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1 hour ago, Remij_ said:

Just beat God of War.


Final review - 9.75/10


Can I just say, that Atreus is BY FAR the best AI companion character in any game ever?  They fucking NAILED it.  Like holy shit.  And his arc throughout the game is just awesome.


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When you're fighting Baldur and Atreus is going ham firing the arrows with the flips and shit.  The way that Kratos and Atreus are working together and shit.  He's so fucking bad ass. :smoke: 

Oh and then of couse (huge final spoiler)

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Atreus is fucking Loki :vince: 


So god damn godly.  This is the best game of the gen so far.  God damn Atreus.. I remember being a bit worried that he would be annoying.. lmao :bow: 

Glad you loved it man! It was awesome! I’ll pm you my only gripes. 

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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

There's this one scene in Days Gone that is a perfect example of what the game is and everything wrong with it.   

I finally finished Aegis Rim     I want my fucking 40 hours back. I can't believe how absolutely SHIT that ending was. I couldn't be more disappointed right now.   I was

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SOTC remaster looks phenomenal at times. The textures and shaders on rock cliffs and mountains are some of the best I ever seen.


Otherwise it's pretty much the same game. The camera and controlling agro still sucks.

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So Yakuza 6. When the story in this game gets going, it rarely lets up. I swear more happens in 4-5 chapters than in entire games. The scale of the conflicts in terms of organizations and characters is impressive, more so when you consider that everything is interconnected in a logical way. Theres maybe 1 or 2 reveals that I found a bit hard to swallow but thats it. There were numerous points near the end where i thought 'ok the game's definitely about to end' but then it just keeps on going and throwing more reveals and gameplay sequences at you. Everything's paced really well too.


Alright, now for the bad. Unfortunately, i think the engine/technological improvements resulted in them having budget problems because in terms of content and gameplay design the game is actually pretty limited compared to the last few Yakuzas. The first thing I noticed right off the bat is the equipment system. You have 2 accessory slots and thats it. You can't equip weapons, or even buy them anymore. This also results in the money you earn being kind of useless, because theres nothing to use it for.


Then theres entire parts of kamurocho that are missing. Random streets/districts are gone or blocked off, theres a lot less businesses, etc. And while the combat feels good theres not as many heat actions/moves.


So as a game overall I would give it a 8.5. But strictly as a story based experience (and if you're not familiar with the previous yakuzas) its definitely a 9.0-9.5.



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Finished Far Cry 5.  Jesus Christ at that ending. Ubisoft has balls of steel to do this. I can understand why some folks hate it, but fuck them. No matter if you like it or not it's still a lot better than typical safe endings videogames go for 99% of the cases.


Overall, outstanding game. Easily the best in the series. Huge world, great core gameplay, big mission variety and for the first time each sub-boss got a lot of screen time, each got well developed and had enough exposition to make taking them down feel emotional. And that soundtrac

Edited by AdrianWerner
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Taking a break from GTA V and playing The Division now. 

Some decent things but quite a letdown overall from all the hype I saw before.

But that's my fault for buying a Ubisoft game. 


I understand it's an a RPG/TPS hybrid but they've taken bullet sponge enemies to the next level here:pffft:

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Got to put a bit more time into GoW last night....I feel like I've probably put like 10 hours in but I don't think I'm too far. Been doing a lot of side stuff. I feel like I've outgeared/leveled the main story stuff i'm currently at, just wrecking stuff now.


anyone got an idea how far through i am? 


just got to the (false) top of the mountain, and now im bringing dickheads head to the witch

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12 minutes ago, soup said:

I'd say you're closing in on maybe a 1/3rd? if you mainline it.

Damn. Thought that would be about halfway. But I guess I spent a lot of time fucking around.



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I could be a little off since I did a ton of the side stuff while progressing (and aim to go back) but that feels about right.

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1 hour ago, soup said:

I could be a little off since I did a ton of the side stuff while progressing (and aim to go back) but that feels about right.

you are pretty accurate. 

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On 4/29/2018 at 1:48 PM, AdrianWerner said:

Finished Far Cry 5.  Jesus Christ at that ending. Ubisoft has balls of steel to do this. I can understand why some folks hate it, but fuck them. No matter if you like it or not it's still a lot better than typical safe endings videogames go for 99% of the cases.


Overall, outstanding game. Easily the best in the series. Huge world, great core gameplay, big mission variety and for the first time each sub-boss got a lot of screen time, each got well developed and had enough exposition to make taking them down feel emotional. And that soundtrac

LOL I can just run around shooting trucks and bad guys no hurry to finish this. 

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