it made me laugh how easier it is with other people, i beat the game offline before and he was a bitch.

lmao i remember a black phantom with a big fucking sword attacked me in world 1 really early in the game so I ran the fuck down the stairs and the nikka fell down to the bottom floor, shit was hilarious :kaz::D
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you guys know how theres gaps in some of the corridors at the top of the prison world? well one time i was on the other side of a gap looking for stuff in the cells and this black phantom spawned somewhere on the other side. Dude runs right toward me........and you all know what happened next :D

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I got murdered by a black phantom in Demon's Souls, he was way too strong for my soul level.

Taking down the tower knight in coop was great though, it made me laugh how easier it is with other people, i beat the game offline before and he was a bitch.

invading black phantoms are always a lower soul level than you :ben:
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I got murdered by a black phantom in Demon's Souls, he was way too strong for my soul level.

Taking down the tower knight in coop was great though, it made me laugh how easier it is with other people, i beat the game offline before and he was a bitch.

invading black phantoms are always a lower soul level than you :ben: Doesn't really mean anything when they're powerful as fuck.
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I got murdered by a black phantom in Demon's Souls, he was way too strong for my soul level.

Taking down the tower knight in coop was great though, it made me laugh how easier it is with other people, i beat the game offline before and he was a bitch.

invading black phantoms are always a lower soul level than you :ben: Doesn't really mean anything when they're powerful as fuck.if youre a higher level and youve distributed your stats correctly you should be just as powerful if not more so, plus you have the added benefit of more HP since youre in body form. you should very rarely be killed by an invading black phantom.
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I got murdered by a black phantom in Demon's Souls, he was way too strong for my soul level.

Taking down the tower knight in coop was great though, it made me laugh how easier it is with other people, i beat the game offline before and he was a bitch.

invading black phantoms are always a lower soul level than you :ben: Doesn't really mean anything when they're powerful as fuck.if youre a higher level and youve distributed your stats correctly you should be just as powerful if not more so, plus you have the added benefit of more HP since youre in body form. you should very rarely be killed by an invading black phantom. Meh there's times when some just start spamming soul rays and you can't really get away from those :meh:
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I got murdered by a black phantom in Demon's Souls, he was way too strong for my soul level.

Taking down the tower knight in coop was great though, it made me laugh how easier it is with other people, i beat the game offline before and he was a bitch.

invading black phantoms are always a lower soul level than you :ben: Doesn't really mean anything when they're powerful as fuck.if youre a higher level and youve distributed your stats correctly you should be just as powerful if not more so, plus you have the added benefit of more HP since youre in body form. you should very rarely be killed by an invading black phantom. Meh there's times when some just start spamming soul rays and you can't really get away from those :meh:you can roll right through soul rays and not take any damage. rolling makes you invincible for a second to pretty much all projectiles in the game :]
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