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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

There are cheaper ways to torture yourself. Im pretty sure razor blades go for $1-$2.

There's this one scene in Days Gone that is a perfect example of what the game is and everything wrong with it.   

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Fighting Hades on hard is really fucking hard. :|

lmao just switch it to normal, youre only gonna end up frustrating yourself. there are fights that are 10x harder than that. I refuse :ben:

I played on normal for a bit and found it way too easy. the actual battles arent too bad on hard, but the bosses... :ben:

got dayum.

its fun though. the payoff will be worth it.

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Fighting Hades on hard is really fucking hard. :|

lmao just switch it to normal, youre only gonna end up frustrating yourself. there are fights that are 10x harder than that. I refuse :ben:

I played on normal for a bit and found it way too easy. the actual battles arent too bad on hard, but the bosses... :ben:

got dayum.

its fun though. the payoff will be worth it.

just saying the bosses were all pretty easy compared to some of the gauntlets youll face later on, if hades is really hard thats not a good sign :ben:

the final form of the final boss on hard... :ben:

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Endless Ocean: Blue World I love this game but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who doesn't like exploration-based gameplay or a thing for marine zoology because it has obvious flaws (too much reliance on fetch quests, a throw-away preachy eco lib script, and a cumbersome menu system).

Final Fantasy XIII At first I was surprised at how much a I liked it. The visuals are stunning, the combat system is well done, I like the cast well enough, and the story kept me attention. But the more I play it, the more hollow it feels. Square made the first two-thirds of a good RPG but then released it without making the last third. They should've chopped it down to 25 hours and finished the last third.

Mega Man X Only played through two levels but their pacing was plodding instead of snappy, so I put it on the back burner.

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Fighting Hades on hard is really fucking hard. :|

lmao just switch it to normal, youre only gonna end up frustrating yourself. there are fights that are 10x harder than that. I refuse :ben:

I played on normal for a bit and found it way too easy. the actual battles arent too bad on hard, but the bosses... :ben:

got dayum.

its fun though. the payoff will be worth it.

just saying the bosses were all pretty easy compared to some of the gauntlets youll face later on, if hades is really hard thats not a good sign :ben:

the final form of the final boss on hard... :ben:

so youre saying i should do it on normal then do a replay on hard? :smug:
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Fighting Hades on hard is really fucking hard. :|

lmao just switch it to normal, youre only gonna end up frustrating yourself. there are fights that are 10x harder than that. I refuse :ben:

I played on normal for a bit and found it way too easy. the actual battles arent too bad on hard, but the bosses... :ben:

got dayum.

its fun though. the payoff will be worth it.

just saying the bosses were all pretty easy compared to some of the gauntlets youll face later on, if hades is really hard thats not a good sign :ben:

the final form of the final boss on hard... :ben:

so youre saying i should do it on normal then do a replay on hard? :smug:probably. just switch it if you die enough i guess.
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Endless Ocean: Blue World

Been playing this game a lot. I'm actually quite surprised how much I love this game. It's not for everybody, but if you like exploration-adventure games with many tasks to complete, then I'd recommend it. It's really addicting and relaxing. I haven't played the mulitplayer yet, so if anyone of you guys want to try it out, I'm down.

Excitebots Trick Racing

I'm almost done with this game, but I've mainly been playing the multiplayer mode to unlock everything. Also trying to complete S rankings on all the tracks on Super Excite mode which is a bitch. Also LMAO @ a ton of players online that are just terrible at this game.

Battlefield Bad Company 2 (360)

The singleplayer game is really dragging on, but the multiplayer is pretty fun, despite I still prefer BF2. Having to unlock everything is a real pain, especially when somethings, like the defibrillators, aren't even available from the start. Overall, I'm starting to enjoy this game more than MW2.

Also my PC is almost done, and I can't wait to catch up on Batman AA and Cryostasis.

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GoW3 is more fun on normal IMO. Hard the enemies take too much punishment. It's not like there's any hot button combos that kill things super fast, it just takes longer. I'd say the game is pretty balanced on Normal. I beat Hades on both Normal and Hard and both times weren't incredibly easy. It's just a matter of dodging the pattern and it's annoying to do it more often than you have to. He's no faster or anything on hard. Save hard for a second playthrough, I think. I beat the other GoW's on hard first time and they were considerably easier.

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GoW3 is more fun on normal IMO. Hard the enemies take too much punishment. It's not like there's any hot button combos that kill things super fast, it just takes longer.

I'd say the game is pretty balanced on Normal. I beat Hades on both Normal and Hard and both times weren't incredibly easy. It's just a matter of dodging the pattern and it's annoying to do it more often than you have to. He's no faster or anything on hard.

Save hard for a second playthrough, I think. I beat the other GoW's on hard first time and they were considerably easier.

i found normal to be quite satisfying too.

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GD :-*

Download Qarl's Texture Pack here HH


There's also a shit load of other mods too like realistic weather, better lighting etc.


Seriously, the amount of amazing mods for Oblivion PC is insane.

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