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super official photo album part 3 (and drug/food/)

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This literally made no sense at all, in fact I feel dumber.

you got that tattoo just to show it off. fact. To whom? To those who do smoke/drink sort of sticking your finger to them, but they dont care. so congrats, you're permanently marked by something noone else except other pretentious straight edge weirdos, gives a shit about

I don't know where you get this superiority complex I supposedly have from. I really feel like you're just insecure about something.

pretending getting a XXX tattoo is not a display of superiority complex, now you're just being in denial

I don't know if you got beat up by an Edge kid or something but I really don't know why you are so bitter towards someone repping what they stand for.

If I had a tattoo of the Spanish Flag would you say I have a superiority complex?

Because it's barely something you stand for? I mean what you've said so far makes it sound like your opinion is "well i don't care if anyone else does it i just don't really like it kinda" and then you have a tattoo of it? Grow some balls and actually have an opinion, or don't get a tattoo to pretend like you're actually doing it for your own reasons. How can I barely stand for it? I have a fucking tattoo of it, jolly shit you have proven to be on an equal level of intelligence with Haiti Warrior. What I said was I don't give a shit if other people do it, It's not for me. I have claimed Edge for five years, are you this dense or do you think all Edge kids are militants that absolutely hate what we don't accept and do? Shut the fuck up, please. So being straight edge does that mean you also don't take medication? Or is it only what the government says is bad?

And again if it's something you decided (without ever trying them) that you don't want to do, why do you feel like you've made a special commitment? Straight edge kids are so naive.

Straight Edge; meaning refraining from using alcohol, tobacco, and recreational drugs.

There are hard line Straight Edge kids that take it further and those guys range from being Vegans, abstaining from caffeine, promiscuity, and yes prescription drugs; none of those are requisites to being able to claim edge, only the three I listed above (Tobacco, Alcohol, Drugs).

Straight Edge came from the Hardcore Punk community so I fail to understand why you feel as though the government has some sort of involvement here, as it's pretty far from it.

If I'm sick, I'm going to take medicine to get better, if I need surgery I'm going to get anesthetics. It's a different thing If I'm abusing said drugs for other purposes like kids using Ritalin, Oxycontin, or whatever.

You clearly don't know a thing about Straight Edge, it's origins, and it's history. You have no right to call someone else naive for having a set of beliefs or value and if they are proud then let them be proud of whatever they want. Are Christians naive for having Biblical tattoos? How about Americans who have American flags, or what about people who get their family crest?

Maybe you just have a problem with people who get tattoos, or maybe we should all just get permanent markings on our bodies that are irrelevant to whom we are.

I don't think I'm better than anyone; this whole thing started from Fuckstick saying the tattoo was poor, which In my head I thought he meant the quality so I gave him a better quality photo to look out and then this spun into a fuck straight edge circle jerk and how I'm supposedly this cocky self righteous prick.

Stop being a child.

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This literally made no sense at all, in fact I feel dumber.

you got that tattoo just to show it off. fact. To whom? To those who do smoke/drink sort of sticking your finger to them, but they dont care. so congrats, you're permanently marked by something noone else except other pretentious straight edge weirdos, gives a shit about

I don't know where you get this superiority complex I supposedly have from. I really feel like you're just insecure about something.

pretending getting a XXX tattoo is not a display of superiority complex, now you're just being in denial

I don't know if you got beat up by an Edge kid or something but I really don't know why you are so bitter towards someone repping what they stand for.

If I had a tattoo of the Spanish Flag would you say I have a superiority complex?

Because it's barely something you stand for? I mean what you've said so far makes it sound like your opinion is "well i don't care if anyone else does it i just don't really like it kinda" and then you have a tattoo of it? Grow some balls and actually have an opinion, or don't get a tattoo to pretend like you're actually doing it for your own reasons. How can I barely stand for it? I have a fucking tattoo of it, jolly shit you have proven to be on an equal level of intelligence with Haiti Warrior. What I said was I don't give a shit if other people do it, It's not for me. I have claimed Edge for five years, are you this dense or do you think all Edge kids are militants that absolutely hate what we don't accept and do? Shut the fuck up, please. Calling me stupid while simultaneously proving you can't read, or at least comprehend what you're reading. Good one bro. I'll be waiting for your actual response when you figure out what I said.
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This literally made no sense at all, in fact I feel dumber.

you got that tattoo just to show it off. fact. To whom? To those who do smoke/drink sort of sticking your finger to them, but they dont care. so congrats, you're permanently marked by something noone else except other pretentious straight edge weirdos, gives a shit about

I don't know where you get this superiority complex I supposedly have from. I really feel like you're just insecure about something.

pretending getting a XXX tattoo is not a display of superiority complex, now you're just being in denial

I don't know if you got beat up by an Edge kid or something but I really don't know why you are so bitter towards someone repping what they stand for.

