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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

There are cheaper ways to torture yourself. Im pretty sure razor blades go for $1-$2.

There's this one scene in Days Gone that is a perfect example of what the game is and everything wrong with it.   

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Played Civ 5 for about three hours today. Lost, as usual :ben:

I was playing as the Celts, started expanding my land south until I met Elizabeth of England, shit went downhill from there :ben:

I always end up with Alexander in my games.  He is such a pain in the ass to deal with.  Either I have him on my continent and waste my time building military because he is a forward settling asshole or he is on the other continent dominating with like 300 influence on every city state.  

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Played Civ 5 for about three hours today. Lost, as usual :ben:

I was playing as the Celts, started expanding my land south until I met Elizabeth of England, shit went downhill from there :ben:

I always end up with Alexander in my games.  He is such a pain in the ass to deal with.  Either I have him on my continent and waste my time building military because he is a forward settling asshole or he is on the other continent dominating with like 300 influence on every city state.  



He sounds like Suleiman I. I get him all the time, and not two turns within first talking to me he's like 'I don't like you :sam: give me embassy'

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Played Civ 5 for about three hours today. Lost, as usual :ben:

I was playing as the Celts, started expanding my land south until I met Elizabeth of England, shit went downhill from there :ben:

I always end up with Alexander in my games.  He is such a pain in the ass to deal with.  Either I have him on my continent and waste my time building military because he is a forward settling asshole or he is on the other continent dominating with like 300 influence on every city state.  



He sounds like Suleiman I. I get him all the time, and not two turns within first talking to me he's like 'I don't like you :sam: give me embassy'



typical turks


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Played Civ 5 for about three hours today. Lost, as usual :ben:

I was playing as the Celts, started expanding my land south until I met Elizabeth of England, shit went downhill from there :ben:

I always end up with Alexander in my games.  He is such a pain in the ass to deal with.  Either I have him on my continent and waste my time building military because he is a forward settling asshole or he is on the other continent dominating with like 300 influence on every city state.  



He sounds like Suleiman I. I get him all the time, and not two turns within first talking to me he's like 'I don't like you :sam: give me embassy'


Lol, for like my last three games I got Alexander and Napoleon as my neighbors on my continent.  Any hope for a reasonably peaceful game got kicked into the sun at that point.  

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Played Civ 5 for about three hours today. Lost, as usual :ben:

I was playing as the Celts, started expanding my land south until I met Elizabeth of England, shit went downhill from there :ben:

I always end up with Alexander in my games.  He is such a pain in the ass to deal with.  Either I have him on my continent and waste my time building military because he is a forward settling asshole or he is on the other continent dominating with like 300 influence on every city state.  



He sounds like Suleiman I. I get him all the time, and not two turns within first talking to me he's like 'I don't like you :sam: give me embassy'


Lol, for like my last three games I got Alexander and Napoleon as my neighbors on my continent.  Any hope for a reasonably peaceful game got kicked into the sun at that point.  


lmfao that's an awful call.


I should get Brave New World and be have done with it. What are the big things it adds?

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So I tried Starcraft 2 tonight, since they have a starter pack now. I can see why people love this game. I had to play it twice to really appreciate it. The first time, I was like, building shit according to the tutorial, then the enemy showed up out of nowhere and bent me over :ben: . 2nd time, I just had a mass of marines guarding the front lines, then just charged the enemy, I brought lube and raped em. It's pretty nice. Never played SC before, and i'm likely to go back and have some fun.

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I finally got to playing Guacamelee.  This game is all kinds of awesome.  Fun combat, great looking, fast paced, and runs so smoooth.

When I play I get flashbacks of past games.  This game is like Metroid fucked Nacho Libre.


SO METROID (a quick look on the interwebz tells me this is not a unique find lol)



anyways loving this game.  a few people recommended this to me so thanks, you nailed it.

Edited by BOSS DS-1
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Tossing the towel in on Splinter Cell. Nothing about it is sticking with me, Mark of the Ninja will remain my stealth GOTG.

Been playing the KZ Mercenaries Beta and that is actually pretty fun, maybe it's because Im doing pretty good but yeah. Nice little 4 on 4 with some pretty impressive visuals for a handheld.

Got through most of Anor Londo last night opened the gates and what all, those 2 archers on the tight walkways are still shitty and overall pretty cheap feeling.

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Yeah, what'd you expect it to be? lol. There are full fledged console games with the same player counts.


people have been praising vita KZ because it was supposedly bringing the console experience to a handheld with little to no sacrifices, yet those games supported up to 24-32 players so thats clearly not the case.

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