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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

I finally finished Aegis Rim     I want my fucking 40 hours back. I can't believe how absolutely SHIT that ending was. I couldn't be more disappointed right now.   I was

since we are on the subject of boobs and a tiny waist, i found this lovely gif

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If you're a G like me you'll only ever do it once. It's really easy to avoid.

I've done it twice (I'm including the first time tutorial). It is easy to avoid but I got caught up facing a ton of guards after my..."wanted" level was already pretty high and I couldn't shake 'em ;(
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Guest Golem

Nah it's all about playing as the racers, so satisfying to just clinch a win by pitting your opponents and the cops against each other. I'm actually hyped for Most Wanted.

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need to get smithing from 70 to 90

shits takin forever yo

finally got daedric armor and bow, game will be a joke from now, didnt even do the main quest line :lul:

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Guest Golem

I bought Nier. I'm dead serious. But the game's going back because it's scratched the hell up and won't install. Played for 30 minutes though. It's eh, I suppose. Literally looks like a ps2 game running on an oldish pc that can only afford so many filters.

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I bought Nier. I'm dead serious. But the game's going back because it's scratched the hell up and won't install.

Played for 30 minutes though. It's eh, I suppose. Literally looks like a ps2 game running on an oldish pc that can only afford so many filters.


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I finished Dragon's Dogma last night. I liked it but the quality is really erratic. For example, the writing is bone dry D&D cliches right up until the end, but then at the end, suddenly the tone becomes surreally philosophical as it raises the question of whether eternity is a form of Hell and then it leaves you to find a way out of it. It was still handled somewhat clumsy, but it I really appreciated the effort. It should've been building towards that from the start of the second act. And yeah the fast travel system needs to be patched immediately. It's a dumb way to pad the game's length, and it's not a short game to begin with. The game already has portable warp points you can place wherever you like, but during the first playthrough, you only get one, and you get it later in the game. During the second playthrough, a shop sells them right from the start, so you can buy as many of them as you want. They just need to patch it so you can buy them from the shop during the first playthrough, and price them reasonably. With the combat, I'm a big advocate of using DMC-style combat systems with ARGPs so I think Dragon's Dogma is a step in the right direction, but it doesn't give you enough slots for your moves. Like with the Ranger, you can only set three bow moves at a time even though you'll ultimately unlock many more. The end result is that combat is shallower than it should be. I don't know why they did that. Still, I think it's a lot better than the combat in games like the Elder Scrolls. Looks wise, it's blurry even though it's letterboxed, there's lots of screen tearing and color banding, the texture qualities are erratic, and the game has a very drab color palette. Yet on the other hand, the animations are often really good. The voice acting, strangely enough, is good. Much better than Skyrim. It's uniformly good. Go figure. And the world itself needs better locales. It's all forests, plains, and forts. It's not an interesting world to explore. If Capcom where willing to put the time and money into making a polished sequel, they could have a cool new series that would be a good midpoint between Elder Scrolls and Dark Souls.

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