If I had a tattoo of the Spanish Flag would you say I have a superiority complex?

Because it's barely something you stand for? I mean what you've said so far makes it sound like your opinion is "well i don't care if anyone else does it i just don't really like it kinda" and then you have a tattoo of it? Grow some balls and actually have an opinion, or don't get a tattoo to pretend like you're actually doing it for your own reasons. How can I barely stand for it? I have a fucking tattoo of it, jolly shit you have proven to be on an equal level of intelligence with Haiti Warrior. What I said was I don't give a shit if other people do it, It's not for me. I have claimed Edge for five years, are you this dense or do you think all Edge kids are militants that absolutely hate what we don't accept and do? Shut the fuck up, please. Calling me stupid while simultaneously proving you can't read, or at least comprehend what you're reading. Good one bro. I'll be waiting for your actual response when you figure out what I said. You can also brush up by reading my reply to TPH. :|
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Trouble is bro it's that middle sentence you're missing that clarifies what I'm saying you genius

You do realize that you summed up my opinion and then asked me to create an opinion? I summed up your lack of an opinion, do you understand any of what's said to you?
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And what REED is trying to say (I think) is that you claim there's nothing wrong with drinking, smoking, or recreational drug use and say that it's something that you just don't care for, but yet you think that appropriates getting a tattoo saying "Hey I don't do these things" and labeling yourself in this special group (straight edge).

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And what REED is trying to say (I think) is that you claim there's nothing wrong with drinking, smoking, or recreational drug use and say that it's something that you just don't care for, but yet you think that appropriates getting a tattoo saying "Hey I don't do these things" and labeling yourself in this special group (straight edge).

And I quote "What I said was I don't give a shit if other people do it"
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And what REED is trying to say (I think) is that you claim there's nothing wrong with drinking, smoking, or recreational drug use and say that it's something that you just don't care for, but yet you think that appropriates getting a tattoo saying "Hey I don't do these things" and labeling yourself in this special group (straight edge).

And I quote "What I said was I don't give a shit if other people do it" Yes you do
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Basically this is going no where because I'm literally dealing with two dense morons.

Well you wrote this whole paragraph about bullshit and didn't answer the simple question of "why do you feel like you've made a special commitment if it's just something you decided you don't want to try?"

You never say hey I don't do these things because they are bad. Which I guess ties in to what REED is saying.

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And what REED is trying to say (I think) is that you claim there's nothing wrong with drinking, smoking, or recreational drug use and say that it's something that you just don't care for, but yet you think that appropriates getting a tattoo saying "Hey I don't do these things" and labeling yourself in this special group (straight edge).

And I quote "What I said was I don't give a shit if other people do it" Yes you do What are you 8?


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Basically this is going no where because I'm literally dealing with two dense morons.

Well you wrote this whole paragraph about bullshit and didn't answer the simple question of "why do you feel like you've made a special commitment if it's just something you decided you don't want to try?"

You never say hey I don't do these things because they are bad. Which I guess ties in to what REED is saying.

I answered your original question, if by me being edge does it mean I don't use medication and if I listen to what the gov't deems as bad.

If you want an answer to that question it would be that in High School it's such a normal thing to drink, smoke, use drugs - I was the only kid who stood up for just being sober; how many Edge kids do you know? The number of people who use the three main things I abstain from compared to people who are completely clean is incredibly lopsided. I have also said in this thread that those things aren't good for your health; obviously its not as bad if used in moderation but still not good for you.

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Basically this is going no where because I'm literally dealing with two dense morons.

Well you wrote this whole paragraph about bullshit and didn't answer the simple question of "why do you feel like you've made a special commitment if it's just something you decided you don't want to try?"

