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super official photo album part 3 (and drug/food/)

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Can one see who neg reps?

not only on my dick but i cant even -rep someone without you trying to give me attention   i know you never knew your dad and i can fuck your mother as i choose, but i have no interest in your chimp

Oh teh ironing. I haven't posted in weeks and I come in here and you are still crying about me. Xelle post a pic wearing a kids toy and your coon ass is doing a fried chicken dance like you j

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I wouldn't turn it down obviously, but having sex with two women at once isn't really any better than having sex with one at a time.

Having sex with three pieces of third world trash is something any white guy with a international citizenship could do in Taiwan.

Wow Virgin Confirmed :D

You actually think having sex with one woman is the same as having sex with 2 Women? :Jeff:

When people said the Earth is flat - They were less wrong than you are right now. :tom:

And each one of those "third world pieces of trash" is Hotter than any woman who has ever even given you the time of day and that's what bothers you the most B)

I practically don't know any white guys in Taiwan who have been with more than one woman, just like I practically don't know any guys back in Canada who have been with more than one woman. Are you really so shocked to learn that I used to have orgies back in Canada aswell.

What you need to learn son is that it's not about where you live, it's about how Much of a Man you are. Or in your case, aren't.

Edited by The Whipit Scrolls
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Good looking, one who is sexy and cute. Like babe but in verb/manly form.

I meant that as less I don't understand the meaning and more who the fuck would say some dumb shit like that.

You callin me out? That's like calling out a retard for dribbling. Just gotta let some shit slide :reg:

Good looking, one who is sexy and cute. Like babe but in verb/manly form.

Learn some urban slang. It's a lot cooler than Australian slang or whatever.

Learn me some wordz!

The only "slang" I use a lot IRL is bro/brah. I use it everyday I just can't help it.

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Good looking, one who is sexy and cute. Like babe but in verb/manly form.

I meant that as less I don't understand the meaning and more who the fuck would say some dumb shit like that.

You callin me out? That's like calling out a retard for dribbling. Just gotta let some shit slide :reg:

Good looking, one who is sexy and cute. Like babe but in verb/manly form.

Learn some urban slang. It's a lot cooler than Australian slang or whatever.

Learn me some wordz!

The only "slang" I use a lot IRL is bro/brah. I use it everyday I just can't help it.


The white peoples guide to black people. :reg:

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Is DT on the rag 24/7 or is it just me?

angriest nerd online I've ever seen.

lol Depressed kid whose life is so sad he has to turn to sw.com to cheer him up :D

I think you should Strongly consider that he's completely Right about you :reg:

Have you ever thought about lightening up a bit and not being such a Jealous Bitch?

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Is DT on the rag 24/7 or is it just me?

angriest nerd online I've ever seen.

lol Depressed kid whose life is so sad he has to turn to sw.com to cheer him up :D

I think you should Strongly consider that he's completely Right about you :reg:

Have you ever thought about lightening up a bit and not being such a Jealous Bitch?

We went over this already, you have to have something to be jealous about to call someone jealous. I almost pity you.

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I think we've seen more then enough of Truno :ben:

It's not as bad as before when he would post a million pictures of himself, had a pic of himself as his avatar, and would post a collection of smilies all of himself.:ben: he was funny then! i remember the metal gear old man avatar.
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