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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

There's this one scene in Days Gone that is a perfect example of what the game is and everything wrong with it.   

I finally finished Aegis Rim     I want my fucking 40 hours back. I can't believe how absolutely SHIT that ending was. I couldn't be more disappointed right now.   I was

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18 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

The hardest boss is the 30fps with frametime inconsistencies :smilecry:

Yeah I was surprised to see how bad it actually was. I hope they somehow make it 60 on PS5

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11 hours ago, soup said:

Sekiro eases up, it seems way more difficult initially because it punishes you for playing it like the games you've already played for nearly a decade.

Yeah, I'm finding it easier now. Still some bullshit moments here and there. Like that headless guy I just encountered where you can't run or dodge and terror build up real fast. Fuck.

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9 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Yeah, I'm finding it easier now. Still some bullshit moments here and there. Like that headless guy I just encountered where you can't run or dodge and terror build up real fast. Fuck.

Pacifying agent.  If you aren't using it, you should.


The game really does give you all the tools you need to succeed.. you just have to use them.  If not.. you're only making the game harder on yourself.

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There's a weapon buff you can apply that'll wreck their shit so hard they'll drop the slow. The tools and items they give make the game way less painful if you actually utilize them. Combat Arts too, Ichimonji is straight up broken lol

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I can't play Bloodstained anymore. I really tried to like it. But between the really ugly environments and enemies and the uninspired castle design, I just aren't having fun anymore.

So I downloaded Guacamelee instead hoping to satisfy my Metroidvania crave.

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I started up The Sinking City. This game is really cool and interesting, even if it does often look and feel like a game from many years ago. It’s pretty overwhelming at first, the entire city is open and right off the bat you get a ton of different optional quests/points of interests that span across various parts of the different districts. The investigation mechanics are the real highlight though. Quick example: I had to find more information about a expedition out to sea that went bad and ended with most of the crew disappearing. So I searched the local newspaper office archives using different criteria, such as the social status of the people involved (they were just commoners), the district the ship left from, and how recent the trip was. Correctly matching those 3 categories landed me an ad for the expedition that had the name of the captain and where he was stationed, so that led me right to the general area of the port he was in (which I had to eyeball and mark on the map myself, there’s no quest markers that do the work for you).


I know everyone is entitled to their own opinion but giving this game a 3 is criminal.

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On 2019-07-13 at 9:34 PM, Twinblade said:

I started up The Sinking City. This game is really cool and interesting, even if it does often look and feel like a game from many years ago. It’s pretty overwhelming at first, the entire city is open and right off the bat you get a ton of different optional quests/points of interests that span across various parts of the different districts. The investigation mechanics are the real highlight though. Quick example: I had to find more information about a expedition out to sea that went bad and ended with most of the crew disappearing. So I searched the local newspaper office archives using different criteria, such as the social status of the people involved (they were just commoners), the district the ship left from, and how recent the trip was. Correctly matching those 3 categories landed me an ad for the expedition that had the name of the captain and where he was stationed, so that led me right to the general area of the port he was in (which I had to eyeball and mark on the map myself, there’s no quest markers that do the work for you).


I know everyone is entitled to their own opinion but giving this game a 3 is criminal.

Love the thorough opinions. You ain't no dork. Stop letting yourself or the world tell you. MOST smart strugglers just didn't fit in, and did not know their unique worth. 

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I want to give FF14 another chance, downloading free trial. I know i can play every job with one character but what's the best to start with? 




I didn't know the archer is the bard class. Being a DPS-Support kinda class sounds cool but I don't know if I like the bard thingy with songs? 


Are there ups and downs to making multiple characters? Playing one character and switching weapon and suddenly I'm a tank, and now I'm a healer breaks the roleplay for me. 

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Best class to start with is whatever class you are most interested in. There are obvious benefits to starting as a tank or healer since they have the easiest/fastest queue times for group content (but you can also just use AI partners now) and holding threat as a tank is really simple now. The only real benefit to sticking to 1 character is you can get a cheaper subscription and the way FFs XP bonus works. If you're leveling a class lower than your highest class (say I'm leveling a Lv1 when I already have a Lv80) you'll get +100% XP for the content you do. You also would only be required to do MSQ once which is what they gate most/all content behind.


It's a great game but if you quit before IDK that you'd like it any more now. The story stuff has always been good from what people say and the GCDs/early game remain unchanged which results in it feeling pretty slow. 

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Getting deeper into Bloodborne. A lot of this feels really fresh to me now...I've beaten the first parts of the game a handful of times but I only ever went all the way through once.


Forbidden Woods, Hemwick Chanel both felt pretty new. Also found the Clinic and Cainhurst which I must have missed on my first playthrough because I got an achievement for Cainhurst. That area looks dope af but seems a bit high for me yet. Working my way through Byrgenwerth for now and then I guess I'll either do Cainhurst or Nightmare Frontier. Also think I still have to go back to the Unseen Village (I already beat Darkbeast but iirc that area changes at some point). 


Need to do the DLC too, not sure the best time to do that though. 


I think I gotta replay Witcher 3 next to see what the true GOTG is. 

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On 2019-07-18 at 9:03 PM, JONBpc said:

2k games in MK . Meh I think I'm about done 

I got bored of it real fast, even having a friend with the game isn't helping. Dunno if it's the characters I'm playing but the combos basically boils down to the same thing every time with slight differences here and there. Always the same launchers and similar follow ups. It becomes less exciting after a while, I'm basically capable of pulling all of Raiden combos. Meh.


Anyway, still playing Sekiro, I'm almost at the Dragon. Still a few optional boss fights left (Second Ape fight, Second Owl fight). Should be over by the end of the month.

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For me the game is more about spacing and mind games.  I play skarlet and Sonya.  


I would give it a 10 if it had no bs critical and fatal blows .

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1 minute ago, JONBpc said:

For me the game is more about spacing and mind games.  I play skarlet and Sonya.  


I would give it a 10 if it had no bs critical and fatal blows .

Crushing blows is just not a good system, imo. Whatever.

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64 hours of MK online.  Jesus . I never would have thought I'd play the shit out of this game .


80 hours played total . This game has consumed all my free time 

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Made it through over 100 levels completed on normal endless mode with still over 20 lives. Cracked under 10k in rankings. Such a good game and perfect everyday with my commute. I just use my phone as WiFi spot. 

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I finished the Sinking City. The ending was kind of anti climatic, but I think there’s several and I might have gotten one of the worse ones. This was a really cool supernatural detective game, in many ways it kind of reminded me of Murdered (underrated gem) so I really liked that aspect of it. That said, it’s extremely rough around the edges, with loads of Jank and I had the constant feeling that despite their efforts the devs were biting off more than they could chew with the open world. 


If i were to rate it I would give it a 7.5 (fuck gs and their 3). I hope it did reasonably well, because a more polished sequel with a bigger budget could be something special.

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