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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

I finally finished Aegis Rim     I want my fucking 40 hours back. I can't believe how absolutely SHIT that ending was. I couldn't be more disappointed right now.   I was

since we are on the subject of boobs and a tiny waist, i found this lovely gif

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Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen has earned a spot on my 'Top 10 Games for this Gen' list. Game has problems, sure, but holy fuck is the core game fun. Capcom needs to skip on Deep Down and start getting to work on Dragon's Dogma 2.


I'm wondering if Deep Down will in affect be DD2. 

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Guest Golem


Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen has earned a spot on my 'Top 10 Games for this Gen' list. Game has problems, sure, but holy fuck is the core game fun. Capcom needs to skip on Deep Down and start getting to work on Dragon's Dogma 2.


I'm wondering if Deep Down will in affect be DD2. 


Likely. Bit of a leap from Dragon's Dogma's dogshit visuals though.

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Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen has earned a spot on my 'Top 10 Games for this Gen' list. Game has problems, sure, but holy fuck is the core game fun. Capcom needs to skip on Deep Down and start getting to work on Dragon's Dogma 2.

I'm wondering if Deep Down will in affect be DD2. Likely. Bit of a leap from Dragon's Dogma's dogshit visuals though.The monster design and graphics own though. Environments and framerate are really rough, game needed an extra couple of months to iron out all these issues.
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Guest Golem




Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen has earned a spot on my 'Top 10 Games for this Gen' list. Game has problems, sure, but holy fuck is the core game fun. Capcom needs to skip on Deep Down and start getting to work on Dragon's Dogma 2.

I'm wondering if Deep Down will in affect be DD2.Likely. Bit of a leap from Dragon's Dogma's dogshit visuals though.The monster design and graphics own though. Environments and framerate are really rough, game needed an extra couple of months to iron out all these issues.


Pretty much. Some of the style stood out against the roughness, but everything else was a bit drab. 

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Guest Golem

Been playing Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D. Few points from my play through so far.


- The graphics look fantastic. While appealing on a big tv also, they just work better for the 3DS screen.

- The 3D however is hit and miss; the actual effects work great, such as enemies often flying into the foreground when knocked out, and the platforms stand out with some great depth. It's the actual 'sweet spot' that proves the issue, I can't play the game above 50% on the 3D slider because the ghosting is just too apparent. It's weird, certain games give you the 3D effect with no issue at all, like Resident Evil, but others like Shinobi can't escape the ghosting. This could just be unique to my experience though.

- Frame rate can shutter a little in 3D. Nothing that detracts from the game or hampers it, but it's there in a manner you're probably used to in 3D media.

- Camera pan outs and platforming sections taking place in background areas does shrink DK to a cluster of pixels sometimes, but it's not the absolute worst example I've seen. It's annoying, but so far, never affected actual gameplay.


- Button controls bring a tightness back to the series it desperately needed after the Wii made a gimmick out of shaking to roll and pound. Definite improvement and a BIG reason why I bought this game.

- The game has two control methods, and they're peculiar: You can choose whether to move with the d-pad or circle pad, but whichever you choose also changes the layout of the other actions. I'm not sure why they chose to do this, or why they never bothered to give you the option to change each button yourself, but it will divide you. Say you like to roll using the L/R buttons, but prefer to move with the circle pad, that's not an option, they're part of opposite layouts with no interchanging. 


- New mode is basically an easier version of the original. DK has increased health, and you can buy extra items at Cranky's store that allow you to summon a diddy barrel whenever you like, or trigger a green balloon to bounce you back out of a pit. You'll probably want to skim over this version of the game and stick to the original design. 



Overall, it's a nice port, and obviously much better in some ways. This was a solid game on the Wii regardless of the controls, and it's strengthened here. If I was going off my gut this early in, I'd give this game a 9. 

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Just got the "good" ending that was added to p4g. That was sooo much better than the original!! I predict a third playthrough in the forthcoming months :dreamy:

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Picked up dkc. I do wish I could use the dpad with the circle pad button layout. This doesn't make sense. Game is good so far. Only played a few levels. Graphics are really good. But one thing that quickly annoys me about 3ds is the speakers. After being used to my phones speakers... I just feel 3ds should have had sounds like this. Without headphones which I hate using... This thing is hard to hear and quality sucks. Also picked up liberation maiden and pushmo. 3ds :dreamy:

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Guest Golem

Nintendo handhelds have always had criminally cheap speakers. Oddly enough, I rather like the speakers on the WiiU gamepad, and I'm sure it's not a drastic step up from the speaker tech in the 3DS.

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Playing through Xcom now, and at first the game was really difficult. Now that I have the flying armor, and upgraded to plasma weapons the game seems to be getting really easy


Please give me hope and let me know there will be some more challenges in the future of this thing

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Dragon's Dogma's post-game content is ass, the game really took a nose dive 3/4 through. :shake:

Use my main pawn, he's good at healing and buffing up the party :sword:

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Dragon's Dogma's post-game content is ass, the game really took a nose dive 3/4 through. :shake:

Use my main pawn, he's good at healing and buffing up the party :sword:



Playing it on PS3. :(


I want more damage though, everything just takes forever to die and there's no changes in attack patterns or anything to spice up a 30-minute fight.

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Dragon's Dogma's post-game content is ass, the game really took a nose dive 3/4 through. :shake:

Use my main pawn, he's good at healing and buffing up the party :sword:



Playing it on PS3. :(


I want more damage though, everything just takes forever to die and there's no changes in attack patterns or anything to spice up a 30-minute fight.




WTF? What level are you, like 40? I was steam rolling through bosses and other endgame enemies like they were nothing when I was level 60-70 and with average gear. Now I'm WAAAY overleveled and am looking for all kinds of ways to get some kind of a challenge back. I'm killing Cyclops with just three rounds of Fivefold Fury straight to the eye; killing Gorechimeras with just two Hundred Kisses; dropping drakes, wyrms and wyverns in like 2 minutes; even Ur-Dragon is a pushover now.

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Dragon's Dogma's post-game content is ass, the game really took a nose dive 3/4 through. :shake:

Use my main pawn, he's good at healing and buffing up the party :sword:



Playing it on PS3. :(


I want more damage though, everything just takes forever to die and there's no changes in attack patterns or anything to spice up a 30-minute fight.




WTF? What level are you, like 40? I was steam rolling through bosses and other endgame enemies like they were nothing when I was level 60-70 and with average gear. Now I'm WAAAY overleveled and am looking for all kinds of ways to get some kind of a challenge back. I'm killing Cyclops with just three rounds of Fivefold Fury straight to the eye; killing Gorechimeras with just two Hundred Kisses; dropping drakes, wyrms and wyverns in like 2 minutes; even Ur-Dragon is a pushover now.



Level 44.


How the hell are you such a high level?

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