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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

The amount of shit going on in Control during fights is next level compared to anything else ive seen.   I also started playing Witcher 3 again. Damn this game is fucking awesome. It still l

since we are on the subject of boobs and a tiny waist, i found this lovely gif

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Also been playing some No Mercy, created a wrestler... godly :bow:

I wish THQ would make a wrestling game with the entire roster of the Attitude era. I know you can create look-a-likes but it isn't quite the same.

Youre better off with the older games to be honest.they havent done anything decent with the currebt engine since forever.
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i wish the side quests in darksiders 2 were more clear when it comes to what you have to do. I hit a wall in a mini dungeon and assumed that the quest i was on couldn't be completed until later in the game when i got the right ability/piece of gear.

What's the name of the dungeon?

shattered forge

I've cleared it and the only unlock I have is the pistol, I don't recall needing it to clear it so you should be good to go.

what do you do when you get to the part where theres corruption crystals on those ledges in that big room? i see a bomb on the other side but theres no way to reach it.

btw whats your economic strategy? im not sure if thats better to upgrade a possessed weapon with a bunch of inferior ones and sell it, or just sell all of them separately.

Dive into the water in the room you're in, you should see a little tunnel that will take you to the bomb.

I've just been sacrificing every item I have that I don't want, haven't sold anything.

Did you guys get the omega blades from that dungeon? They own pretty hard.
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I bought Spirit Camera (that augmented reality Fatal Frame spinoff for the DS) at Best Buy for $15 and just played through the first third of it. It's a total gimmick where the 3DS acts as your camera obscura, and you swivel round in your chair talking to ghosts and fighting ghosts and scanning the "Book of Faces" booklet it comes with for clues. You're supposed to play in a well-lit room so the 3DS can see the booklet properly, but I downloaded the booklet as a PDF onto a tablet and then used that instead so I could play in the dark. But even then the tech's still wonky and the 3DS sometimes won't recognize the pages in the book properly. The story so far is a simple ghost story about an evil ghost that uses the Book of Faces of trap unspecting readers in her spirit realm where she then turns them into ghosts. The whole thing reminds me of one of those tourist trap gimmicks at Pier 39. If I were a kid, I'd think it's kinda cool, but as an adult a lot of the gimmicky fun is lost on me.

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It's not very often where you play a current day open world game where all the gameplay mechanics aren't just passable and are actually enjoyable. GTA : X

Edited by -CM²-
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