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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

There are cheaper ways to torture yourself. Im pretty sure razor blades go for $1-$2.

There's this one scene in Days Gone that is a perfect example of what the game is and everything wrong with it.   

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Totally different compared to something like fallout. it's a squad based Diablo / Warcraft 3 hero game, mechanically speaking. definitely on the simple side, and it's a bit repetitive with random encounters, but I like it quite a bit

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I can't do it. I can't fuckin do it anymore. I tried, I really tried to like FF XII but I just can't do it. There is just too much grinding required for this game. It's too damn tedious and the game gives you nothing to help motivate you to grit your teeth through it all. This is fuckin' maddening, I seriously think this game has took a large chunk of my sanity and I'll never see it again.

Everything requires grinding. Want to use a new armor set or weapon? Grind for License Points. 95% of the enemies in this game gives you 1 LP after it dies so you're going to have to kill a lot of them to get the necessary LP you need to buy the license for that new armor set and weapon. Oh, but wait, you've got to have gil to buy those new things, don't you? Go grind for loot. Hey, hey, hey, not so fast- getting loot is not that simple. After you kill an enemy there is a chance that they might drop loot and the loot they do drop might not be worth much so make sure you get a lot of it. Got yourself a lot of it and sold it? Good. Now get your new equipment that is going to be quickly outdated by the time you finish the next dungeon and unfortunately for you, the next town most likely won't have that next tier of equipment for you so you're just going to have to grind out some levels for the time being. Enemies don't give much experience though so you're going to have to kill a lot of them to gain a level. Don't worry, the next tier of equipment is going to be there eventually and when it does appear it's going to be a lot more expensive so you might as well start grinding for that loot now to be prepared for that. Look on the bright side, soon the equipment is going to start getting so incredibly expensive you literally won't be able to afford to keep all your characters up to date with the latest gear and weapons so just focus on three characters and shelf the rest.

Sir, what if I focus on the wrong three characters and the characters I needed to focus on are now severely under leveled? Not a problem. You see, there is no such thing as character individuality in this game, they are all exactly the same. Oh sure, the License Board can create a very convincing illusion that characters should be built to do specific things or serve a distinct role but the truth of the matter is all of their base stats are damn near equal all across the board so they can all do everything. None of them excel at any task over another so just have them learn it all. It's common sense stuff really.

With that out the way you can now proceed to set your Gambits and watch your team battle without even the slightest need of your input. Yes, that's right, the game can literally play itself. Pssht, who the hell pops in a game to actually play a game? No one wants to feel engaged in the combat. that sounds pretty close to sounding fun. That's a silly idea. real fun is having the game do everything for you.

How could anyone enjoy this game?

How could anyone actually like this game?

How could anyone even consider this to be anything but an AWFUL game?

These are questions that will haunt what little is left of my sanity.

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I can't do it. I can't fuckin do it anymore. I tried, I really tried to like FF XII but I just can't do it. There is just too much grinding required for this game. It's too damn tedious and the game gives you nothing to help motivate you to grit your teeth through it all. This is fuckin' maddening, I seriously think this game has took a large chunk of my sanity and I'll never see it again.

Everything requires grinding. Want to use a new armor set or weapon? Grind for License Points. 95% of the enemies in this game gives you 1 LP after it dies so you're going to have to kill a lot of them to get the necessary LP you need to buy the license for that new armor set and weapon. Oh, but wait, you've got to have gil to buy those new things, don't you? Go grind for loot. Hey, hey, hey, not so fast- getting loot is not that simple. After you kill an enemy there is a chance that they might drop loot and the loot they do drop might not be worth much so make sure you get a lot of it. Got yourself a lot of it and sold it? Good. Now get your new equipment that is going to be quickly outdated by the time you finish the next dungeon and unfortunately for you, the next town most likely won't have that next tier of equipment for you so you're just going to have to grind out some levels for the time being. Enemies don't give much experience though so you're going to have to kill a lot of them to gain a level. Don't worry, the next tier of equipment is going to be there eventually and when it does appear it's going to be a lot more expensive so you might as well start grinding for that loot now to be prepared for that. Look on the bright side, soon the equipment is going to start getting so incredibly expensive you literally won't be able to afford to keep all your characters up to date with the latest gear and weapons so just focus on three characters and shelf the rest.

Sir, what if I focus on the wrong three characters and the characters I needed to focus on are now severely under leveled? Not a problem. You see, there is no such thing as character individuality in this game, they are all exactly the same. Oh sure, the License Board can create a very convincing illusion that characters should be built to do specific things or serve a distinct role but the truth of the matter is all of their base stats are damn near equal all across the board so they can all do everything. None of them excel at any task over another so just have them learn it all. It's common sense stuff really.

With that out the way you can now proceed to set your Gambits and watch your team battle without even the slightest need of your input. Yes, that's right, the game can literally play itself. Pssht, who the hell pops in a game to actually play a game? No one wants to feel engaged in the combat. that sounds pretty close to sounding fun. That's a silly idea. real fun is having the game do everything for you.

