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The Official "What Are You Playing?" Thread (Post Screens)

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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

There's this one scene in Days Gone that is a perfect example of what the game is and everything wrong with it.   

The amount of shit going on in Control during fights is next level compared to anything else ive seen.   I also started playing Witcher 3 again. Damn this game is fucking awesome. It still l

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I beat Max Payne 3 on Sunday, it was ok. it got pretty repetitive towards the end and the story wasn't all that good. So now I'm playing NBA 2K12 because story is very important to me.

Why have you not gotten D3 :shake:

I have bought Diablo 3, I'm just on vacation at home right now and don't have a desktop :(. I'll be back in Houston on Sunday where my desktop is, but I start work again on Monday and don't know when I can play it. :(
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Guest C.M.

lmao it sucks breh. Yesterday I had to ration my time to play games: 45 minutes of MP3 and like 1 hour of D3. Can't even imagine doing the full time job thing + having kids. 1 hour and 45 minutes must be a godsend for someone with that on their plate.

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Been playing Rayman and Trials. Trials is quite fun and addicting. Rayman....its ok, not really digging it much. Its a decent platformer....but nothing original or exciting. I like the shotting parts but there arent many. I mean really...a snow world.....a water world....etc....same old same old. No wonder platfomers are pretty much dead.

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Guest Golem

Alright fuck Max Payne 1. I'm on the start of the last chapter and it autosaved as I went into a dive, and everytime I dive a grenade falls right by my head, leaving me no health against four guys. Fuuuuuck!

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Guest Golem

Alright nevermind, I did it. When in doubt - grenade launcher :smugd:

You don't manually save? :wonder:

It's one of those auto saves that happens at the start of new chapters.

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Nigga just cheat. lmao. I'm SURE that game has some cheat codes or something. BTW, where the fuck did all the cheat codes go this gen? That shit could add hours and hours of more fun onto a game.

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Guest Golem

Finished it last night, instantly started playing 2 after. I don't understand why it had to be such a prick and change around all the buttons though :angry: It's awesome though.

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I just raged. I was close to beating this part in chapter 11, which btw went a bit too long without a checkpoint...and then lightening struck and my power went out for a few seconds. Motherfucker :rage:

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