You never say hey I don't do these things because they are bad. Which I guess ties in to what REED is saying.

I answered your original question, if by me being edge does it mean I don't use medication and if I listen to what the gov't deems as bad.

If you want an answer to that question it would be that in High School it's such a normal thing to drink, smoke, use drugs - I was the only kid who stood up for just being sober; how many Edge kids do you know? The number of people who use the three main things I abstain from compared to people who are completely clean is incredibly lopsided. I have also said in this thread that those things aren't good for your health; obviously its not as bad if used in moderation but still not good for you.

Maybe people rarely abstain from it because there is no reason to you nincompoop. Most people also watch tv, use the internet, or have a facebook. Are you a cut above the rest if you don't do all three of those things? No. You'd just like to think you are while you ignore the reasons people do these things and miss out on the benefits.

As far as those things being bad for you. Yes. Smoking is pretty bad for you. But unlike you I'm not going to say "well it's okay if you do it". I have a belief that it is bad and I stick to it. I'm also not going to be preachy about not smoking and I'm not going to get a tattoo saying I don't smoke even though pretty much everyone I know in Orlando smokes.

Alcohol is not harmful in moderation. Some studies say it's actually good for you. Also marijuana isn't harmful at all. Medicine like tylenol is harmful is more harmful in any capacity than marijuana. I personally do not take it until I've reached my absolute threshold of pain. Do I feel like I am above people for doing that? Not really, more people should. Do I feel the need to broadcast the fact and label myself in a special group. Nope.

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Basically this is going no where because I'm literally dealing with two dense morons.

Well you wrote this whole paragraph about bullshit and didn't answer the simple question of "why do you feel like you've made a special commitment if it's just something you decided you don't want to try?"

You never say hey I don't do these things because they are bad. Which I guess ties in to what REED is saying.

I answered your original question, if by me being edge does it mean I don't use medication and if I listen to what the gov't deems as bad.

If you want an answer to that question it would be that in High School it's such a normal thing to drink, smoke, use drugs - I was the only kid who stood up for just being sober; how many Edge kids do you know? The number of people who use the three main things I abstain from compared to people who are completely clean is incredibly lopsided. I have also said in this thread that those things aren't good for your health; obviously its not as bad if used in moderation but still not good for you.

Maybe people rarely abstain from it because there is no reason to you nincompoop. Most people also watch tv, use the internet, or have a facebook. Are you a cut above the rest if you don't do all three of those things? No. You'd just like to think you are while you ignore the reasons people do these things and miss out on the benefits.

As far as those things being bad for you. Yes. Smoking is pretty bad for you. But unlike you I'm not going to say "well it's okay if you do it". I have a belief that it is bad and I stick to it. I'm also not going to be preachy about not smoking and I'm not going to get a tattoo saying I don't smoke even though pretty much everyone I know in Orlando smokes.

Alcohol is not harmful in moderation. Some studies say it's actually good for you. Also marijuana isn't harmful at all. Medicine like tylenol is harmful is more harmful in any capacity than marijuana. I personally do not take it until I've reached my absolute threshold of pain. Do I feel like I am above people for doing that? Not really, more people should. Do I feel the need to broadcast the fact and label myself in a special group. Nope.

You do realize you are comparing apples and oranges with your whole tv, internet argument.

You have my words mixed up, "I'm okay with you doing it." =/= "It's okay if you do it." (Which isn't that much different but because you think that somehow by saying that it negates my opinion that the actual substance is bad, I have to make a distinction.)

I'd also like to point out that you have pretty much brought your argument down to what YOU would do.

I'm also not going to be preachy about not smoking and I'm not going to get a tattoo saying I don't smoke even though pretty much everyone I know in Orlando smokes.

I personally do not take it until I've reached my absolute threshold of pain. Do I feel like I am above people for doing that? Not really, more people should. Do I feel the need to broadcast the fact and label myself in a special group. Nope.

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God this is gay as fuck, you need to get over that no matter what your tattoo represents it's still three x's on your shin.

Except it's everyone else bitching about it, and me providing answers to questions they ask.
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Just because they ask questions doesn't mean you need to respond. I'm not doing anything for the next month, but I can always find a better time suck than picking up my dog's shit in the yard.

What if I like my yard clean?:smug:
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