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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

The amount of shit going on in Control during fights is next level compared to anything else ive seen.   I also started playing Witcher 3 again. Damn this game is fucking awesome. It still l

since we are on the subject of boobs and a tiny waist, i found this lovely gif

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finished binary domain. was awesome. probably the best TPS i've played since the original gears.

Spelled vanquish wrong

i haven't played it yet :happysad:

Best TPS this gen.

finally got around to playing the BD demo. awesome. It's like vanquish in many ways but the biggest addition (besides general game flow and voice commands) is the upgrade system. Vanquish needed it hard.

Vanquish did have an upgrade system, it just wasn't the standard system though. It was more like old school Contra style upgrade system. I dug it.

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finished binary domain. was awesome. probably the best TPS i've played since the original gears.

Spelled vanquish wrong

i haven't played it yet :happysad:

Best TPS this gen.

finally got around to playing the BD demo. awesome. It's like vanquish in many ways but the biggest addition (besides general game flow and voice commands) is the upgrade system. Vanquish needed it hard.

Vanquish did have an upgrade system, it just wasn't the standard system though. It was more like old school Contra style upgrade system. I dug it.

Only one stat upgraded IIRC. In BD you can upgrade certain aspects (power, range, accuracy, fire rate, magazine, etc), as well as equipping your squad members with certain stat upgrades.

Vanquish's weapon upgrades worked for what they were in the midst of combat, but it was a crime they didn't add some SRS customization. Really would of benefited a new game +.

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haven't played many games recently, but this weekend am spending on catching up on some games as well as playng some old school shit.. so far i played: quake live, fifa as always, css, and l4d2 still wanna play: mass effect, skyrim, uncharted 3... am thinking of just playing uncharted 3 and finishing it so ican continue on my skyrim journey later on.. and am hoping eventually to catch up on mass effect as well

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What difficulty you play BD on twin? I started on hard and I got fucked up in the second stage (of the demo). If you upgrade your shit are you on a more even playing field?

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read my review on the front page if you have the time. theres a lot of replay value thanks to the way you can set up your squad and how trust can change the fate of some of the characters. theres MP but the community is practically non existent, and it'll only get worse once ME3 releases.

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Guest Golem

Almost done with Symphony of the Night, just working on the 200.6% exploration before I fight the man himself. I've been playing this game so much, it's actually took over my dreams. I love the game. Have some hangups about it but.. I'll get to them once I'm done.

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Guest Golem

lol just beat Galamoth in the inverse castle, at first I got my ass kicked HARD. Then I equipped the Beryl Circlet, which restores HP after taking lightning damage. Suddenly I can wail on this guy while he showers me with lightning which in turn HEALS me. I actually let out a snarky laugh when I realised, that bitch went down. :laff:

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both parts in the demo are noticeably harder than they are in the full game. by then your rifle will be pretty beefed up.

im not sure how much credits the demo gives you but i recommend focusing on accuracy/range when upgrading it.

First stage gave me no trouble as long as I used cover. The train part of the second stage got really hard when those red robots kept running in. The AI actually makes it quite tricky to shoot them at times, the way they backpedal/strafe away while shooting, and the different ways they peak from cover.
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both parts in the demo are noticeably harder than they are in the full game. by then your rifle will be pretty beefed up.

im not sure how much credits the demo gives you but i recommend focusing on accuracy/range when upgrading it.

First stage gave me no trouble as long as I used cover. The train part of the second stage got really hard when those red robots kept running in. The AI actually makes it quite tricky to shoot them at times, the way they backpedal/strafe away while shooting, and the different ways they peak from cover.

that was honestly one of my least favorite parts in the full game because of how the enemies infinitely re-spawned.

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both parts in the demo are noticeably harder than they are in the full game. by then your rifle will be pretty beefed up.

im not sure how much credits the demo gives you but i recommend focusing on accuracy/range when upgrading it.

First stage gave me no trouble as long as I used cover. The train part of the second stage got really hard when those red robots kept running in. The AI actually makes it quite tricky to shoot them at times, the way they backpedal/strafe away while shooting, and the different ways they peak from cover.

that was honestly one of my least favorite parts in the full game because of how the enemies infinitely re-spawned.

Discussing Binary Domain? I thought the demo was really fun and the gameplay feels better than Gears. Then again I haven't played gears in a long time.

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