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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

There's this one scene in Days Gone that is a perfect example of what the game is and everything wrong with it.   

I finally finished Aegis Rim     I want my fucking 40 hours back. I can't believe how absolutely SHIT that ending was. I couldn't be more disappointed right now.   I was

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Beat binary domain in 8 hours. Pretty fun game. PC version is kinda wonky though.

In what regard?

Had to play around with the mouse settings a bit to get them just right. Also it might just be a personal gripe but I hate when I can't change shit during the game such as keybinds/mouse acceleration, etc...
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Beat binary domain in 8 hours. Pretty fun game. PC version is kinda wonky though.

In what regard?

Had to play around with the mouse settings a bit to get them just right. Also it might just be a personal gripe but I hate when I can't change shit during the game such as keybinds/mouse acceleration, etc...

Oh right, I just played with a gamepad.
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Finished Ada's campaign. Ehh, I don't think it's all it's cracked up to be, I wouldn't consider it the best campaign out of the lot. The first three chapters are fun but then the campaign becomes a lot more action oriented in Chapter 4 which causes the campaign to lose it's particular flavor it was going for at the beginning. Chapter 5 was just really boring, the helicopter sequence dragging on for far too long has a lot to do with it. So in short, Ada's campaign starts off strong but finishes poorly. I'd place the campaigns as Jake>Leon>Ada>Chris. Once I was finished with the Campaigns I immediately jumped to Mercs mode. To be honest, I was disappointed with Mercs mode. For starters, I just don't like the scoring system. It seems to be using a similar if not the same scoring system as Reunion and I wasn't a fan of that scoring system because it neglected time building in favor for the Kill Combo. It's a lot harder to build time than it is to keep a combo going not to mention your run wouldn't go to shit if for some reason you happened to drop the combo at some point. Hey, shit can happen. -Enemies might not spawn where you were expecting them to causing your combo to drop -You may get grabbed right when the combo was about to die so you couldn't kill someone to keep it going -Perhaps you killed a certain wave of enemies too fast and the next wave hasn't spawned in yet so you can't kill anything to keep the combo going Having the scoring system have such a heavy emphasis on the Kill Combo is a bad thing. A combo ending at 110 or so kills will completely destroy a high score run and now you just wasted 20 minutes of your time because there's no way to salvage the run. You have no choice but to reset and try again. That wasn't the case with the time building scoring system. Your combo can drop but you could still salvage the run if you've been keeping up with your time building. You're going to have to work a lot harder to make up for those lost combo points but it was possible. Speaking of time building, having different melee attacks reward different amounts of time is a good idea on paper but terrible in actual implementation. Farming counters for the +10 sec. is stupid because you're pretty much dealing with luck in the hopes that enemies are going to attack you at a consistent rate so you can chain counters efficiently. Another thing I hate, the inventory system. Problems with the inventory system became super apparent in Mercs mode, it's too clunky and unintuitive to get to a specific item you need in the heat of the moment. Why do I still have to scroll through an item if I'm currently not even holding any of that specific item? In their attempt to streamline and simplify the inventory system they ended up making it vastly inferior to the inventory system in RE5. Character balance is a bit better than standard RE5 Mercs but not as balanced as Mercs Reunion. There are some characters that are just flat out better than others and Helena in particular is easily the worst. Helena (default) is worse than BSAA Sheva IMO and that's saying something. Jake (default) is definitely the best, he's the Wesker in this game. His load out is very similar to Midnight Wesker's and Jake, like Wesker, is the only character that can get melee kills with ease on enemies the other characters either have to take some damage in order to do so, can't do it as efficiently as Jake, or just simply can't melee kill the enemy at all. Haven't checked the leaderboards or any high score runs on youtube yet but I wouldn't be surprised if Jake was the character of choice for the majority of players. The Mercenaries skills are a neat idea but unfortunately 90% of them are useless or pointless if you plan on playing for score. There's only 3 skills I can actually see as being must haves. Limit Breaker, Power Counter and Time Bonus+. I suppose Pharmacist and Medic too but I don't think it's really necessary, there are plenty of healing items located on the maps. Everything else is just there to pad out the list and I can't see any serious player using anything other than one of the the main three I listed. Finally, only having three maps is another issue I have with the mode. I know I can get more maps through DLC but still, only three maps? C'mon Capcom... that's just lame. Despite my problems with Mercenaries though I do enjoy the mode when I play it casually. If it wasn't for the scoring system that I just genuinely hate and the lack of maps present, I could see myself really devoting some serious time to this mode. Unfortunately the scoring system is preventing me from doing just that and because I don't like the scoring system I can't see myself actually buying the additional maps any time soon (even though they're only a dollar).

