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tried replaying quantum break on the one x. the fidelity is definitely better. however, the slowdown during the cutscenes is awful. also, there appears to be a good amount of artifacts. 


i will say the particle effects look pretty sweet enhanced. but..i don't think i'll replay it.


i'm going to give ori another shot, and i'm finally going to finish yakuza 0 (kept getting sidetracked by other games). 

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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

The amount of shit going on in Control during fights is next level compared to anything else ive seen.   I also started playing Witcher 3 again. Damn this game is fucking awesome. It still l

since we are on the subject of boobs and a tiny waist, i found this lovely gif

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Started State of Decay 2. I guess ill step on a landmine and play through game for the benefit of everyone here lol.


I already encountered a visual bug in the beginning that was pretty funny.


Edit: This game is a pretty big rehash of the original. After 2 hours I already have a clear grasp of most of the mechanics, so its really not as complex as some people have made it out to be (like Brad from GB).


Also, theres a radio feature where you can call in support from, and one of options is described as teleport you can use if you get stuck on something :D If you ever need to program something like that into your game, then you clearly fucked up somewhere.

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DKCTF might actually be a decent challenge if there weren’t so many checkpoints and you didn’t accumulate so many lives. 


Even when there’s a tough section it still only takes a few tries to memorize the patterns. 

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Finally got to download and play Drunkin' Bar Fight over the weekend. And, if you have a general get-together with some guys, like a cookout with some beers., and if you have enough floorspace (like at least 6ft x 6ft, but probably close to 10ft x 10ft) then this is an easy game to enjoy for like a solid 1-2 hours.

You don't tell people what you are able to do in the game, and let them figure it out on their own. And I heard there was a complaint about movement in the game, but they must have updated something, because I had people turning their entire bodies around, throwing punches, and the game did a pretty solid job recognizing that in PSVR.  I kept on telling them to use the buttons on the PS move controllers for turning, but they always forgot, and just turned around on their own, and even started walking forwards. I was like a lifeguard, overseeing that they don't hit anything.

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Played the NHL '15 demo. No matter what gen I try these hockey games they never fail to entertain me but I haven't played or bought a sports game in a long time now. 

Maybe it's time to get back into it, playing the same game genres for so long has gotten old and a bit boring :FlyingSmiley:



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On 5/22/2018 at 7:45 PM, Ike said:

I really wish we could get another NBA Street, NFL Blitz, or MLB Slugfest. I loved the arcade style sports game way more than the simulation games. 

The latest NBA 2K18 has a street/And 1 mode within the game itself.



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Played through a few games these past two months.


-Final Fantasy Type-0 HD.


Ehh, it's okay. Story is stupid as hell (which seems to be par for the course for FF games these days) and the characters are pretty generic. You can tell this game was originally a handheld game though, the level design is super simple and the combat system is decent but was clearly designed around a handhelds limitations.


Disappointing that the only effort that went into this HD remaster was all visual related (which is pretty hit or miss TBH), the gameplay could've used a lot of tweaking to bring it up to snuff.


Overall I'd say the game is a 6/10. I only paid 10 bucks for it so I feel like I got my money's worth but I wouldn't pay no more than $15 for it.


-Grand Kingdom.


Fun game with some issues that hold it back.


The character balance is kind of whack, Paladins and Valkyries are just so much better than every other class it almost feels like you're required to have both or at least one of them on your team. The Specialist classes feel underpowered, you can make them work but you really have to build a team around them which seems to defeat the purpose of a Specialist class. I've always looked at a Specialist class as a class that is suppose to compliment a team and offer a team flexibility. A Specialist should not dictate how a team should be built.


The "online" component that is War mode feels half baked, it would've been cool to actually fight against other players instead of fighting against other player's teams being controlled by AI. This mode really brings the character balance into focus, you're going to see A LOT of Valkyrie and Paladin teams. Every now and then you'll come across an interesting team composition but for the most part you're fighting pretty similar teams over and over again which can make War mode feel very repetitive.


The game lacks content, this game is really all about it's combat system. It doesn't have much else going for it besides that. Thankfully the combat system is incredibly fun, experimenting with all kinds of different team compositions and strategies was always entertaining so the combat never really got boring for me. Of course if you're looking to go for Hero status in War mode then you're going to want to bring out a Paladin and Valkyrie because everyone else is going to be using them.


Overall I really enjoyed my time with this game. It's far from perfect but I did find it fun. I'd say it's an 8/10.



-Lords of the Fallen


Just... ugh. Calling this a Dark Souls clone would be a compliment because that would imply this game was at least near or around Dark Souls level. It's not. It's not even close to being on Dark Souls level. Hell, it's not even on the level below Dark Souls. This game isn't a Dark Souls clone, it's a Dark Souls try-hard wannabe. The only positive things I can say about the game is I thought some of the Armor sets had cool designs and the game is a pretty easy Platinum.


I'll give it a Don't Waste Your Time/10.

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3 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

Played through the first 2 stages of Bloodstained Curse of the Moon. Its alright, but very old school. Im more of a fan of modern metroidvania.

It's on my wishlist so I don't forget about it.  I definitely want to give it a try though.

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1 hour ago, Twinblade said:

Played through the first 2 stages of Bloodstained Curse of the Moon. Its alright, but very old school. Im more of a fan of modern metroidvania.

Is it more linear like the earlier Castlevania titles? 

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37 minutes ago, Ike said:

Is it more linear like the earlier Castlevania titles? 


Sort of. Theres  2-3 branching paths in each level but they all lead to the same location.

This tripped me out. :D 

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1 minute ago, Twinblade said:

:D fixed. i've been working way too much lately and my mind is all over the place.



Don't wear yourself out too much tho breh, that ain't good for nobody.  Everything in moderation... even work. 

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Ok, Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon is cool.   I'm loving the music and it's just like NES Castlevania 3.   I fucking love it.  In all honesty, it's actually making me more hyped for Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.  Which is obviously what it's meant to do.  Hopefully RotN turns out better than I think it will.  I'm still playing a wait and see with it.  I would have preferred a pixel art game like this, but we'll see how it goes.




Oh and I grabbed Dark Souls Remastered as well.  It looks and runs beautifully.  The temporal AA does an awesome job and thank fucking GOD for that motion blur setting. :glad: 

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