How could anyone enjoy this game?

How could anyone actually like this game?

How could anyone even consider this to be anything but an AWFUL game?

These are questions that will haunt what little is left of my sanity.



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I can't do it. I can't fuckin do it anymore. I tried, I really tried to like FF XII but I just can't do it. There is just too much grinding required for this game. It's too damn tedious and the game gives you nothing to help motivate you to grit your teeth through it all. This is fuckin' maddening, I seriously think this game has took a large chunk of my sanity and I'll never see it again.

Everything requires grinding. Want to use a new armor set or weapon? Grind for License Points. 95% of the enemies in this game gives you 1 LP after it dies so you're going to have to kill a lot of them to get the necessary LP you need to buy the license for that new armor set and weapon. Oh, but wait, you've got to have gil to buy those new things, don't you? Go grind for loot. Hey, hey, hey, not so fast- getting loot is not that simple. After you kill an enemy there is a chance that they might drop loot and the loot they do drop might not be worth much so make sure you get a lot of it. Got yourself a lot of it and sold it? Good. Now get your new equipment that is going to be quickly outdated by the time you finish the next dungeon and unfortunately for you, the next town most likely won't have that next tier of equipment for you so you're just going to have to grind out some levels for the time being. Enemies don't give much experience though so you're going to have to kill a lot of them to gain a level. Don't worry, the next tier of equipment is going to be there eventually and when it does appear it's going to be a lot more expensive so you might as well start grinding for that loot now to be prepared for that. Look on the bright side, soon the equipment is going to start getting so incredibly expensive you literally won't be able to afford to keep all your characters up to date with the latest gear and weapons so just focus on three characters and shelf the rest.

Sir, what if I focus on the wrong three characters and the characters I needed to focus on are now severely under leveled? Not a problem. You see, there is no such thing as character individuality in this game, they are all exactly the same. Oh sure, the License Board can create a very convincing illusion that characters should be built to do specific things or serve a distinct role but the truth of the matter is all of their base stats are damn near equal all across the board so they can all do everything. None of them excel at any task over another so just have them learn it all. It's common sense stuff really.

With that out the way you can now proceed to set your Gambits and watch your team battle without even the slightest need of your input. Yes, that's right, the game can literally play itself. Pssht, who the hell pops in a game to actually play a game? No one wants to feel engaged in the combat. that sounds pretty close to sounding fun. That's a silly idea. real fun is having the game do everything for you.

How could anyone enjoy this game?

How could anyone actually like this game?

How could anyone even consider this to be anything but an AWFUL game?

These are questions that will haunt what little is left of my sanity.

I really like the idea of the game, the gameplay, the style and all. But after trying to play it in a more "hardcore" way, the design flaws become apparent. Pretty much everything in the game is a secret, sometimes based on probabilities. Secrets often involve you randomly finding or not finding something. STUFF LIKE THAT DOESN'T BELONG IN A SP GAME YOU MORONS.

Same thing with the license board, you have no idea where the good skills are so you have to spend points randomly. Also, a lot of skills sets don't give you enough info on what they do, so you have to basically get everything and experiment. What was before strategy now becomes blindly choosing certain stuff.

I think that the international edition fixed most of its problems though. Its a shame the game has so many flaws, it could have been a masterpiece with a little more substance in general and less annoying stupid shit.

Speaking of Zelda 1, Dark Souls seriously feels like the spiritual successor to it.

Does it has secret stuff to find and obscure progression?

Obviously Ocarina and LTTP are more polished games, but the original Zelda was the most ballsy and hardcore one. It's too bad every zelda nintendo made has been pussified. I love the feeling of leaving you to figure stuff out with no clue whatsoever feeling that no game today tries to replicate.

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Pretty much. You really need to play it, if you enjoyed Zelda 1 then this game will be your favorite game of the gen. The game doesn't tell you where to go, very few NPC's, crazy atmosphere, story is told through the game itself, etc.

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Pretty much. You really need to play it, if you enjoyed Zelda 1 then this game will be your favorite game of the gen. The game doesn't tell you where to go, very few NPC's, crazy atmosphere, story is told through the game itself, etc.

waiting for the 1080p pc version :smugd: :smugd:, very hyped for it

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Guest Golem

Speaking of Zelda 1, Dark Souls seriously feels like the spiritual successor to it.

Reminded me old school Castlevania in a way too. Run in without a worry and you're bound to die. I loved having to stop and think about what my next step should be.
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Skyrim. I only have put 56 hours on it. I have really neglected this game.


Needs way more to actually do half the quests

main quest and thieves guild while leveling up to get daedric took me 45 hours

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catherine. i love the entire presentation and the set up for the story is really interesting, but man im not having any fun at all with the gameplay. its not really the puzzles but more the finicky controls that are bothering me. maybe ill get used to them, idk.

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