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Always enjoy reading your thoughts on games Sabotage. I appreciate that you were able to give the game a chance and play it long enough to find things to like about it. Because as you know I couldn't lol. Overall thoughts on the game? Like when you say Jake has the best campaign, does that mean it's legitimately good or just better than the rest?

Edited by -CM-
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Always enjoy reading your thoughts on games Sabotage. I appreciate that you were able to give the game a chance and play it long enough to find things to like about it. Because as you know I couldn't lol. Overall thoughts on the game? Like when you say Jake has the best campaign, does that mean it's legitimately good or just better than the rest?

I just enjoyed Jake's more because it stayed consistent with it's approach throughout the entire campaign. The vibe of the campaign has you feeling hunted and they do a good job of keeping that feeling going throughout the entire campaign unlike the others which tend to break away from what they were going for and head in another direction.

Leon's starts off with feeling more like the atmospheric campaign but starts to lose that once you enter China and like I mentioned before, Chapter 5 really sours the overall experience with the boss gauntlet. They really should've found a way to pace them out better or just flat out removed a boss fight in this Chapter.

Ada's has the focus on being a solitary experience with some puzzle solving thrown in but steers away from that in the final two chapters because there's very little if any puzzle solving going on and you're interacting with other characters frequently which takes away the lone wolf feeling.

Chris' stays mostly consistent with it's pure action focus, it's just not very good to begin with. The vibe they were going for is ultimately the problem with the entire campaign, if you want the focus to be strictly on the action then you have to find ways to pace out the action and even build up to your big fight sections. The campaign doesn't do a good job of flowing from one fire fight to the next nor does it do a good job of placing it's big battles and small battles. The action just feels all over the place as it ramps up and down at random. There is a brief moment during Chapter 3 where the campaign is enjoyable because the pace slows down a bit while the game starts to build up a boss fight but once that's out of the way it goes right back to it's unfocused dudebro ways. I really didn't like Chris' campaign. It's a poor man's Gears of War but with terrible cover mechanics.

That's really the main problem with the game that holds it back. It's just flat out inconsistent with the way it's going about trying to do things. They wanted to do different things with each campaign and do a good job of setting each campaign up to do those specific things; however, they only managed to follow through successfully with the idea on one of the campaigns unfortunately.

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Damn the Deadmau5 levels in Sound Shapes own :bow:

You should play the level I made. It's hard as fuck! I was inspired by super meat boy :smoke:

But yeah the deadmau5 levels owned hard! Beck's owns even more. To find my level: gamedrunkk

I will finish my second level this weekend. It's not as hard as my first one, but it's more melodic. I should have finished it months ago. It was nearly done too lol.

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Damn the Deadmau5 levels in Sound Shapes own :bow:

You should play the level I made. It's hard as fuck! I was inspired by super meat boy :smoke:

But yeah the deadmau5 levels owned hard! Beck's owns even more. To find my level: gamedrunkk

I will finish my second level this weekend. It's not as hard as my first one, but it's more melodic. I should have finished it months ago. It was nearly done too lol.

Ill definitely try out your level, I remember I had a tough time with your LBP level :tard:
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Started playing Majora's Mask on VC last night... only beat it once back on the N64 :ben:

N64's Best title.

ocarina of time

Another great title, but Majora's Mask definitely a lot more intricate game that OoT was.

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Damn the Deadmau5 levels in Sound Shapes own :bow:

You should play the level I made. It's hard as fuck! I was inspired by super meat boy :smoke:

But yeah the deadmau5 levels owned hard! Beck's owns even more. To find my level: gamedrunkk

I will finish my second level this weekend. It's not as hard as my first one, but it's more melodic. I should have finished it months ago. It was nearly done too lol.

Ill definitely try out your level, I remember I had a tough time with your LBP level :tard:

Do it! It's very punishing. Only like 1 or 2 of my friends could finish it lol.
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