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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

There's this one scene in Days Gone that is a perfect example of what the game is and everything wrong with it.   

I finally finished Aegis Rim     I want my fucking 40 hours back. I can't believe how absolutely SHIT that ending was. I couldn't be more disappointed right now.   I was

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8 minutes ago, Teh_Diplomat said:

Day 1 





dude, I was almost pre-ordering but I have my principles. I will never buy games at release/full price. I will play the same game for half the price in a few weeks. :smugd:

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10 hours ago, kaz said:

WORD! What happened to air to ground combat? It's like the people at DICE don't give a fuck. 


BF1 the trench fighter bullshit was OP to get infantry kills and now you have to blind bomb everything in BFV. Except for that "spotting camera" on ONE fucking plane. :dead: 


Question for you, do you happen to know how exactly a weapon from tides of war can be unlocked if we don’t finish the challenge in time? I missed the SMG challenge that ended today.

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20 hours ago, Twinblade said:


Question for you, do you happen to know how exactly a weapon from tides of war can be unlocked if we don’t finish the challenge in time? I missed the SMG challenge that ended today.

It seems you can't. I didn't unlock any of these weapons because I don't like tides of war. Being forced to play breakthrough or grand operations is not my thing. 


But tbh there is a backlash against the decision to lock out these weapons if you don't get them in time. I'm sure there will be other ways to get them later.

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Played a bunch of Dead Cells on my flight/downtime during my snowboarding trip last week. Also started a new BotW game, got a decent way in but probably won't continue.


Home now so back to slogging through RDR2. I think I'm almost done Chapter 6. I dunno if I'll bother with the Epilogue tbh. 


Might hold off a bit on grabbing RE2 and wait for a sale. Got a few games in the backlog that should fill the time till Metro is out. Into the Breach, Frozen WIlds, more Dead Cells, etc. Wouldn't mind getting Hitman 2/Subnautica/Spyro if the price is right.

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Finally finished Chapter 6 of Red Dead. Can't even lie, the last couple hours was well worth the time investment, what a great ending. Some of the music in the last few missions was incredible...specifically

when Arthur is riding back to camp to confront Micah/Dutch


Pretty mixed on the game overall. I thought they really nailed the atmosphere...everything about was great. It really did feel like a living, breathing world. Even on a base PS4 it looked fantastic and I didn't really have any issues with the performance. The weather, sound effects, characters were all. The story itself was solid, but they could have cut ~10 hours of it. Characters and voice acting were top notch. 


I just wish the actual gameplay was a bit better. I didn't mind how slow and deliberate everything was, and I don't think I would have had the same opinion of the overall atmosphere without all that stuff. The mission structures and the shooting were tiring though. By about halfway through the game I was at the point where I was just going through the gameplay portions of the story missions as quickly as possible. Every mission followed the same blueprint, which wouldn't be so bad if that blueprint didn't include stupid amounts of boring, easy, 2009 cover shooting. Says a lot about the world they built that I still saw it through regardless of all that. 


Probably sneaks into my top 5 of 2018. 

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